Page 54 of Flame of Desire

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“We've integrated systems to safeguard her comfort and health,” Xavier said. “After all, Asa's contentment is critical to the harmony of our new family.”

Gregory offered an approving nod at Xavier's words, a rare gesture from him. “Meticulous as always, Xavier. We've raised Asa to embody the Whitmore legacy, and we're pleased to see she'll continue to do so with the Davenports.”

The Whitmore legacy? A life of pretense and empty gestures, devoid of any true emotion or connection? Is that what awaited me with the Davenports as well?

I sat there, lost in their plans for me, their future strategies weaving around me like threads destined to bind me forever to a life meticulously plotted by others' hands.

As the final course was cleared away and the delicate clinking of coffee cups filled the silence, I found myself lost in a sea of swirling thoughts. My spoon stirred aimlessly in the small china cup, the dark liquid a vortex that seemed to mirror my confusion. Around me, the laughter and chatter of La Ciel Bleu's other patrons were a distant hum, meaningless against the weight of my own inner turmoil.

I couldn't do this—couldn't let my life be steered by others like some ship destined only for the ports they chose. If I didn't seize control, my life would forever be dictated by the whims of others.

A spark ignited within me, a determination that surprised even myself. I had to take control, if only for a moment.

My gaze drifted to the dance floor where couples swayed in graceful unison, their movements a stark contrast to the turmoil raging in my mind. A part of me longed for that kind of connection, that simple pleasure of losing oneself in the moment.

A newfound resolve settled over me, hardening my spine and steeling my nerves. I pushed back my chair and stood, my gaze finding Dominic's. My chair scraped softly against the plush carpet, and I felt every eye at our table turn toward me.

“Dominic,” I began, my voice steadier than I felt. “Would you care to dance?”

The table fell silent, their eyes turning to me with expressions ranging from shock to intrigue. Dominic's initial surprise melted into a slow smile, his eyes glinting which made my stomach flutter. He nodded once, rising to his full, imposing height before extending his hand. As our fingers intertwined, a jolt of electricity seemed to pass between us.

I led him to the dance floor, acutely aware of the many eyes that followed our every move. Dominic's arms encircled me, his solid frame enveloping me in an embrace that should have felt suffocating but instead ignited a fire within me.

We moved to the music's rhythm, lost in a world where only we existed. But then I gathered my courage, and I found my voice.

“Why do you want me?” I asked, my tone tinged with genuine curiosity. “Why do you and your brothers want to marry me? I'm… I'm a nobody.”

Dominic's smile was equal parts charming and something else, something I couldn't quite put my hand on. “You're not a nobody,” he murmured, his breath warm against my ear. “To us, you're a woman we want, a woman we desire.” He leaned in closer, his scent—rich and spicy—overwhelming my senses. “We want you, Asa.”

His words sent shivers down my spine, a mix of fear and excitement that left me breathless.

“What's in it for me?” I pressed on, emboldened by our proximity. “This arrangement… do I even have a choice?”

The music seemed to fade as Dominic regarded me with an intensity that bored straight into my soul. His expression hardened, his jaw clenching as if the words pained him.

“You do have a choice, Asa.” His voice was firm but laced with an undercurrent of something akin to vulnerability. “We will not continue with this arrangement if it is against your wish… if you do not consent to it.”

I took a deep breath, steadying myself against him as we continued twirling across the dance floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Meredith and Gregory watching us with gleeful smiles plastered on their faces—as if this dance was another perfectly executed move in their grand plan.

But now there was something they hadn't accounted for: my newfound resolve to take control of my own life's choreography.

The dance floor under our feet might as well have been our own little universe. The music enveloped us, a timeless melody that seemed to resonate with the thrumming of my heart. Dominic's arms were firm around me, guiding me with a gentle assertiveness that both comforted and exhilarated. His eyes never left mine, and I felt seen, truly seen, for the first time in a very long while.

“I love dancing… and singing,” I found myself confessing amid the rhythm of our steps. There was something about the way he held me that made the words spill out—a longing for freedom, for expression. “It's when I feel most alive.”

A smile played on Dominic's lips, softening the hard lines of his authoritative demeanor. “I know,” he replied. “You're enchanting on stage, Asa. When you sing, when you dance—it captivates.”

His compliment wrapped around me like a warm breeze, stirring something deep within me. It was a feeling I wasn't accustomed to, a sense of being cherished that was entirely foreign yet undeniably alluring.

“I will not give that up,” I stated, more to myself than to him. It was a declaration of intent, a line drawn in the sand. “It's a part of who I am.”

Dominic's gaze held mine, unwavering in its intensity. “I would never think to let you give that up, Asa. To see you unhappy would hurt me more than you could ever know.”

Surprise flickered across my features as I blinked up at him. Was this man—this pillar of strength and power—truly saying he valued my happiness? My heart caught in an intricate dance of hope and skepticism.

“Then I can continue with my singing and dancing?” I asked hesitantly, daring to believe in the possibility he presented.

He nodded, his expression resolute. “Of course.”

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