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I take my time in the large marble shower, allowing the steam to billow around me beneath the rainfall showerhead. I want to see the rest of this immaculate house, but tonight doesn’t feel like the right time.

Disappointment tightens my chest when the image of his face after he finished flashes through my brain. Before he even apologized, I could see the regret in his eyes. I wanted to ask him what he meant when he said he promised himself he wouldn’t.

Wouldn’t what? Have sex with me? Allow himself to finish? Allow me to finish?

Maybe in his head, he justified teasing me but not allowing either of us to go all the way.

I close my eyes and push the thoughts from my mind, choosing to focus on how he made my body feel instead. I used to think sex was boring; I never understood people’s obsession with it, but now… now I do and this wasn’t even sex. Hell, the foreplay between us has been a hundred times hotter than even the hottest sex I’ve ever had.

I let myself stand under the water for a few more minutes before reaching up to shut it off, the glass completely fogged up. I open the glass door, reaching for a fresh, plush towel to wrap around my body.

“Even the towels are fancy,” I mutter at how large and luxurious it feels against my body. That’s when I notice a neatly folded pair of gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt on the counter.

I glance around, like Cyrus is hiding from me in the room, but it’s still just me. I know those weren’t there when I walked in here. I smile, reaching out and grabbing them as I bring them to my nose to inhale. They smell freshly laundered but with a hint of his cologne, probably from being in his closet.

I drop the towel and quickly slide them on my body, that giddy butterfly feeling taking over my belly. It’s something so small but it shows me that maybe he does care about me in some small capacity or maybe he doesn’t actually regret what happened between us tonight.

I quickly redo my bun that I’d fastened before my shower to keep my hair from getting wet, gather my dirty workout clothes, and slide on my tennis shoes that he must have also placed in here covertly while I showered.

I practically skip down the long hallway to the foyer, making the right turn toward the garage when I stop, the smile falling from my face when I see Wes standing by the back door with my coat in hand.

“Mr. Gates apologizes but something came up and he won’t be able to drive you home.”

“Oh, okay, no problem.” I smile, hoping it hides the disappointment I’m feeling.

Chapter 15


“Great write-up, Cyrus,” Ken says to me from across the boardroom. “I have to say, I—well, none of us actually—thought we’d ever see you teaching, let alone talking about it so fondly.” He laughs, looking over at his lawyer and the rest of his board that join in.

I look over at Nelson also joining in, laughing a little too hard. His expression quickly changes though when he makes eye contact with me.

“And why’s that, Ken? You can’t imagine that I have something of value to impart to the younger generations?”

“Oh, come on now, Cyrus, I’m just teasing you. Of course I think you have some value to add; I truly am impressed. This is the kind of stuff that people want to see. I had no idea you were so active in the Chicago Youth in Leadership organization and honestly, I think I speak for all of us when we say well done.”

I smile, a sense of relief weirdly washing over me. When the hell did I start caring what these schmucks think about me? Then I realize, it’s not that I care what they think about me; it’s that I feel a sense of pride that Presley’s efforts are paying off… She was right on the money.

“Well, as much as I’d like to take the credit here, it’s my publicist who encouraged me to do the interview. She thought it would not only benefit my image, but showcase my longstanding relationship with the University of Chicago. I know a few of you are alumni.” I gesture toward the people in the room. “And for as much as I know most of you don’t respect me, I think we all are fond of the university, what they represent, and our time there.”

“Let knowledge grow from more to more, and so be human life enriched,” one of the members says the school motto.

“Agreed,” Ken replies, “and tell your publicist that it was a great move and if it’s just the beginning of your relationship with them, I’m sure they’ll do wonders for your career and reputation.”

My expression is a tight-lipped smile, guilt causing a burning sensation to bubble in my stomach, traveling up through my chest. I’ve felt it since the moment I jerked off and finished in Presley’s mouth and on her tits. It was one of the most erotic scenes I’ve ever experienced and it wasn’t even anything crazy, not compared to some of my past sexual escapades anyway. But seeing her sitting there, hands in her lap, those big eyes staring up at me like she was at my mercy pushed me over the edge; there was no way I could stop myself.

I don’t want to feel guilt. I think it’s probably the first time I ever have, apart from Nikki Frisk. That was guilt that stemmed from facts I wasn’t aware of, the aftereffect of the fling. But this, this is guilt over what I want, guilt because I know she deserves far better than me.

If it ever came out that she and I were fooling around, it would end her career with Wade Public Relations for sure. The meeting carries on around me and while I appear to be engaged, my mind is completely preoccupied with thoughts of her. The images from the other night are burned in my brain. The desires I have feel so all-consuming like no matter the risk, I know I’m going to take it.

The reality is, this situation won’t have to be forever, just until this deal goes through. I have no doubt we could keep things secret until then, and then once it’s out in the open, I’m sure I could convince Lisa that Presley still deserves her job at Wade, that it started after she was hired on there so technically… technically I truly didn’t have any ulterior motives when I suggested her for the job. And hell, even if it all came out before this deal is through, I’m Cyrus fucking Gates. I’ll handle it.

“Thanks for your time, gentlemen. I think we can all confidently agree that things are moving quickly and in the right direction, and if I had to be optimistic, I’d say this deal will be wrapped up by the end of next quarter.”

“Gentlemen.” I stand and shake their hands as they exit the room.

“I guess I was wrong about the interview and Miss James?” Nelson says, hot on my heels as I walk back to my office.

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