Page 11 of Little Bird

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Marvel. Is that even a real question?

None yet.

Dying without ever feeling 100% happy.

You can write back sooner if you want.

Your favorite pen pal,

Harley Quinn

Chapter Six


September 8th

Harley Quinn, my only pen pal,

Say whatever you want; I don’t think you're insensitive. It’s not your fault I’m in here. Blame the system and the shitty person who was supposed to have my back.

I was arrested four years ago. Tell me everything there is to know.

Every day is a battle we have to overcome, some harder than others. I understand. I had a good day today. It started with your letter, and I wasn’t letting anything ruin it. How are you?

When I read about your parents, I was almost grateful I don’t have any. But I’m sorry they did that, too. You deserve better than that. I guess they want to try and find the motivation to work out with the equipment in the house?

Maybe you should talk to them? I’m sure they want you to stay with them as long as possible. I don’t know—just trying to be helpful. From what I saw of my friends’ parents growing up, they never wanted their kids to leave. I have housing lined up for me thankfully. My lawyer arranged it. Not that I’m terribly excited about the area, but if you need a place in a year’s time, I hear there’s a spare room.

I’ll try to write more, but I can’t make any promises. I have to wait on my guard to give me paper and a pen, and I’m only allowed to write when my cellmate is out, so there’s no potential of me killing him or vice versa. Apparently, it’s happened before.

I don’t have any friends. I came to terms with being a loner. Even made rules to stay away from anyone that could potentially hurt me, but I’ll break my rules for you.

Parties are overrated. I went to all of them in college. I have to believe there’s more to life than that. But I guess I’ll find out in a year.

What do you want to know, Quinn? How I got in here? If I’ve ever killed someone? Ask away, little bird.

What is an influencer? Who is she influencing? What the hell is TikTok? What has the world come to?

If you want to talk about romance, please don’t waste my time with a poorly written book about sex. There was no plot in Ffity Shades, and Mr. Gray was and is a complete asshole who didn’t know how to treat a woman. I promise you, there are men out there that know what they are doing.

What is a spice level?

I stay away from pills. They trigger too many memories from my past that I prefer to keep buried. Besides, I can usually keep it controlled if I stay active and keep my mind focused.

When was the last time you spoke to your best friend?

Your answers are about as interesting as my questions. I was hoping you’d be able to ride after what you said about your dad. My buddy taught me. I miss my bike the most. I miss the freedom of it. Manual transmissions really aren’t that hard. I’ll teach you when I get out, if you’d like. I have to agree with the smoking though. You passed my test.

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