Page 12 of Little Bird

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Toppings are allowed—within reason. I’d have to go with chocolate cake. I can never get enough of it. Convertibles are a sin. Hello, fellow carnivore, what’s your favorite?

From what I know, I think you’re pretty great. I hope to meet you one day.

DC is king. I guess the friendship is over.

Just kidding.

I have a few tattoos. Any interest in ever getting one? I want to get more once I get out. It’s true what they say—once you get one, it’s addicting.

What would make you 100% happy? My biggest fear is falling in love.

What are the next ten questions?

Your only pen pal—I hope,


Chapter Seven


September 12th

East, my only pen pal,

Where should I start? I’m assuming you heard about when the world shut down for a year? How about the toilet paper shortage; did you hear about that, too? That’s around the time TikTok popped up. Do you remember Vine? Kinda the same concept.

It started with six-second videos of dances, and now there’s everything and anything on there. It’s how I find the best books. Kennedy is a makeup influencer on there. She has a following of girls who idolize her and her obnoxious looks, her videos are a minute long, but she takes hours to create the look and then make the video. She even tries to enlist my help, and like the sucker I am, I hope every time, maybe just maybe she’ll want to be friends.

I’ve held up a damn light long enough to know she’ll only ever use me for her own gain.

Hmm, what else is there? Elon Musk bought Twitter. Do you know what Twitter is? I mean, you are old, right?

Oh, and the price for everything, and I do mean everything, skyrocketed.

I think that’s everything of importance, if you don’t count the war between Ukraine and Russia.

Today was a bad day for me. I haven’t been able to keep any food down, but I won’t get into details. How are you?

I tried talking to my parents about my living situation. They laughed and told me to grow up. Honestly, I don’t know who they are anymore. I might need to take you up on that offer if you still like me in a year. Who knows—some of my skeletons might be too much.

I’d love to know the story of an inmate killing another with a pen. If you get any info on it, do share.

You’ll break your rules for me? How sweet. You don’t even know what I look like. For all you know, I’m ugly or weird looking. You should be careful, East. You can’t trust anyone.

I don’t need to know why you are in there; I don’t care. I already know you aren’t a murderer. Apparently, they don’t let those inmates be part of the program.

Little bird?

Are you one of those men who know how to treat women? The ones out here in my classes can barely think past their other head, if you know what I mean.

Spice level is how hot you like your books. I’m in the three to four pepper range. They use the pepper emoji to rate it. You do know what emojis are, right?

I’m sorry about your medication, but hey, if you figured out a natural way to help yourself, even better. I don’t like to take anything unless I’m about to die.

I spoke to my best friend about four years ago, so I guess we aren’t really best friends anymore. :(

I will be taking you up on the manual lesson. I hate not knowing how. I’ll let you ride my bike as payment.

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