Page 36 of Flame of Desire

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Xavier navigated the labyrinth of polished marble and gilded columns, leading Asa into the heart of a restaurant that seemed to whisper secrets of old-world luxury. The chandeliers, a constellation of crystal and light, bathed the room in a soft, golden glow. Tables draped in white linen were spaced generously apart, ensuring privacy for their esteemed patrons. Waitstaff glided between them with an air of discreet efficiency, their uniforms as immaculate as the silverware they carried.

As they approached their table, Asa's steps faltered. Her eyes swept over the opulent surroundings—the fine china, the gleaming glassware, the bouquet of exotic flowers that served as the centerpiece. The maître d' pulled out a chair for her with a practiced smile, but Asa hesitated, a fawn at the edge of an unfamiliar forest.

Xavier touched her elbow gently. “Please, have a seat. It's my treat,” he assured her.

She chuckled, easing into the chair with an elegance that belied her nerves. “Well, unlike you, I don't have a job and am on a rather strict allowance.”

His brow creased at her words. Meredith monitoring Asa's spending was an unsettling thought, one that ignited a slow burn of indignation within him.

With the menu in hand, Xavier ordered for Asa, a delicate arrangement of seared scallops atop a bed of saffron-infused risotto, followed by a light citrus sorbet to cleanse the palate.

“What about you?” Asa asked when he closed the menu and handed it back to the waiter.

“I'm not hungry,” he replied with ease.

Her eyes narrowed playfully. “It's not because this place is too expensive and you can't afford a meal for yourself because of me?”

He laughed, a sound that resonated with genuine amusement, and shook his head. “No, I insist on treating you today. And truly, I'm not hungry.” In truth, he could not risk lowering his guard and showing her his face.

“You're so good at this ordering,” she said wistfully. “I can't go anywhere or do anything without my adoptive parents hovering around.”

He leaned forward slightly. “You're adopted?” he asked, though he already knew that.

She nodded. “I was in foster care for what seems like forever. Then Meredith and Gregory adopted me when I was thirteen.”

His heart clenched at her casual acceptance of what must have been such a challenging journey. “I'm sorry you've had to go through so much.”

Asa's chuckle was soft but carried an undercurrent of resilience. “It's just life.”

The food arrived, the waiter placing the plate in front of Asa with care. The seared scallops rested atop a bed of saffron-infused risotto, a burst of vibrant colors against the pristine white china. Asa's eyes widened with delight as the aroma wafted toward her.

“Go ahead, tuck in,” Xavier urged gently.

Asa didn't need further prompting. She picked up her fork, slicing into the perfectly seared scallop, and brought the first bite to her lips. A soft hum of pleasure escaped her as she savored the flavors, the delicate sweetness of the seafood mingling with the rich, creamy risotto.

Xavier found himself captivated not by the food itself, but by the way Asa experienced it. Her expression was one of pure enjoyment, unguarded and sincere. Each bite seemed to transport her to a place of simple bliss, a stark contrast to the grandeur surrounding them.

As she ate, a faint flush bloomed across her cheeks, a rosy hue that only heightened her delicate beauty. Xavier's gaze traced the curve of her throat as she swallowed, mesmerized by the subtle movements that betrayed her delight.

“This is divine,” Asa murmured between bites, her voice rich with appreciation.

Xavier's chest swelled with pride at having provided her with such pleasure, however fleeting. In that moment, he craved nothing more than to be the source of her happiness, to witness the unbridled joy that danced across her features.

“Tell me a little about you,” Asa said, her fork pausing in midair as curiosity sparkled in her eyes.

Xavier leaned back, considering his response. “As you might have already figured out, I'm quite passionate about technology.”

Asa nodded, her ponytail swaying with the motion. “I gathered that much.”

A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “I have two brothers—one older, one younger.”

Asa chuckled, the sound like a melodic trill. “Ah, so you're the middle child, then. Do you get ignored by your parents?”

Her innocent question struck a chord within him, resurfacing memories of a childhood marred by his omega mother's suffering and his alpha father's emotional absence. Xavier paused, the weight of those recollections pressing against his rib cage.

“We were raised mostly by our grandfather,” he replied, his voice carrying a hint of solemnity.

Asa's features softened, and she shook her head gently. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry or make you upset.”

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