Page 55 of Flame of Desire

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My ambition bubbled up inside me, pushing past years of being told what to do and who to be. Emboldened, I pressed further. “I want to make it big. I want my voice and my passion to reach the world.”

Another nod, his eyes sparkling with a promise. “We'll aid you in every possible way we can.”

I arched a skeptical brow, searching his face for any hint of deception. “You really would do that? Help me with my pop idol career?”

“Of course,” he affirmed, his tone leaving no room for doubt. “Why wouldn't we, Asa? We will be your husbands, after all.”

The word husbands sent a shiver down my spine—plural—a reality that was still settling in. I straightened my shoulders, meeting his gaze head-on. “Then you and your brothers will also stop Meredith and Gregory from interfering with my life.”

A slow smile curved Dominic's lips, and his eyes darkened with an intensity that stole my breath away. “Of course, Asa. Your happiness is our priority now.”

As the music came to a gentle halt, I found myself emboldened by a newfound sense of power. Rising onto my tiptoes, I cupped Dominic's chiseled face in my hands and pressed a featherlight kiss to his lips, a silent declaration in front of everyone present.

When I pulled back, my voice was steady, laced with a determination I'd never known before. “Then I accept this arrangement. I'll become Mrs. Davenport.”

Dominic's smile darkened, his eyes smoldering with a possessive hunger that sent a thrill through me. “You've made the right choice, my beautiful bride.”

And then his lips crashed against mine, claiming me in a searing kiss that swept away any lingering uncertainty. His passion left me breathless and utterly undone, yet there was no place I'd rather be than here in his embrace, charting the course of my future.


Present Day

Breaking away from the kiss, Dominic's gaze drifted over Asa's naked form, drinking in her beauty as she lay sprawled on the bed beneath him. She was a vision against the opulent sheets, her porcelain skin a stark contrast to the deep hues of their bedding, her hair a pale cascade of silk. The gentle rise and fall of her chest hypnotized him, each breath a silent siren call.

The sight of her ignited a primal response deep within Dominic's core. His gaze drank in every curve and contour of her body with a hunger that had gnawed at him for twelve torturous months. Every delicate bone structure, every soft curve—he committed them to memory all over again. The absence had been an ache, a void he couldn't fill no matter how he tried.

Asa's pheromones wafted through the air, sweet and potent, wrapping around Dominic's senses. It mingled with his own—alpha pheromones that were heady and demanding—and together they created an intoxicating haze that thickened the space between them.

Asa's eyes flickered to meet his, carrying within them a depth of emotion that reached out and ensnared his heart with velvet chains. Dominic's lips crashed into hers once again with a desperate desire, a fierce and possessive claiming that spoke of his yearning. His tongue sought hers, demanding and insistent, and she responded with a fervor that ignited a fire within him. He reveled in the taste of her, a sweetness that was uniquely Asa, and he couldn't get enough. The hunger in him was insatiable, each kiss and each caress an admission of his need.

Asa struggled to keep up with his fervent kiss, her breath hitching as he continued to plunder her mouth with an intensity that left her breathless. She whimpered and groaned, the sounds music to his ears. He found her attempts to match his passion endearing, and it only fueled his desire for her. He cherished her innocence, her vulnerability, her absolute trust in him. It was a heady aphrodisiac, one that left him dizzy with desire, the continued passionate tug-of-war between their tongues reflected his greed and longing.

Dominic loved the feel of her softness beneath him, the contrast between her delicate form and his hard, muscular body. He loved the way she trembled under his touch, the way her fingers dug into his shoulders, the way her breath hitched when he deepened their kiss. He loved the way she made him feel—powerful, invincible, adored.

When he released her lips, his trailed little kisses down her throat. He basked in the feel of her pulse racing beneath his lips, a sign of her arousal that sent a thrill through him. He continued his path downward, his mouth leaving a chain of fire in its wake. The stem of her neck, the delicate hollow of her collarbone, the swell of her breasts—he traveled over each inch of her, his mouth and tongue delivering pleasure as both a blessing and a curse, as if to urge her to be ready for the storm that was about to take over them.

His lips circled her nipple, kissing her gently. Then, with a growl that reverberated through her, he pulled her into his mouth, devouring her with a ravenous appetite, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud.

Asa cried out, her hands digging into the sheets as her body arched and writhed under him, a silent plea for more. He sucked and nipped, lavishing attention on her until she was a quivering mess beneath him, her cries echoing through the room. His name on her lips was a melody that spurred him on, urging him to claim her in the most primal way possible.

Xavier and Lucian watched with rapt attention, their eyes burning with a desire that mirrored Dominic's. They stood at the foot of the bed, silent observers to the intimate scene unfolding before them. They knew better than to interrupt, understanding the sacred bond between Dominic and Asa that needed to be reaffirmed. Their presence was a silent promise, a vow of patience that would be rewarded in time.

Dominic's mouth continued to worship Asa, his tongue swirling around the pebbled peak of her nipple, eliciting yet another beautiful moan from her lips. His hands roamed over her body as he explored every inch of her soft flesh. He could feel her trembling beneath him, her body responding to his touch with an intensity that left him breathless.

Finally, he reluctantly pulled away from her breasts and began to trail kisses down her belly, his lips tracing a path to the valley between her legs. He could smell her arousal, a heady scent that drove him wild with need. He devoured her with a desperate hunger, his tongue exploring her intimate folds with a skill that left her trembling. He lapped at her nectar, savoring the taste of her on his tongue, a flavor that was sweet and addictive.

Asa's soft cries filled the room, her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as her body writhed beneath him. He exulted in the power he held over her, the ability to bring her to the edge of pleasure and push her over.

His love for her was a consuming fire, a flame that burned bright and fierce within him. It was a love that was possessive and all-consuming, a love that demanded everything and offered the same in return. It was a love that was as primal as it was profound, a love that transcended the physical and delved into the depths of his soul.

His tongue continued to dance over her—each lap, each suck, each nip was a declaration of his desire for her, of his love. He could feel her body tensing, her breath hitching as she neared her climax. He continued his relentless assault, pushing her over the edge until she was shaking beneath him.

She succumbed, and Dominic could feel her muscles clenching around him, her body trembling with the force of her orgasm. He drank in her ecstasy, savoring every last drop of her sweetness.

Dominic lifted his head, his senses swirling with the intoxicating scent of her climax. Asa was a vision of ethereal beauty, her skin flushed with pleasure, her eyes heavy-lidded and filled with a love that pierced his heart. He leaned down, capturing her lips in a kiss that was as tender as it was passionate. He savored the taste of her, the feel of her soft lips against his, the way her body melted into his.

When he finally pulled away, he positioned himself between her legs, his hard cock throbbing with need and anticipation. He could feel the heat radiating from her core, beckoning him, inviting him in. He looked into her eyes, seeing his own desire reflected back at him, and with a slow, deliberate motion, he slid into her, inch by inch, savoring the feeling of her tight, wet heat enveloping him.

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