Page 50 of Flame of Desire

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Dominic's focus sharpened as Asa's lips parted, her tongue darting out to moisten them in a tantalizing display that stirred his alpha desire. “Thank you… for liking it,” she said to Lucian, her voice barely above a whisper. She hesitated before adding, “And, uh, thank you for the advice. It helped.”

A low chuckle rumbled from Lucian's throat. “I'm glad.”

Realization dawned on Dominic as he processed the exchange. Lucian had met with Asa privately before the performance, offering guidance and support. A flicker of possessive irritation ignited within him at the thought that he was the only one who had yet to experience a private moment with the captivating omega.

His eyes narrowed as Asa’s gaze flicked tentatively to Xavier next. Dominic wondered if Xavier would reveal himself as Asa’s mysterious X tonight. But Xavier only offered a gentle smile in return, his eyes cradling secrets yet untold.

Dominic understood then that Xavier would continue to play the enigmatic X, keeping Asa drawn to him by threads of curiosity and intrigue. It was clever—Xavier always was—and Dominic could appreciate the tactic even as it rankled him to be on uneven footing.

A subtle shift in Dominic's jaw betrayed his simmering frustration at being left behind in this intricate dance for Asa's attention. Yet, even as the flames of competition stoked within him, a part of him couldn't help but admire the strategic maneuvering of his brothers. Their collective focus and unwavering determination only solidified the fact that Asa was a prize worth pursuing relentlessly.

Lucian asked, “And where is the young music boy?”

Dominic observed Asa, his eyes betraying none of the storm brewing within. Her delicate fingers twisted in her lap, a telltale sign of her discomfort at being the focus of such intense scrutiny. Yet even as her body language betrayed her nerves, her gaze remained steady, meeting Lucian's with a poise that belied her youth.

“Eli left with his parents shortly after the show,” Zara replied, ever the pragmatic one. “He doesn't tend to linger.”

“What a pity,” Dominic rumbled. “I would have enjoyed meeting the creative mind behind those enchanting melodies. But no matter, we can make his acquaintance another time.”

He gestured toward the lavishly set table with a broad sweep of his hand, the gesture one of casual ownership over his opulent surroundings. “For now, please, join us for some refreshments.”

Asa's gaze followed the motion of his hand, her eyes widening slightly as she took in the sumptuous spread. Dominic could almost taste her awe, could sense the way her mind struggled to reconcile such extravagance with her own modest upbringing. It was a heady feeling, knowing that he could so easily overwhelm her senses with the mere trappings of his wealth and power.

Lena's response came with a hint of playful challenge. “It's hardly proper etiquette to share a meal with men whose faces remain hidden beneath masquerade masks, is it not?”

Lucian chuckled, a rich sound that echoed slightly off the mahogany walls. “A fair point.” With a fluid motion, he removed his mask, revealing his handsome features. “There, is that better?”

Dominic followed suit, peeling away his own mask and letting it fall to the table with a muted thud. His striking gray eyes, so often compared to storm clouds or forged steel, now fixed their intense focus on Asa.

The effect was instantaneous. Asa gasped, her eyes widening in shock and surprise as the weight of his stare settled over her like a physical caress. Beside her, Lena and Zara mirrored her stunned reaction, their jaws dropping in unison as the full gravity of the situation became clear.

“Dominic Davenport? And Lucian Davenport?” Lena managed, her voice pitched high with awe as she gawked at the two imposing figures before them. Her gaze then shifted to the remaining masked man, realization dawning. “Then you must be… Xavier Davenport?”

Xavier gave a slight nod and removed his mask. A heavy silence fell over the room, charged with anticipation and the weight of their collective reputations.

Dominic watched as Lena and Zara exchanged gleeful grins, their excitement bubbling over despite their attempts at decorum. “Well, this is certainly an honor,” Lena gushed, her eyes shining with delight. “Sharing a meal with the illustrious Davenport brothers themselves? We would be delighted.”

The two women tucked into the array of delicacies on the table, their laughter and chatter a light contrast to the tension Dominic felt simmering beneath the surface. Lena spoke between bites, “We had an early dinner before coming over, but that was hours ago.”

Dominic observed Asa's profile, the way her chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, betraying her anxiety.

Zara paused, her gaze flickering to Asa with a mixture of fondness and amusement. “That's right, we haven't properly introduced who our dear SilverButterfly is yet.” She cleared her throat, motioning elegantly with one hand as she announced, “This is Asa Whitmore, SilverButterfly. I’m Zara Quinn and this is Lena Montgomery. But of course, you probably know of us already as our families are well known in high society. There’s our young music producer, too, Eli Harper, who already left.”

Dominic leaned back against the plush leather couch, his gaze never leaving Asa. “We've met, haven't we, Asa?” The words rolled off his tongue with a purr of satisfaction, his eyes drinking in the way her body tensed ever so slightly at the sound of her name on his lips.

Asa moistened her lips with her tongue in a tantalizing display that drew Dominic's focus. He could practically taste the nervous energy radiating from her, could sense the way her instincts warned her of the predator in her midst. Her pale-blue eyes met his for a fleeting moment before darting away.

Zara and Lena exchanged a bewildered look, their eyes widening in surprise. “You've met?” they asked in unison. “When? Where? How?”

The words seemed to catch in Asa's throat as she forced them out. “…Uh, at Evelyn Sinclair's birthday party.”

Zara leaned forward with genuine regret coloring her tone. “Oh my gosh! I didn't attend Evelyn's birthday party,” she lamented. “I was busy with another appointment that night.”

“Yeah, me too,” Lena echoed, sharing Zara's disappointment.

Lena reached over to nudge a plate closer to Asa. “Here, you should eat something,” she insisted gently.

Asa hesitated for a moment before accepting the plate from Lena with trembling fingers. Dominic watched, utterly transfixed, as she parted those soft, plump lips and slipped the morsel into her mouth. The way her throat constricted ever so slightly as she swallowed, the subtle movement of her jaw as she savored the flavors—it was a captivating display that stirred something primal within him.

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