Page 7 of Little Bird

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How are you? And none of that I’m good, how are you, bullshit. How are you really?

We might as well spill all our secrets. It’s like a dear diary entry. It’s not like you’ll seek me out once you're released, right? Plus, I don’t know a better way to get to know someone than through the skeletons in their closet. How many do you have?

I hate my roommate. I would rather live off campus in some shitty apartment building as long as I get away from her and her obnoxious boyfriend. Can you believe I naively thought we’d be instant friends? Until she spread all my secrets around campus, and then suddenly no one wanted to be my friend. This sounds like high school, but somehow it feels worse. Aren’t we supposed to be adults now?

What about you? Do you have an annoying roommate? Kennedy and I are opposites. She’d rather be glued to her phone all day than pick up a book and read, which is absolutely horrifying. Worst of all, she loves neon pink. How many twenty-two-year-olds do you know actually like neon pink?

You mentioned that you like to read. Thank God, we have something in common. What kind of books? I can send you some of my favorites, and we can have weekly book club discussions. Last week, I read The Great Gatsby. I really didn’t understand all the hype. I watched the movie over the weekend and was disappointed as well. I hate when they make books into movies. Somehow, they always seem to be inadequate.

I figured you’d like to know my answers to the ten questions from last week. Surprise, surprise, we have a lot in common.


Neon pink

House of Mouse

Go, Diego, Go!

Does Red Robin count?




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