Page 75 of Ensnared Desire

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Her voice wavered just a touch. “Cappuccino, please.”

Colton's eyes followed the movement of her throat as she spoke, admiring the graceful line. He imagined what it would feel like to press his lips against the tender skin there, to feel the flutter of her pulse.

The waiter nodded and retreated, leaving a wake of tension that settled back over the table. Delcy reached up a hand, tucking a stray wisp of hair behind her ear, a nervous tick that didn't escape Colton's notice. The innocent gesture made something clench deep in Colton's chest. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and soothe away the apprehension that clung to her like early morning mist.

Delcy's gaze swept across the café, delaying the unavoidable conversation that brought them together, her fingers worrying the hem of her sweater. Colton could see the uncertainty in her eyes, though she was clearly trying to hide it. The warm lighting softened her features, casting a delicate glow across her skin.

The waiter returned and placed a cup on the table in front of Delcy.

“Thanks,” she said, a small smile on her lips.

“Enjoy,” he said.

Delcy cleared her throat delicately and finally broached the inevitable subject.

“The text message...” she began, halting over the words. “As I've stated in the message, the fact I'm a, uh, a treasure at that club, I didn't know about it until very recently. I was... tricked into it, so to speak.”

Colton remained silent, though everything in him strained to interrupt, to reassure her. He tamped down the urge. She needed to say this at her own pace.

“I didn't know I had signed an exclusive contract with you both.” She risked a glance up at them, her eyes clouded with uncertainty.

Colton met her gaze steadily, hoping she could read the care in his eyes, the desire to protect her.

Delcy took a bracing breath before continuing. “I would like to terminate that contract.” Her voice was soft but firm with conviction.

“And the five million?” Colton asked gently.

Delcy swallowed hard, her slender fingers tightening on the table edge, her face draining of color as if she were confronting ghosts rather than flesh and blood. “I'll return the five million. I have two million with me.”

Colton leaned forward slightly. “And the other three are commissions that go to Miss Hamill and the Alpha Gold Club. Do you think they'll just hand over their shares of one point five million each out of generosity?”

“I know that they won't,” she said.

Even in her distress, she stated it plainly, without accusation or bitterness. Something swelled in Colton's chest, a surge of tenderness and pride in her quiet strength.

“So you'll sue them?” he asked. “You do realize Miss Hamill comes from a powerful family and Alpha Gold Club is no stranger to high society's elites?” His words were like ice shards cloaked in velvet.

Delcy shivered visibly. Colton could almost see her heart fracturing under the strain.

Jaxon stood abruptly, the movement drawing Delcy's startled gaze. He knelt gracefully before her, the picture of supplication. Gently, he took her hand in his.

“Delcy, we understand your situation,” he said softly but firmly. “However, the fact remains you owe us the remaining three million after paying the two million. That's not taking into account interest.”

A single tear betrayed Delcy's composure, sliding down her cheek uninvited. Colton clenched his jaw against the urge to comfort her. He despised seeing her so distressed, but he knew Jaxon's intentions. They just needed her to listen.

“We have a proposition,” Jaxon continued gently.

“What is it?” Her voice, barely more than a whisper, carried a desperate hope.

“Spend just two weeks with us,” he said, his thumb tracing delicate circles on her wrist as he spoke. “And all that debt will disappear.”

Her eyes widened. “Two weeks… with you and Colton?”

Hearing his name on her lips again sent a spike of heat through Colton. He kept his tone even.

“Yes, just two weeks with us as our girl on vacation,” he said.

Delcy bit her lip. “What's… What's the catch?” Of course, she would see through them. Perceptive as always.

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