Page 19 of Flame of Desire

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His men aligned themselves in deference, a phalanx paying homage to their leader’s unspoken command. With Asa clutched to him like a shield and a prize all at once, Dominic moved toward the grand entrance of their home—Davenport Luxe Towers—his broad shoulders cutting through the night air. Marco followed behind him with steady steps, the puppy in his arms.

Dominic’s stride commanded the grand foyer, his presence a silent decree that rippled through the crowd. Eyes followed him, whispers ebbed and flowed in his wake, yet he remained untouched by it all, his focus entirely on the precious bundle in his arms. His world narrowed to the heartbeat against his chest and the soft exhales that tickled his neck.

He crossed the marble floor, its coolness a stark contrast to the heat emanating from Asa. The nods of respect from those who recognized him registered in his peripheral vision, acknowledgments of his power, of her significance, but he gave them no more than a cursory nod.

The bodyguard secured an elevator, the doors parting obediently as Dominic approached. The ascent was a silent glide to the heavens, each floor passing by unnoticed. When the doors finally opened with a soft ding at their penthouse sanctuary, Dominic exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. The living room came alive as Xavier and Lucian emerged. A chorus of greetings echoed from the staff lined up to welcome them.

“Good evening, Master Dominic. Welcome home.”

Dominic nodded curtly, his gaze never leaving Asa’s flushed face nestled against his chest. Behind him, the puppy barked once, its high-pitched yip drawing the attention of the maids, their eyes lighting up at the sight of the adorable guest.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Xavier sent the staff away, allowing them privacy, a maid eagerly taking the pup from Marco’s arms as they left. Xavier approached, reaching out to gently peel back the overcoat that shrouded Asa’s delicate form. Lucian stepped closer, his fingers gliding through her hair with an affectionate stroke as Xavier caressed her flushed cheek. Asa’s eyes flickered open, their ethereal hue now glazed with desire as heat seared through her.

Dominic’s gaze locked with his brothers’, an unspoken understanding passing between them. He turned to Harris, his voice low and authoritative.

“Arrange a meal for us and have it brought to the master suite. We are not to be disturbed.”

As he ascended the stairs, his brothers fell into step behind him, their presence a reassuring constant. Dominic’s grip on Asa tightened ever so slightly, a silent promise that she was safe, cherished, and utterly his.

The master suite unfolded before them, a sprawling sanctuary of opulence and comfort. With walls that whispered tales of wealth and power, the room boasted a bed vast enough to fit five, or even six, draped in silks and velvets, a fitting stage for their passionate interludes.

To one side, a sitting area beckoned, a semicircle of luxury with plush sofas arranged to provide an unobstructed view of the city’s glittering skyline through the floor-to-ceiling windows. On the opposite end, a set of sliding double doors opened onto a private courtyard garden and pool, offering a secluded escape from the world beyond.

Dominic strode toward the sumptuous sofa, and with a gentleness that belied his imposing stature, he lowered Asa onto the plush cushions, ensuring her comfort amid the opulent surroundings. As he straightened, his gaze swept over her, drinking in the sight of her ethereal beauty contrasted against the richness of the suite.

Lucian closed the distance between them and sat beside her. Asa instinctively sought refuge in his embrace, her body curling into his warmth as if drawn by an invisible force. Lucian’s fingers threaded through her hair, his touch tender yet possessive. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead, an act so tender it might have been a benediction, a silent vow to guard her serenity against any storm. His hand traced soothing patterns along the curve of her back, the simple gesture conveying a depth of affection that transcended mere physical need.

The soft click of the door announced Harris’ arrival, accompanied by Mrs. Eldridge and three maids, their arms laden with trays brimming with culinary delights. With practiced efficiency, they arranged the offerings on the coffee table before them, an array of mouthwatering dishes, crystal decanters filled with fine wine, and pitchers of chilled water to quench any thirst. Once their tasks were completed, Harris and the staff retreated with a silent nod, leaving the brothers to indulge in the privacy they so desired.

Dominic watched with a possessive hunger as Lucian’s gentle fingers traced Asa’s jaw, coaxing her to meet his gaze.

“You must be hungry,” Lucian said, his voice soothing against the tension thrumming through the room.

Asa nodded, her eyes downcast, thick lashes veiling the ethereal depths that so entranced Dominic. A soft flush crept across her cheeks, her delicate features a canvas of vulnerability that stirred the alpha’s protective instincts.

Xavier rose from his seat, his movements purposeful as he approached the array of dishes laid out before them. With a discerning eye, he selected a plate and began to carefully curate a selection for Asa. Tender slices of roasted duck breast, their golden skin glistening with a honey glaze, nestled alongside a medley of roasted vegetables—carrots, asparagus, and delicate baby potatoes. A sprinkling of fresh herbs and a drizzle of rich, velvety sauce completed the culinary offering, a feast fit for the beauty who had captured their ravenous hearts.

Dominic’s gaze shifted to the extravagant spread, his own hunger gnawing at him after the long journey. His plate soon mirrored the decadence of Asa’s, though his portions were decidedly more substantial. He piled thick slices of rare, peppered beef onto his plate, the juices mingling with the rich demi-glace that pooled beneath. A hearty serving of buttered asparagus spears and a mound of creamy mashed potatoes rounded out his meal.

As Xavier delivered Asa’s plate, settling beside her with a tender attentiveness, Dominic reached for the crystal decanter. The deep-ruby liquid within swirled gracefully as he poured, filling three glasses with the finest vintage from their private cellar. The rich, fruity aroma wafted through the air, its promise of indulgence mingling with the intoxicating scent of Asa’s pheromones.

Dominic’s gaze never wavered from Asa as he lifted the glass to his lips, taking a slow, savoring sip. The wine’s bold flavors danced across his tongue, but it paled in comparison to the sweetness that permeated the room—the alluring essence of his omega, the woman who held his heart and soul in the palms of her delicate hands.

Asa nibbled at her food, each delicate bite only serving to heighten the tension that crackled between them. The brothers’ eyes followed the path of her lips, the subtle movements of her throat as she swallowed, every nuance a siren’s call that stirred their most primal desires.

The air around them felt charged, heavy with Asa’s pheromones that teased at Dominic’s senses—sweet and heady like a forbidden fruit begging to be tasted. A low thrum of desire pulsed through him; an insatiable yearning mirrored in the tensed lines of Xavier’s shoulders and the way Lucian’s fingers tightened ever so slightly around Asa’s waist.

Dominic took another sip of wine, allowing its velvety caress to glide down his throat. He fought to keep his composure steady despite the tempest brewing within him—a storm of primal need that threatened to break free at any moment. He focused on the rich flavors of his meal as a temporary anchor against the intoxicating lure of Asa’s presence.

“We’ve secured two major investors for the expansion of the West End project, and the contracts are as good as signed,” he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Xavier responded with a thoughtful nod. “Excellent. Did you manage to negotiate the terms we projected for the renewable energy integration? It’s a pivotal part of the pitch, particularly for the eco-conscious market we’re targeting there.”

Dominic glanced at Asa. Her gentle breaths rose and fell in a rhythm that tugged at his focus, fueled a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with business. “Naturally. We leveraged the tech improvements you’ve spearheaded, Xav. That solar panel prototype you’ve been developing? It was a decisive factor. Our commitment to sustainability is proving to be a powerful incentive for modern investors.”

Lucian leaned forward, the light catching in his silver-gray eyes. “And what of the cultural integration aspects? The investors must appreciate that they’re not just backing a project, but also a commitment to social responsibility.”

Dominic’s gaze lingered on Asa’s lips as she took another delicate bite, her serene grace a stark contrast to the charged atmosphere around them. “They do, Luc. Your groundwork with the arts foundations was instrumental. The theaters and galleries we plan to include have gotten them quite excited. It’s not just a financial investment, it’s a legacy—”

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