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I stop, turning back around. “How do you figure?”

“I revealed a fox in your henhouse, Cyrus. You should be thanking me.”

“Is this your way of trying to be altruistic or sell me some silver lining?”

He smiles. “I tried to warn you at that gala, didn’t I? You thought it was a threat when I told you to get your own house in order. A man you thought you could trust, a man you did trust for a decade and a half sold you out. That’s a pretty damn priceless lesson if I do say so myself.”

I sigh, my shoulders falling. “Peter, I learned a long time ago that all of this really is just business and not to take it personally because no matter how well you think you know someone, everyone has a price.”

I don’t know what I’m going to do, but if it means I have to walk away from this deal to keep Lisa from thinking that it had anything to do with Presley, I’ll do it. As far as I know, she hasn’t found out and I’ll make damn sure that this information doesn’t get out or I’ll use every last bit of information I have on each and every board member of Meridian. I don’t give a shit about this deal anymore. I’ve lost the only real thing that ever mattered to me.

Chapter 26


“So, any after graduation plans? Spend a few weeks in Italy, head to Bali?”

“How rich do you think I am?” I laugh, taking a bite of my gelato.

“You could come with my family to Spain,” Forrest says in all seriousness. “My parents would love to have you around.”

“I don’t think Alicia, your new girlfriend, would be too fond of that idea.”

“Probably not.” He laughs, finishing his cone.

While Forrest and I never ended up actually dating, after our one date that we eventually went on, we both agreed that we thought we were better off as friends. It kind of feels like I have a big brother, even though he’s only a year older than me.

“Speaking of, how are things going with you two?”

“Good. Better for sure now that you two have met and she finally realizes there’s nothing to worry about.”

He met Alicia the night he had to leave our celebration early for his parents’ anniversary party. She was one of the waitresses at the restaurant they hosted the party at. He had come to me for advice about her after only two dates. He was head over heels and terrified he was going to screw it up; it was cute. But she saw my name on his phone once and it concerned her since he hadn’t told her about me. It was all a big misunderstanding, something I helped him realize is a pretty big deal in a relationship with a woman—total transparency about other women in your life. Since then, I’ve met her and we’ve talked and she’s realized that he and I are truly just friends.

I, on the other hand, knew that Cyrus thought Forrest and I had finally taken the plunge and started dating, especially after the way he mentioned our plans right in front of him earlier today, and I let him believe that we are. Petty? Yeah, probably, but I want him to hurt a little. It was a little validating to see jealousy in his eyes. I worried that he had moved on already. I won’t lie. A few nights I’ve had a bit too much to drink and spent the night searching the internet to see if he’s been spotted out and about with any models or socialites. So far, nothing.

“Have you thought about inviting her along?” I ask him.

“I have.”


“I dunno. I’m worried it will freak her out to be going on a vacation with her boyfriend’s family this early in. We’ve only been official for like seven weeks.”

“I get it, but you guys also seem to be really solid in your communication now. Couldn’t hurt to just offer it to her and let her know that you understand if it’s moving way too fast.”

“True.” He looks out the window of the café we’re at. “I told her I loved her last night.”

“Shit!” I swallow down the bite of gelato I just took. “And you’re worried that a vacation is moving too fast?” I laugh. “What’d she say when you told her?”

He can’t hide the huge grin that spreads across his face. “She said she knew it and that she loved me too.”

“Awww. Oh my God.” He blushes, waving away my sentiment. He hates when I get sappy about his relationship. “Just ask her on the vacation. I promise, she’s going to be excited.”

“So, what are you doing after graduation? I assume stay with Wade? I mean, that’s kind of a dream job.”

I shrug. “Yeah, it really is. But, um, I’ve actually been thinking about moving—away from here.”

“Really? To where?”

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