Page 38 of Flame of Desire

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“So, how did the talk go?” Lucian inquired, his tone laced with genuine curiosity.

Xavier offered a nonchalant shrug, his lips curving into a faint smile. “It went well enough.”

Dominic, ever the pragmatist, cut straight to the heart of the matter. “And did you manage to make a connection with Louise Sterling, as we discussed?”

At the mention of Louise's name, Xavier's smile deepened, a glint of satisfaction flickering in his eyes. “Indeed, I did.” A subtle smirk played on his lips as he regarded his brothers. “She's sharp, Louise Sterling. She's ambitious and has an eye for emerging trends that could prove lucrative for our retail ventures. I expect we'll be breaking bread with the Sterling brothers in the next few days.”

Dominic nodded, his expression reflecting a measure of satisfaction at the progress, while Lucian's gaze flitted between his brothers, an impish twinkle in his eyes.

“Come on, Xav,” Lucian prodded. “We know you're hiding something. That playful smirk never graces your lips unless mischief's afoot. Out with it.”

Xavier sighed, the corner of his mouth ticking upward despite his attempt at neutrality. “It seems I can't hide anything from you two.”

“We're triplets,” Lucian chuckled, as if that explained everything.

Leaning back into the sofa, Xavier let his guard down just a touch. “I met with Asa at the expo,” he confessed, watching for their reactions.

Lucian's eyes widened in surprise, while Dominic's lips curved into a knowing smirk.

“Not as yourself, I presume?” Dominic said, his voice low and even.

Xavier nodded. “Asa would bolt in the opposite direction if she knew she was speaking to Xavier Davenport.”

Lucian leaned forward, elbows on his knees, amusement coloring his tone. “And here I thought you had no time for omega girls without substance.”

Xavier's eyes darkened with seriousness. “Asa is different,” he said firmly. “She's curious and intelligent. I saw it in her eyes, the way she absorbed every detail during our conversation.” Xavier steepled his fingers as he regarded his brothers with an intensity that belied his casual posture. Lucian's eyes gleamed with mischief, and Dominic's expression remained impassive, though Xavier could detect the slightest twitch at the corner of his mouth, a subtle tell that his interest was piqued.

“How did you manage to reel her in, brother?” Lucian asked, his tone laced with teasing affection.

A ghost of a smile played on Xavier's lips. “I connected with her through her StreamBeat channel. Asa has a modest following, but her voice and dance videos are captivating. I offered her guidance on growing her platform.”

Lucian's eyes lit up with recognition, and even Dominic couldn't suppress the faint upward twitch of his lips.

“It's not like I'm the only one checking her out via her videos and getting…” He trailed off, raking a hand through his hair as a flush crept up his neck. “Needless to say, I'm smitten. We're sharing Asa, Dom. If you marry her, I am too. I'll be her husband number two.”

Lucian's expression softened, his eyes reflecting a rare vulnerability. “I admit, I'm falling deep. I confess her videos make me have wonderful dreams. I'll be husband number three.”

A heavy silence fell over the room as the weight of their collective admission hung in the air. Finally, Dominic's deep voice broke the stillness. “I see we agree on this, then?”

“Indeed, brother,” Xavier and Lucian responded in unison, their tones resolute.

Lucian straightened, a gleam of anticipation in his eyes. “And speaking of our lovely Asa, when are we making our move? I'm eager to get to know her. I would like at least a date alone with her.”

Xavier regarded his brothers with a pensive expression. “There's one more matter we need to address,” he said, his tone measured.

Dominic's brow arched ever so slightly, a silent invitation for Xavier to continue.

“We have to inform Grandfather about Asa,” Xavier stated.

“We do,” Dominic said. “But we need to do things right.” His gaze shifted between Xavier and Lucian, his expression inscrutable. “Give it a bit more time. Marco is currently investigating the Whitmores' background. I want to uncover whatever leverage we can find.”

Understanding flashed in Xavier's eyes. The Whitmores had facilitated Asa's entry into their world, but if there was anything untoward in their past, it could be a card to play for Asa's benefit.

“In that case,” Xavier said, leaning forward, “we should also look into Asa's friends. They seem like good people from what she's told me, but we can't take any chances where her well-being is concerned.”

Dominic and Lucian both nodded in agreement, their expressions mirroring the seriousness of Xavier's.

“What are their names?” Dominic asked, reaching for a pen and notepad that lay pristine on his desk.

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