Page 8 of Little Bird

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Coke Zero


Your turn to ask me ten. Can’t wait to read back from you.

Your Pen Pal,


Chapter Four


August 31st

Harley Quinn,

According to my paperwork, I was, in fact, born in the east. Not that I can be sure it’s legitimate.

I’m okay. The days blur together in here. Every day is the same, and I hate it the most. I sometimes forget I’ve been in here for four years, and I often wonder just how much the outside has changed.

How are you really?

Be careful. I might just come find you when this is all over and thank you for keeping me sane when all I want is to lose my damn mind. I never thought I’d actually look forward to a letter from a stranger. How deep are we going into the closet? I’ve got tons of skeletons, and not all of them are friendly.

I hate your roommate, too. Pink hurts my eyes. I would rather live anywhere than here. I used to think my life was so terrible before, but I’d do anything to have it back. I have an annoying cellmate, but I guess that’s life, right? I have to agree that books are king. What does she do all day on her phone? And for the record, I don’t know any adults that like neon pink.

I read anything I can get my hands on, and I know you’re wondering. I even read romance, but none of that straight sex shit. What do they call it—erotica? I need a good story to get lost in from the shit going on in my head. Book club sounds good. Haven’t read The Great Gatsby. Send it over, and I’ll pay you back in a year. I hate movies. They seem like a waste of my life. I’d rather be doing something. I have ADHD.

We do have a few things in common. Let’s see if we have more.

Can you ride a motorbike?

Can you drive a manual car?

Do you smoke?

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