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“You’re not going to take off and leave me in the dust, are you? I guess we never discussed our race day strategy.”

“Actually, I was planning on pushing you down and taking off so that I can win this thing. I can’t have my picture taken crossing the finish line behind everyone else.” He winks at me. “I play to win, baby.”

Giddy excitement rushes through me when he calls me baby again, like I’ve been holding my breath, waiting on his every word just to confirm that he still likes me.

“Welcome, runners, to the annual PAWS 5k at Montrose Beach!” The announcer’s voice booms over the speakers as the thousands of runners let out a chorus of cheers. “Get ready, runners. On your mark, go!”

The buzzer sounds and we take off at a leisurely pace. I appreciate that Cyrus practically cuts his stride in half to stay with me.

“Are you ready for graduation?”

“Yeah, I think so,” I say as we navigate our way around some walkers. “It will be weird, not being a student anymore.”

“Have you discussed with Lisa about transitioning full-time after?”

“Not yet but she’s mentioned it a few times and we have a meeting set up after graduation to discuss it.”

“Good.” We focus on our running for a bit, something still feeling a little off between us. “Has she discussed who you’ll be working with?”

“What do you mean?”

“After the contract with me is up.”

“Oh.” I trip on my foot, his hand darting out to catch me.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I play it off. “Uh, no, we haven’t discussed that. I guess I didn’t realize that your contract was ending soon.”

“Well, we don’t have a specific date set in stone, but it was kind of an understanding between she and I that she was helping me get through this Meridian deal.”

“Is there a final meeting or acquisition date set? I didn’t think there was yet.”

“No.” He shakes his head. “Not yet but soon. The expectation is within the next few weeks.”

We round the corner and the finish line comes into view. I’m a little taken aback. Obviously, I knew that my time with him as my professor was limited, but I hadn’t realized that he was only going to use a PR firm until this deal was closed. Panic starts to bubble up at the realization that I’ll have zero reason to see him anymore, to be a part of his life.

“So, you’re no longer going to be my professor and soon, you’ll no longer be my client…” I try to put a positive spin on the situation.

He looks over at me. “Yes?”

“Meaning that there’s no reason to hide anything anymore.”

He chuckles and it feels a little forced. “I thought that was the appeal? You and your forbidden bad girl fantasy.”

“I mean, yeah, I guess I—” My words trail off. Is that why he’s been so distant? He knew things were coming to an end and he thought that this was still just about me and my little wild oats.

“And crossing the finish line is our very own sponsor and biggest supporter, Mr. Cyrus Gates!” The announcer interrupts our conversation as we cross the finish line, cheers erupting for Cyrus as several photographers snap photos of him as a medal is placed around our necks by volunteers.

I smile and clap, catching his gaze briefly before he turns to be interviewed by a local news station. I stay back, watching him smile and talk about the cause that he cares so much about.

A crowd of people gather around him and slowly edge me out. It feels like a very realistic depiction of the feelings I’m experiencing. Standing on the edge of his world, just on the outside, not really part of it but wishing so badly I could be.

There’s no point in waiting around for him. I did my job which was getting him to the race and finishing it with him. I pull out my phone and send him a text to thank him and let him know that I’m heading home.

* * *

Cyrus: Can we talk?

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