Page 26 of Flame of Desire

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Dominic strode toward the Gemera, his movements imbued with the same confidence and precision that governed his life. The others fell into step behind him, the soft purr of the engine coming to life as Dominic slid into the driver's seat.

Dominic guided the Koenigsegg through the winding streets of the city, the powerful engine purring beneath them as they left the towering skyline behind. His hands gripped the steering wheel with a commanding presence, every movement deliberate and controlled.

As they drove farther into the suburbs, the scenery shifted from concrete and steel to lush greenery and sprawling estates. In the distance, the Sinclair manor rose majestically, its grand architecture reminiscent of a bygone era of opulence and grandeur.

The driveway curved through immaculately landscaped gardens lined with neatly trimmed hedges and vibrant floral displays. Dominic slowed the car, allowing his brothers to take in the full splendor of the estate as they approached.

The manor itself was a study in classic elegance, its imposing façade adorned with intricate stonework and soaring columns that spoke of old-world craftsmanship. Tall windows reflected the last rays of the setting sun, their glass panes gleaming like jewels set in the manor's stately frame.

As they neared the parking area, already crowded with a fleet of luxury vehicles, Xavier's voice cut through the silence, dripping with disdain.

“I absolutely loathe these ridiculous social events filled with silly, vapid girls hovering around and staring at us like lovesick puppies. It's nauseating.”

Lucian chuckled, his tone laced with amusement. “Can you blame them, Xav? With your chiseled features and brooding demeanor, you look like a Greek god descended among mere mortals. Of course they can't help but stare and hope to catch your eye.”

Xavier scoffed, his gaze fixed on the manor as Dominic maneuvered the car into an empty spot. “Which is precisely why I prefer the company of mature, intelligent alpha or beta women. Especially in bed. I can't fathom being with a girl who can't even think for herself, let alone match my intellect.”

Lucian's lips curved into a knowing smile as he turned to face his brother. “Well, the odds of finding an omega who fits that criteria in our social circles are slim to none. Most mature, well-bred omegas are snatched up before they even hit twenty. They're a rare commodity in high society.”

Xavier's eyes met Dominic's in the rearview mirror, a challenge flickering in their depths. “Then I suppose it falls upon your shoulders, Dom, to carry on the family legacy. Once you take an omega bride, even if she's lacking in mental faculties, Luc and I will be free to do as we please—remain bachelors and indulge in flings with whomever catches our eye. We're not exactly lacking in options when it comes to attracting female attention.”

Dominic's jaw clenched as he grunted in response. “I have no intention of marrying any woman I don't genuinely love. Settling for an omega simply to appease our family's outdated expectations is out of the question.”

He exited the Koenigsegg with a fluid motion, the evening air carrying the faint scent of freshly trimmed hedges and blooming flowers. His brothers followed suit, their collective presence commanding attention even before they reached the manor's imposing entrance.

Mr. Sinclair, resplendent in an immaculately tailored suit, rushed forward to greet them, his face alight with delight. “Mr. Davenport, Mr. Davenport, Mr. Davenport! We're absolutely honored to have you here tonight.” His gaze swept over the triplets with undisguised awe. “Your presence elevates this event to new heights.”

Dominic inclined his head in acknowledgment, his eyes coolly appraising the older man. “The pleasure is ours, Mr. Sinclair. We wouldn't miss your daughter's birthday celebration for anything.”

Before Sinclair could respond, his wife appeared at his side, her smile radiant and welcoming. “Oh, you men look positively dashing! Come, come, let's get you inside. Everyone is simply buzzing with anticipation to see you.”

As they followed Mrs. Sinclair through the ornate double doors, Dominic felt the weight of countless eyes upon them—a familiar sensation, yet one that never failed to ignite a flicker of annoyance within him. The foyer was alive with whispers and furtive glances, the gathered guests openly staring at them with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

Xavier's jaw tightened imperceptibly as they moved deeper into the throng, his gaze flickering over the clusters of giggling young women who blushed and batted their lashes in their direction. “I feel like a fucking clown on display,” he muttered under his breath, his disdain palpable.

A rich laugh burst from Lucian's lips, his eyes sparkling with mirth. “That's because you are, dear brother. We're the main attraction, whether we like it or not.” His teasing only served to draw more attention their way, a fresh wave of curious stares washing over them.

Dominic's stride remained unwavering, his shoulders squared as he led them through the crowd with an air of unflappable authority. Yet, inwardly, a part of him bristled at the spectacle, the intrusive gazes stripping away the layers of his carefully constructed persona until all that remained was the Davenport name—a legacy that both empowered and shackled him.

* * *

Dominic moved through the lavish party with a practiced ease, exchanging pleasantries and accepting the flutes of champagne offered by hovering servers. His smile remained politely fixed as he made the rounds, acknowledging nods from the men in his social circle and enduring the cloying attention of young women who openly vied for his notice.

A few omegas caught his eye, their sweet scents hinting at their availability, but none stirred any real interest within him. They were beautiful, to be sure, but their beauty felt artificial, cultivated solely to attract a suitable mate rather than an expression of their inner selves.

Before long, Xavier and Lucian were whisked away by other partygoers, leaving Dominic alone amid the swirling crowd. Seizing the opportunity, he excused himself and slipped out through a set of French doors, seeking refuge in the tranquility of the gardens.

The cool evening air caressed his face as he stepped onto the stone path, the heady fragrance of night-blooming jasmine enveloping him. He inhaled deeply, allowing the familiar scent to soothe the tension that had begun to knot between his shoulders.

A soft, ethereal melody drifted toward him, carried on the gentle breeze. The notes were hauntingly beautiful, a stark contrast to the lively music emanating from the ballroom behind him. Curiosity piqued, Dominic followed the sound, rounding a corner to find its source.

There, bathed in the warm glow of lantern light, stood a young woman beside a bubbling fountain. Her pale-platinum hair cascaded down her back like a shimmering waterfall, and as she turned, Dominic found himself momentarily breathless at the sight of her delicate features and luminous eyes. But it was her voice that truly captivated him, weaving a spell of longing and yearning that seemed to reach into the depths of his soul. The lyrics, whispered like secrets on the wind, spoke of finding light in the shadows, of chasing echoes of a love never kissed.

Dominic's gaze remained riveted on the enchanting figure before him as the haunting melody washed over him. The world fell away, the noise of the party fading into a distant murmur as her song wrapped around him like a warm embrace, its haunting beauty stirring something deep within his chest.

“There you are, brother.” Lucian's voice broke through the stillness, yet it seemed to Dominic as if he heard it from afar. He turned to see his siblings approaching, Lucian's brow furrowed in curiosity.

“Time's up, we're leaving this shit show,” Xavier grumbled, his words laced with the same distaste they all felt for these vapid social obligations.

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