Page 51 of Flame of Desire

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Beside him, Xavier and Lucian remained equally entranced, their eyes devouring every nuance of Asa's movements with a ravenous intensity that bordered on feral. In that moment, they were not business moguls or public figures—they were alphas, utterly enthralled by the delicate omega in their midst.


Perched on the edge of the plush settee, I tried to focus on the plate of exquisite hors d'oeuvres before me, but it was a losing battle. My hands trembled ever so slightly, betraying the storm of nerves beneath my calm exterior. The heavy scent of alpha pheromones hung thick in the air, a heady mix that tugged at something primal within me.

The Davenport brothers—Dominic, Xavier, and Lucian—were a presence impossible to ignore. They filled the room with an intensity that drew the eye and quickened the pulse. It was as if their gazes were tangible things, wrapping around me, leaving my skin tingling with awareness.

I couldn't believe they were here tonight, that they had witnessed my performance. The thought sent a wave of heat crawling up my neck. I stole a glance at them, and their eyes met mine, each pair offered a different brand of scrutiny that set my heart fluttering.

There was Dominic, who sat with an aura of command that was both intimidating and alluring. His steel-gray eyes seemed to pierce through to my very soul, leaving me flustered. He watched me with an unwavering focus that made me feel exposed and yet strangely safe.

Then there was Xavier, his thoughtful eyes lingering on me with a hint of curiosity and something warmer, more intimate. And Lucian… His look was softer, imbued with an empathy that soothed the edges of my anxiety.

I nibbled on a sliver of smoked salmon, but it tasted like nothing, my senses overwhelmed by their presence. I recalled bumping into Lucian backstage; his advice about overcoming stage fright was unexpectedly comforting. And then there was Xavier at the expo, the man whose ideas captivated me completely.

I was caught in a surreal moment; yesterday, I was just another face in Xavier's audience, and now here I was sharing the same air as him. It was like a dream I kept expecting to wake up from.

The oddity didn't end there; during my performance, I had made eye contact with Xavier who held my gaze with an intensity that resonated with familiarity—a silent communication that had made me think of him as X.

As each brother removed their mask earlier, shock rippled through me—first Lucian with his reassuring charm, then Dominic with his commanding aura. But when Xavier revealed himself… for a split second, I let myself hope he was X. The notion was ridiculous, of course. After all, I had never seen X's face, but their build, the manner of gesture and speech, and most of all, the feeling around them felt the same somehow.

A flutter danced in my stomach as I lifted my eyes to Xavier once more. The silver glint in his gaze held me captive, and I couldn't shake the sense of familiarity that enveloped me like a warm shawl. The way his brow quirked ever so slightly when he caught me staring, the slight tilt of his head, it all felt uncannily similar to my interactions with X. It was a foolish thought, perhaps, but the more I watched him, the more convinced I became that Xavier and X shared more than just an initial.

A flush crept up my neck as Xavier's lips curved into a warm smile. “Is there something on my face?” His voice broke through my reverie, a gentle tease lacing his words.

I blinked, feeling color flood my cheeks. “Uh, no, it's just that you remind me of someone I know, someone I recently met.”

His eyebrow arched, piquing his interest. “Who could this person be?” he inquired with a soft chuckle that did nothing to ease the knot tightening in my chest.

I wet my lips with my tongue—a nervous habit—and immediately I sensed their attention shift, the air thickening as three sets of alpha eyes fixed on the motion. A shiver ran down my spine at the sudden intensity. Clearing my throat, I forced myself to continue. “He's actually quite a tech expert himself. I met him at the expo only yesterday.”

“Oh, you mean TechXMan, right?” Zara interjected with her usual confidence, breaking into the conversation effortlessly. She cast a teasing glance in Xavier's direction and added with a playful smirk, “Why would Mr. Xavier remind you of the nerd, TechXMan? I mean, there's no way anyone out there can be like Mr. Xavier, right?”

Her words elicited a warm smile from Xavier—a smile that reached his eyes and made them crinkle at the corners in amusement. Lucian couldn't contain himself and laughed out loud, a rich sound that filled the room and eased some of the tension from my shoulders. He leaned back, the soft fabric of his tailored suit stretching with the movement.

With a conspiratorial glint in his eye, he said, “Actually, Xav here is more of a nerd than you might think.” He counted off on his fingers with exaggerated care. “Overly intellectual, definitely obsessive, leans into introversion, and let's not forget—social interactions are not exactly his forte. Let's just say if he were left to run Davenport Enterprises, he'd probably have it implode because a gala was part of the business plan.”

Xavier rolled his eyes but didn't quite hide the amused smirk that played on his lips. “Lucian, don't embellish the narrative. I can handle social situations just fine,” he said, leaning back in his chair with a casual ease that belied his words. “I simply find most gatherings uninspiring and inefficient… unproductive.”

Lucian chuckled heartily, his laughter bouncing off the high ceilings. “Unproductive? I beg to differ, especially when it comes to business. That's where you shine with your charm, isn't it?”

Feeling a twinge of guilt for the corner Xavier was being pushed into, I interjected softly, “Perhaps we should call it a night? It is getting late after all.”

Dominic leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on his knees. The intensity of his gaze held me captive as he spoke. “Xav is free to leave whenever he wishes,” he said, his voice deep and resonant. “As for me, I find your company rather captivating, Asa.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile that sent ripples through me, making my stomach do somersaults.

Xavier made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a snort but quickly covered it with a cough. He locked eyes with me and there was an earnestness there that I hadn't seen before. “For your information, Dom,” Xavier said pointedly, “I consider this evening far from mundane or wasteful.” His gaze never wavered from mine as he added softly, “Being in your presence is anything but tedious.”

I blinked at him, my heart thudding erratically against my ribs. There was something in the way he said those words—as if they carried more weight than just tonight's interaction—as if there had been other moments shared between us that I wasn't aware of. The idea sent a flurry of butterflies through my stomach and left me momentarily speechless.

Lucian stood, his lean frame unfolding with grace. His hand extended toward me, an invitation clear in his eyes. “How about a little dance?” he suggested, a playful edge to his voice. “The atmosphere's become a touch too solemn, thanks to Dom's brooding intensity over there.”

I raised an eyebrow at him, but a smile tugged at my lips despite myself. Lucian's words were a balm to the tension coiling within me.

He grinned, the silver in his eyes sparking with mischief. “I fear he might come across as rather… formidable. Our office staff often whisper about the emperor and his formidable gaze—best to tread lightly around him, they say.”

Laughter bubbled up from my throat, the image of Dominic as an emperor both intimidating and absurdly fitting. Without hesitation, I placed my hand in Lucian's. There was something undeniably freeing about accepting an offer to dance.

Lucian led me to the open space in front of the table, his grip firm yet gentle. He moved to the stereo resting on a sleek console and switched it on. Slow music filled the room, wrapping around us like silk.

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