Page 17 of Little Bird

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I vowed never to make another one of those horrendous resolutions, but then you had to come along. You had to come in like a wrecking ball, and here I am breaking another rule. For you.

This year, I will meet you, and I will spend as many holidays as I can with you, little bird. We can be free together, to soar the skies and explore the world without a chain tugging us back.

Do you want that, too?

Am I crazy?

I arranged with my lawyer to have a phone call with you. He’s going to reach out to you and coordinate a call. Only if you want.

If you only want to keep writing, then I’ll be perfectly content with that.

Eight more months, little bird, and then I’ll be free.

Happy New Year. Enjoy your last one alone because the rest are mine.

Your only pen pal,


Chapter Eleven


A Few Months Later

August 15th

East, my favorite and only pen pal,

Can you believe this Friday you get out?

Are you sure you don’t want a ride? You’re only an hour away. I’ll gladly come meet you and bring you back to civilization.

To think we went from weekly letters to writing every few days, and then weekly phone calls. I don’t want to be a stereotype. But when it comes to you, I can’t help it.

I’m falling for you. The good girl falls for the inmate. My parents are going to love this, and I couldn’t even give a rat’s ass. You understand me in ways no one ever has. I can’t wait for this weekend.

I think I’ll know you the second I see you. Our souls were meant to find each other; of that, I’m sure. I’m afraid to speak the truth for fear that you’ll run. Hell, Kennedy tells me I’m crazy at least ten times a day when I talk about you.

But I don’t care.

I’ve put my heart on the line. It’s out there, hanging in the breeze, waiting for you to claim or reject it.

If you want to remain friends and nothing more, I understand. It’s kind of impossible and abnormal to fall for a stranger, don’t you think?

In case you don’t want to be only friends, and you want to be more, I’ll be at The Rose on Saturday night at 7 P.M. as we agreed. And underneath my dress will be a surprise only for you.

I can’t believe I just wrote that. Look what you’ve done to me, East.

And in what I’m hoping is a very rare chance, if this is the last time we speak, please know that I’ve loved writing you, and I treasure each and every letter you’ve ever sent me.

Your favorite pen pal,

Little bird

Chapter Twelve


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