Page 35 of Flame of Desire

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His eyes twinkled with what seemed like shared admiration. “Yeah, he's something else.”

I glanced at his empty hands. “Are you going to get something to drink?”

He shook his head. “I'm not thirsty.”

I opened my notebook to him, exposing rows of notes and questions scribbled in the margins. “There are some parts I didn't quite grasp,” I admitted. “I was hoping you might understand them better.”

He leaned in closer as our heads bowed together over the notebook. His proximity sent another wave of warmth across my skin, but this time it was underscored by the thrill of shared curiosity and the hope that perhaps he could unravel the complexities that had ensnared my thoughts since the seminar.

As Xav delved into the intricacies of the concepts that had eluded me during Xavier's seminar, as if he had a direct line to Xavier's own thoughts, my pen danced across the page, furiously capturing each insightful explanation. His words painted vivid pictures, transforming the abstract into tangible ideas that seemed to unfold before my very eyes.

With each passing moment, the initial shyness that had gripped me melted away, replaced by an eager thirst for knowledge that mirrored the fervidness in Xav's gaze. Time seemed to blur, losing its hold on us as we became engrossed in the depths of our discussion.

It wasn't until the café staff began clearing away empty plates and mugs that I glanced at my watch with a start. “Oh! The next seminar is about to start,” I exclaimed, hastily gathering my notebook and stray pens.

Xav nodded, his expression one of reluctant acceptance as he rose from his chair. As I stood beside him, the stark difference in our heights became glaringly apparent. A surge of curiosity welled up within me.

“How tall are you, exactly?” I couldn't help but ask, craning my neck slightly to meet his gaze.

“Six-two,” he replied, his voice a low rumble that seemed to reverberate through me.

“I'm five-five,” I offered in return, marveling at the disparity between us.

As we made our way toward the seminar hall, our steps fell into a synchronized rhythm, my smaller strides easily matching his longer gait. A thought occurred to me then, and I couldn't resist voicing it aloud.

“You know, we can't possibly be friends if we don't know each other's names,” I mused, glancing up at him. “I'm Asa.”

His gaze met mine, and there was a flicker of something unreadable in those stormy depths. “Asa,” he repeated, savoring the syllables. “It's a beautiful name.”

A flush crept up my cheeks at the unexpected compliment, and I ducked my head shyly.

“You can call me X,” he offered after a momentary pause.

I frowned, puzzled by the cryptic moniker. “X? Does that stand for something?”

He nodded, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. “My first name starts with X.”

“Ah, I see.” I couldn't help but tease, “Well, if you really want to keep your name a secret, it's fine with me… X.”

As we entered the seminar room, the familiar hush of anticipation enveloped us. I found my seat, notebook at the ready, eager to immerse myself in the next round of enlightening discussions. Xav settled beside me, his presence both reassuring and exhilarating, a silent promise of more mysteries to unravel together.


Xavier leaned back in his chair, the hum of the seminar hall fading to a whisper as his gaze lingered on Asa. With her notebook open on her lap, her hand glided across the page in a dance of ink and inspiration. Every so often she'd tilt her head, considering a point the speaker made, her brow furrowing in concentration. Her unquenchable thirst for knowledge stirred something profound within him, fueling his growing infatuation.

She was captivating, a quiet storm of intellect and innocence. Her hair, that pale cascade of platinum silk, was pulled back into a ponytail, exposing the nape of her neck. His eyes traced the graceful curve there, marveling at the vulnerability it suggested. Despite the grandeur that now surrounded her daily life, Asa wore simplicity like a garment tailored to perfection. Her face, unadorned with cosmetics, held an allure that no artificial enhancement could ever achieve.

Xavier's pulse quickened as he watched her lips part to moisten them—a flash of memory seared across his mind: Asa's lips pursing around the rim of a hot chocolate mug, the steam curling up to kiss her cheeks as she savored the warmth. That simple act had been an unintended seduction, one that had ensnared his thoughts ever since.

The proximity to Asa brought another sensation—her scent. Subtle yet unmistakable, the omega pheromones whispered through the air between them. His alpha instincts hummed with satisfaction; it was as if every cell in his body recognized her as their counterpart.

As the speaker concluded and applause filled the space, Xavier turned to Asa with an idea that promised more than just sustenance.

“Would you care to join me for lunch?” he asked, his voice low and smooth.

Asa looked up from her notes, her eyes reflecting a world of thought behind them. A small smile touched her lips as she nodded.

“I'd like that,” she replied. “I'm quite hungry.”

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