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“I haven’t discussed it with Lisa yet. We have a meeting tomorrow actually, but I was hoping she could recommend me to a few firms in New York that I want to apply to.”

“Damn, New York? I mean I get it; it’s a great city, but are you sure you want to leave Wade behind? Couldn’t hurt to put in at least two solid years there first.”

“Who knows, nothing is set in stone. It’s just an idea I’m rolling around for now.” I smile, not wanting to go into detail just how serious I am about leaving this city behind. I did my best to pretend that things between Cyrus and me didn’t hurt me as bad as they did, but the truth is, it feels like I’m drowning here and the only way I can save myself is to get out.

* * *

“Well, how are you feeling? You have very nearly seen through an extremely successful contract with Cyrus Gates”—she looks over her glasses at me—“not a very easy task, might I add. You’re about to finish grad school with honors, I hear?”

“Yeah.” I let out a long sigh. “Seems like it all flew by.”

“What’s wrong?” Her smile fades as she studies me.

“Nothing. I’m just exhausted is all. In need of a vacation.” I laugh, trying to sound convincing, but I don’t think she’s buying it.

“You can take some time off, Presley. Don’t think you have to jump into full-time just because your semester is finished. You can stay part-time through summer even. With the close of this Meridian deal, I think we both know that Cyrus won’t be renewing so I can move you over to a different account or let you choose.”

“I appreciate that, Lisa, more than you know, honestly.”

“But?” I see why she’s the best; this woman is beyond perceptive.

“But I have been considering moving.”

“Oh.” She leans back in her chair, removing her glasses.

“To New York.”

“What’s in New York?”

“A change of scenery.” I shrug. “Just something new. I feel a little burned out in Chicago, but I also don’t want to leave here. You have given me the opportunity of a lifetime and I feel like I’m being ungrateful and foolish to even consider walking away from it.”

“Listen, ungrateful and foolish are the last words I would ever use to describe you. You are extremely bright, Presley. You have the world at your fingertips with a fantastic education, incredible experience at such a young age, and ambition. You’d be foolish not to explore other avenues. There are some fantastic firms in New York. I know two that would hire you if I picked up this phone right now. Name a firm. I’ll write you a letter of recommendation. I’ll be your reference. Whatever you need, consider it done. You can even stay in my condo on the Upper West Side for as long as you want.”

“That means so much to me, and again, I can’t thank you enough for taking a chance on me, even if it was out of sheer desperation.” I make her laugh.

“Cyrus was right about you. He has his flaws, but that man is a good judge of character. I hope he didn’t scare you too much working with him?” She lifts an eyebrow suspiciously.

“No, not at all.” I can’t help but smile thinking about my time with him. “He was great and I learned so much.”

“Good. I’ll send you over the information for those two firms I mentioned. If you’re interested, let me know which one and I’ll put in a call.”

“Thanks, Lisa.”

* * *

“I can’t believe forty-eight hours ago you told me you’re considering moving to New York, and here you are packing for an interview already.” Serenity pouts, refusing to help me pack in protest.

“Who was it just a few months ago telling me they might be moving to who knows where because of their boyfriend’s residency?”

“Yeah, that was before he got the one he wanted here in Chicago.” She flops back dramatically on my bed. “Now what am I going to do? I’ll be stuck having happy hours with my lame coworkers.”

“You know you can come visit me, girls’ weekends in the Hamptons.”

She sits up. “Ohhh, I like the sound of that.”

“See, there’s an upside. Plus, it’s New York. I mean, come on.”

“I just don’t understand why you feel like you can’t find yourself in Chicago. I know, I’m being a shitty friend by wanting you to stay here, but realistically you’ve only lived here for six years and that’s all been through college and now grad school. There’s still so much living we have yet to do now that all that stuff is over with.”

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