Page 27 of Flame of Desire

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Dominic raised a hand to his lips, silently imploring them to be quiet. There was an almost desperate need within him to preserve the ethereal moment, to bask in the serenity this mysterious young woman's performance had weaved around them.

Curiosity sparked in his brothers' eyes, drawn into the silence that Dominic had wrapped around them. Together, they approached, their gazes following the line of Dominic's enraptured stare. As the delicate figure came into view, both men stilled, their eyes widening in awe. Xavier's and Lucian's expressions mirrored Dominic's own captivation. The young woman's albinism rendered her an otherworldly creature, her skin porcelain in the moonlight, eyes like precious stones reflecting an inner light.

She transitioned seamlessly from her song into a dance, her movements fluid and ethereal. Her body swayed with a grace that defied gravity, every step and turn executed with an elegance that seemed to belong to another realm. She was the embodiment of the music itself, a living muse whose performance transcended mere entertainment.

Her arms lifted as if she were about to take flight, fingers trailing through the air like delicate brushstrokes painting unseen pictures. She twirled, her platinum hair fanning out around her in a halo of light. With each pirouette and graceful leap, she appeared to float above the ground, a spirit dancing on the edge of reality. Her motions grew bolder, her arms unfurling like the wings of a dove. Her body swayed and dipped, each movement punctuated by the lilt of her crystalline voice. It was as if she had become one with the melody, an embodiment of the longing and freedom her lyrics spoke of.

The brothers stood transfixed, the world around them fading into obscurity as they were swept into the spell she weaved. Dominic's heart raced, his palms growing damp as an unfamiliar ache blossomed in his chest—a profound yearning to possess this ethereal creature, to shelter her from the harsh realities that had thus far been kept at bay by the sanctuary of her song.

Lucian swallowed hard, his eyes glazed with an intensity that mirrored the hunger Dominic felt simmering beneath his skin. Even Xavier, ever the pragmatist, seemed momentarily unmoored, his gaze devouring every graceful arch and sweeping gesture as if committing them to memory.

The last note of the song hung in the air, a poignant echo of the beauty that had just unfolded before them. As the music ceased, so did the girl's movements, her body coming to rest with an elegance that spoke of both completion and reluctance to let go of the moment.

Then, unbidden, laughter bubbled up from her lips, a sound as melodic and genuine as the song she'd just shared. It was a laugh that seemed to spring from a well of joy within her, pure and unguarded. The sound tugged at Dominic's heartstrings, an unexpected pang of something warm and tender blooming in his chest.

She looked so free in her mirth, so entirely at ease with herself. Her head thrown back, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow upon her features, she was a vision of innocent delight.

In that moment, she seemed more vibrant than any other living creature he'd encountered, radiating a pure, effervescent happiness that was utterly captivating. It was as if her soul had taken physical form, unfurling its brilliant wings and soaring through the night sky, unbound by the constraints that tethered mere mortals to the earth.

A profound sense of awe washed over Dominic, mingling with a fierce protectiveness he could scarcely comprehend. This exquisite being before him was a precious jewel, a delicate flame that must be shielded from the harsh winds that sought to extinguish its brilliance.

He found himself leaning forward, drawn in by her infectious mirth, every fiber of his being yearning to bask in her radiant warmth.

Lucian, ever the least cautious of them, shifted his weight forward, his shoes coming down on a dead branch. The crack pierced the stillness. The girl's laughter cut off abruptly as she spun toward the source of the noise.

In that instant, Dominic saw fear flash across her delicate features—an instinctual response that clenched his heart with concern. She looked like a frightened rabbit caught in an open field, eyes wide and body tensed for flight.

With swift movements that spoke of urgency, she grabbed her phone and began to smooth out her dress with quick hands. She glanced once more in their direction before turning on her heel and hurrying back inside.

Lucian's softly exclaimed “Wow” lingered in the space between them as they watched her retreat. His voice held a note of wonder mixed with a hint of regret for having startled her.

Xavier's keen observation followed suit. “She runs off like she's being chased,” he mused aloud, his analytical mind already turning over the possibilities behind her sudden flight.

Dominic frowned at his brothers' words, his protective instincts rising to the fore. What could instill such fear in someone who moments ago had been the very picture of serenity? His gaze lingered on the path she'd taken, the shadows swallowing up her retreating figure.

Back in the ballroom, Dominic's gaze cut through the crowds, every muscle taut with purpose as he ascended the staircase. Reaching the balcony that encircled the room, he scanned the throng below. The chandeliers cast a golden hue over the guests, illuminating a sea of opulence and gaiety. But none of that mattered to him; his focus was singular, his mission clear: find her.

Xavier and Lucian flanked him, also searching, drawn by the same intrigue that had captivated them all in the gardens.

“There,” Lucian said, his finger subtly pointing toward a figure. “Isn't that her?”

Dominic's steel-gray eyes narrowed as they settled upon the girl, now being paraded around the ballroom by an older woman with an air of practiced sophistication. He watched as the woman introduced the girl to various guests, her smile never wavering despite the stiff set of the girl's shoulders.

“Is that her mother or some sort of chaperone?” Lucian said, his voice carrying an undercurrent of concern.

Xavier scoffed softly. “More like a dragon eager to climb the social ladder. Look at her, dragging the poor girl around like a trophy.” His tone dripped with disdain for the woman's calculated behavior.

Before Dominic could comment, Mr. Sinclair approached them with a wide, ingratiating smile that did little to hide his ulterior motives.

“Gentlemen, I trust you are finding the party to your liking? Perhaps considering asking some of our lovely young women to dance?” His eyes flicked pointedly toward Evelyn Sinclair, who stood among her friends like a queen among courtiers.

Dominic offered a polite but noncommittal smile in response. “Actually,” he said, leaning slightly toward the man with feigned casual interest, “who is that woman there?”

Sinclair’s eyes followed Dominic's line of sight and chuckled softly. “Ah, that would be Meredith Whitmore, wife of Gregory Whitmore.” He leaned in conspiratorially. “Greg practically begged an acquaintance, who in turn entreated me, to extend an invitation to them, solely so Meredith could showcase their adopted daughter. Asa's her name.”

Lucian echoed softly to himself, almost inaudibly, “Asa… that's a beautiful name.”

Excusing himself with a curt nod to Sinclair, Dominic descended the staircase, his brothers in tow. They moved with a purposeful grace toward the gathering of society's elite, where Meredith Whitmore was introducing her daughter to a circle of influential alpha women.

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