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“It would seem that way,” I say as I unbutton my coat and walk around my desk.

“I don’t mean to overstep boundaries, Cyrus, honestly. I just know how much work I’ve put into this deal and it could be the legacy of my career.”

“You mean we. How much work we’ve put into this deal, all of us on the board at Gates Enterprises and our team of lawyers.” I don’t attempt to hide my annoyance. Nelson has worked for me for almost fifteen years and he’s more than likely going to retire at Gates. I have no issue with that. He deserves it; he’s been my right hand for over a decade, but something about him has changed in the last two years and it’s driving me up the damn wall. He’s like a lost puppy, following me around and always up my ass about every little thing I do. I want to remind him that not so long ago, he was the one trying to convince me to invite those party girls onto my yacht with him so that he could let loose. Maybe it’s just something that has come with age, but I’ll be damn glad when this deal is over and I can go back to not having him trying to pry his way into every detail of my life.

“Yes, yes, of course. I just mean that, well, you know I’ll be retiring in the next few years and I’d like to have something like this to hang my career on when I’m done. It just means a lot to me, Cyrus, the fact that you’ve trusted me to really run with this deal as much as you have. So—thank you.”

“Yeah, no problem,” I say, distracted by the physical copy of The Chicago Booth Review on my desk, open to my interview with a handwritten note next to it.

Thought you should have a copy. Meet for celebratory drinks tonight at The Waterhouse. Seven p.m. Don’t be late.

It’s not signed, but there’s only one person it could be from. One person who without even signing their name causes a firework of excitement to explode in my chest, all feelings of doubt and regret instantly disappearing.

“Good news?” Nelson asks, craning his neck over my desk to attempt to see what has me smiling. I grab the note and slide it in my pocket.

“Just the interview,” I say, holding up the paper before taking a seat at my desk. “Shut the door on your way out,” I say to Nelson, who takes the hint and sheepishly walks out of my office.

* * *

I’ve thought of nothing but our drink tonight the rest of the afternoon. I work until half past six, instructing Wes to drop me at The Waterhouse when I finally leave the office.

I feel giddy, a feeling I don’t think I’ve ever experienced. I also can’t get this damn smile off my face. But the moment I walk past the threshold of the bar and spot Presley, my excitement fizzles when I see who’s sitting next to her… Forrest. Her eyes light up when she sees me, and she lifts her hand slightly to wave at me.

“Right on time.”

“Well, I was instructed pretty thoroughly not to be late. Forrest.” I reach my hand out to shake his.

“Good to know you can follow orders then.” She flashes me a flirty grin and I flash her a look that says don’t fucking push it.

“Thank you both for inviting me out and once again for the interview. It has been the most viewed interview the Review has ever done.”

“Well, it seems like we should toast to that,” I say as I nod toward Frank who’s already walking over with my tumbler of whiskey.

“To both of your hard work and your futures.” I smile, lifting my glass as they both do the same.

“I can only stay for one drink,” Forrest says apologetically toward me. “It’s my parents’ anniversary and me and my siblings are throwing them a surprise dinner at The Capital Grille. I already told Presley.”

“No worries at all. Sounds like a much more important celebration.” Relief washes over me as I catch Presley’s eye. If I’m reading her expression correctly, she’s hoping I’ll stick around after Forrest leaves and vice versa.

The three of us talk about their plans after school, how the football team did this year, and summer plans after graduation.

“Well,” Forrest says, looking at his phone. “I have to get going. Thanks again and I really am so sorry.”

“Not at all,” Presley says, reaching out to touch his forearm. “You were amazing in all this and there’s some work stuff I need to run by Mr. Gates anyway.”

My eyes are glued to where her hand is still resting on his arm.

“Great. Pres, I’ll call you?” he says questioningly.

“Sounds good.”

I wait till Forrest is clearly out of earshot. “Why aren’t you dating him again?” It’s a question I don’t want to hear an answer to, but it’s one I need to ask if I plan on pursuing anything with her. I don’t want her missing out on something with him if that’s what she wants.

She shrugs, taking a sip of her champagne cocktail. “Someone else I’m interested in.”

I study her eyes. They’re not shifting or nervous; they’re confident, looking right at me. I can’t hide the smile that threatens my lips.

“Oh yeah?” Tension hangs between us; it’s palpable, charged with desire. I haven’t had a flirty exchange like this since God knows when. I think I even feel warmth spread up my neck. Am I blushing?

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