Page 39 of Flame of Desire

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Xavier didn't hesitate. “A boy named Eli and two girls named Zara and Lena.” He paused, collecting his thoughts. “Given Asa's connections, they must be Zara Quinn and Lena Montgomery, families well known in high society.”

“And this boy, Eli?” Dominic prompted, pen poised over paper.

Xavier shrugged slightly. “He's a bit of an enigma. I suspect he's close to Asa; they share a passion for music.” A furrow creased his brow as he considered the implications of this relationship.

Dominic scribbled down the names before looking up at his brothers with resolute steel-gray eyes. “I'll instruct Marco to delve deeper into this Eli character,” he decided. “We can't afford any unknown variables.”

Lucian stood up from his perch on Dominic's desk, stretching his arms above his head. “Leave it to Marco,” he said confidently. “He'll unearth everything there is to know.”


Lena's apartment unfolded before me like a page from a high-end interior design magazine. The open-concept living area exuded both coziness and elegance, with plush couches and armchairs arranged around a sleek coffee table. Floor-to-ceiling windows frame the breathtaking cityscape, providing a stunning backdrop to our intimate gathering.

We were nestled around the coffee table on the carpet that felt like clouds beneath our fingers. Lena's dining table stood at a distance, grand and somewhat imposing with its sleek lines and dark wood, but here on the floor, with cushions scattered about for comfort, we found our little haven.

The coffee table groaned under the weight of dishes—steaming bowls of risotto perfumed with truffle oil, a platter of sushi so fresh it seemed to still harbor the ocean's breath, artisanal breads beside pots of homemade spreads, and a colorful array of macarons that promised sweetness on our tongues. Lena appeared from the kitchen, her arms cradling another dish to add to our feast.

Zara's excitement bubbled over as she leaned forward, her curly hair bouncing with every enthusiastic nod. "Tell us everything. What's this TechXMan like? Is he good-looking? How old is he? I can't believe a tech man is your fan. Like wow!"

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity beneath her perfectly arched brows; she was the image of vibrant energy, dressed in an ensemble that managed to be both stylish and comfortable.

I chuckled at her barrage of questions, feeling my cheeks warm under their collective gaze. Eli corrected Zara with his usual quiet confidence. "Not TechXMan. It's TechTemplarX."

He sat across from me, his soft-lavender eyes meeting mine with an understanding that went beyond words. His platinum-blond hair caught the light every time he moved, casting him in an almost angelic glow. I couldn't help but feel a wave of affection for him; Eli was like a melody in human form—gentle and beautiful.

Lena began to eat, her chopstick holding a piece of sushi. "I bet he wears glasses."

My eyes widened in surprise at her accurate guess. Lena was resplendent even in her casual elegance, a flowing silk blouse paired with fitted pants that accentuated her innate sense of style. She had always been an older sister to me in this dazzling world we inhabited together.

"You're right. He does wear glasses." My mind drifted back to our encounter, recalling the way his spectacles framed those intense gray eyes. "He's tall, specifically six foot two, and yes, he is handsome. I mean, although he wore a face mask and I couldn’t see his face fully, I think he’s handsome."

As I bit into a macaron, its delicate shell giving way to a burst of lemon that danced on my tongue, I caught myself smiling as X's striking features flashed through my mind—the sharp angles of his jaw, the rich waves of his hair, the lithe strength of his frame. A warmth bloomed in my chest as I remembered how at ease he had made me feel despite my initial nervousness.

Zara tilted her head, her brows arching with intrigue. "So he's a hunk? Even though you couldn’t even see his face properly?"

Lena, with a sip of her sparkling water, chimed in before I could respond. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This tech man can be a hunk to Asa but not to any of us."

Zara nodded in agreement, her expression turning almost wistful. "True. Now, if this TechXMan is anything like the Davenport triplets…" She let out a dreamy sigh, and I couldn't blame her, the Davenport brothers were the epitome of alpha male perfection.

Eli gently corrected her again, his voice soft yet insistent. "It's TechTemplarX."

"It's X," I interjected quickly, eager to steer away from further scrutiny. "He told me to call him X."

All three friends turned their heads toward each other, then back at me, their expressions an intricate dance of curiosity and amusement.

Zara's voice rose with speculation. "Xander?"

Lena followed suit, playful mischief lacing her tone. "Xayden?"

Eli sat forward slightly, his fingers tapping out an absent rhythm on his knee as he contributed with an unexpected guess. "Xavier?"

Their simultaneous gazes snapped onto Eli as if he had just unlocked some hidden truth.

Zara scoffed gently, brushing off the suggestion. "No way it's Xavier."

Lena leaned forward, her grin widening as she teased me relentlessly. "It could be Xavier… Xavier Davenport."

My cheeks flushed with heat at Lena's words, my skin tingling with embarrassment and a thrill at the mere thought. The air grew thick with implication as their eyes fixed on me. But, of course, there was no way X was Xavier Davenport. What billionaire tech genius like him would want to come down from his pedestal to walk beside me, more so, become my fan? The notion seemed utterly implausible.

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