Page 18 of Flame of Desire

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“Sam,” Dominic commanded, not even lifting his gaze from the device. “You and the others are dismissed. I'll see you at work.”

Without waiting for a response, he strode down the steps of the jet, each footfall heavy with intent. The limo awaited him, its sleek, black body blending into the night. The door opened at his approach, and he slipped inside with an air of barely contained impatience.

“Drive,” he ordered curtly, and like an obedient beast, the vehicle surged forward into the night.

The city passed by in a blur of light and shadow as they made their way toward the location Xavier had sent. The farther they drove, the more the polished facades gave way to gritty reality. The limo turned into an area where prosperity was but a distant rumor; here, life was raw and unadorned by luxury.

The streets were littered with debris, shadows clinging to corners where refuse piled high. Old apartment buildings loomed on either side, their windows dark or flickering with the feeble glow of lives scraping by. Graffiti scrawled across brick walls spoke silent tales of defiance and decay.

Dominic's gaze hardened as they pulled up to one such building. Marco approached as he stepped out onto the uneven sidewalk.

“She's up there,” Marco said with a nod toward a window several stories up.

“Lead me,” Dominic replied, his voice leaving no room for discussion.

They entered a lobby that reeked of stale cigarettes and faded dreams. Marco led with two of his men flanking him as they ascended a staircase that creaked beneath their collective weight.

At Asa's apartment door, Dominic halted. The scent hit him—a sweet note that seared through his senses and awakened his alpha instincts. It clung to the peeling paint and whispered promises through cracks in the frame.

Dominic's primal instincts flared with an irresistible urge as he pounded on the door, bellowing Asa's name. Met with nothing but a dog's bark in reply, he forcibly shouldered his way through the entrance.

Inside, the apartment contradicted the decay of its exterior—dimly lit, yes, but tidy, even cozy. Soft cushions rested on a small couch, and framed pictures adorned the walls, snapshots of a life yearning for normalcy. It was a stark contrast to the cold opulence of his own world, one he had expected Asa to embrace without question.

He could smell her everywhere—in the faint lavender on the linens, in the lingering sweetness that seemed to rise from the very walls. The strongest trail of her scent beckoned him with an invisible thread tugging at his core.

Moving toward it with a purpose that made his blood race, he approached a closed door. The dog's barking grew more insistent now, a canine alarm sounding off in shrill yelps. He called her name again, louder this time. “Asa!”

Without hesitation or grace, he forced the door open with a shoulder thrust that splintered wood from the frame. And there, in the far corner of the dimly lit room, was Asa.

The sight of her stole Dominic's breath, a visceral ache blossoming in his chest. Her pale hair spilled over her shoulders in tousled waves, framing the delicate features he knew better than his own reflection. Even in the shadows, her porcelain skin seemed to radiate an ethereal glow that called to him on a soul-deep level.

Dominic drank in every detail—the gentle curve of her jaw, the slight part of her lips, the way her lashes fanned across her cheekbones. A fierce wave of possession crashed over him, his instincts roaring to reclaim what was his. To shelter her, protect her, keep her safe within the circle of his arms where she belonged.

His love for her was an all-consuming force that defied reason or logic. An obsession that bordered on madness, yet one he willingly surrendered to. Without Asa, he was incomplete—a man unmoored, adrift in a world that held no warmth or light.

With his every muscle coiled with restraint and urgency, he moved toward her with a predatory grace. As he closed the distance between them, the scent of her heat enveloped him, a siren's call that ignited his primal instincts.

Towering over her petite form, he drank in the sight of her with ravenous eyes. Every delicate curve, every soft swell of her body branded itself onto his consciousness, stoking the flames of his desire until it roared within him like an inferno.

Asa stared up at him, revealing those ethereal eyes that had haunted his waking dreams. In their pale depths, he saw the reflection of his own hunger mirrored back—a craving that transcended the physical and plunged straight into the depths of his soul. Yet there was fear, too. He could see that, and it gnawed at him. Fuck, his own wife was scared—of him and his all-consuming desire and need for her.

A strangled whimper escaped Asa's parted lips, the sound piercing through the haze of his lust and twisting itself around his heart with merciless fingers. He could taste the unspoken longing yet fear in that breathy exhalation, feel the gravitational pull that bound them together.

Unable to resist the forces that drew him to her, Dominic cupped her face with a tenderness that belied the ferocity of his need, tilting her chin up to meet his demanding kiss.

His lips crashed onto hers with a searing fervency that threatened to consume them both. He drank deep of her sweetness, savoring the taste of her submission as she yielded to his onslaught with a soft mewl. His tongue delved past the seam of her lips, staking a claim on the velvet heat of her mouth with every devouring stroke.

Asa melted into him, her slender form molding itself against the hard planes of his body as if she was made to fit there—a missing piece finally slotted into place.

* * *

Darkness had settled over the city, a velvet curtain adorned with twinkling lights, as the limousine glided through the streets with silent authority. Inside, Dominic held Asa close, her delicate form enfolded in his arms like the most precious of treasures. His heart thundered against his ribs, a wild drumbeat only she could tame. He reveled in the softness of her skin, the warmth of her breath, the way she melted into him as if they were two parts of a whole.

Dominic inhaled deeply, drawing in the sweet scent that was uniquely Asa. Moments before, their kisses had quenched a thirst he hadn’t realized was parched to desperation. Every brush of her lips was a drop of life flooding his starved soul. To be denied her touch was to walk through eternity gasping for air. Now that she was here again, pressed against him, he knew release was not an option.

The limousine’s smooth halt barely registered to Dominic as he savored Asa’s weight in his arms. Marco stepped out first, a tiny ball of fur cradled against his chest, the newest addition to their family. The door opened and Dominic shifted Asa slightly, ensuring her hold around his waist tightened before he rose from the leather cocoon of the vehicle.

Cool air brushed against them as he stepped onto the pavement, Asa’s slender legs securely wrapped around him. One of his men approached with an overcoat, draping it gently over Asa’s small frame nestled in his embrace.

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