Page 76 of Ensnared Desire

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Jaxon raised his hand, the motion deliberate yet filled with a tenderness that belied the strength in his fingers. He traced the soft curve of her cheek, his thumb grazing over her lips with a gentle pressure that bordered on persuasive, almost seductive. In her eyes, a spark of understanding flashed, a wordless exchange that conveyed volumes in the brief connection of their eyes.

“Surely you know how much we want you, Delcy,” Colton said, allowing a hint of huskiness to touch his words.

Delcy drew in a shaky breath, clearly weighing their words against an unseen scale in her mind as she leaned unconsciously into Jaxon's touch.

“Take your time and think it over,” Colton added gently. No pressure, only care.

Jaxon added encouragement with a twinkle in his eye.

“And to aid your decision—let's play a game during those two weeks. For every game you win”—he paused for effect—“we’ll pay you one hundred grand.”

Delcy's eyes widened at the exorbitant sum, her lips parting softly. Colton could see the indecision swirling within her. He hoped she could also see the depths of their affection.

They would give her time to consider their offer. For now, it was enough to simply be near her, to breathe the same air and watch the play of emotions across her beautiful face. Colton released a slow breath, letting the tension ease from his shoulders. They would be patient.

“I'll think about it.” Her voice was stronger now; perhaps their offer had sparked something within her—a challenge or maybe hope for freedom from this financial bind she found herself entangled within.

As she mulled over their proposition silently, Colton watched the gears turn behind her thoughtful gaze while Jaxon kept hold of her hand as if anchoring her to this moment of decision—a lifeline amidst turbulent seas.

“Let us know soon,” Jaxon's voice broke through the heavy air, light but laced with an unspoken urgency.

Delcy nodded, her hand trembling slightly as she brought the cappuccino to her lips.

Colton watched the cup touch her mouth, his heart twisting with a longing that surged unbidden. He yearned to trace the curve of her lip with his own, to reignite the memory of their second date when everything seemed drenched in promise.

He found himself transfixed by the delicate movement, the way the cup cradled her fingers. He imagined, just for a moment, leaning across the table to capture her lips with his own, still warm from the heated drink.

But he resisted the urge, tamping it down. Now was not the time.

Her phone shattered the moment, its ringtone slicing through the tension. Delcy glanced at the screen, and for a fleeting second, Colton caught sight of the caller ID—Sunrise Care. A jolt of unease spiked through him when he noted a crease of concern formed between Delcy's brows.

Her expression folded into worry as she answered with a hushed, “Hello?” Her eyes flicked up to meet theirs—a silent apology—and then she was all urgency. “I'll be right there,” she assured the caller before ending the call.

She stood abruptly, her chair scraping against the tile floor.

“I have to go,” she said, her voice steady despite the clear distress in her eyes.

Colton and Jaxon rose in tandem, concern etching their features as they watched Delcy gather her things. She offered them a tight smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and hurried from the café.

Once she disappeared from view, Jaxon turned to Colton. “It must be something to do with her grandfather.”

Colton nodded, his thoughts churning like storm clouds on the horizon. Delcy was in a bind, one not of her making—a place where circumstance had pushed her into corners darkened by shadows of obligation and necessity.

He felt for her deeply—it was an ache that settled in his bones, a whisper of helplessness that clawed at him from within. Colton wanted nothing more than to extend a hand and pull her from the mire of her troubles. But he knew all too well how fiercely she clung to her pride and independence; any attempt at aid might only serve to drive a wedge between them.

Jaxon watched his brother's face—a map of conflicting emotions—and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “She'll figure it out,” he said with quiet confidence.

Colton managed a nod but said nothing. He trusted Delcy's resilience and resourcefulness, but this was more than just a simple problem—it was a test of their bond and their future together.

They settled back into their seats as the waiter returned. “Everything okay?”

Jaxon waved him off with a casual hand. “Just fine.”

* * *

Colton sat in his office, the walls lined with books that reflected a lifetime of diverse interests, from the esoteric to the mundane. The large mahogany desk was immaculate, save for the phone at its center, vibrating with the arrival of a new message. The screen lit up, casting a pale glow across the room that was otherwise steeped in shadows. He reached for it, the cool surface of the device familiar under his fingertips as he read the text, a single word that held the weight of a thousand promises. Yes.

Relief coursed through him like a wave breaking on the shore, yet it dragged with it grains of fear and doubt. Colton knew that this arrangement, albeit unorthodox, would pull Delcy back from the precipice of financial ruin. She had agreed to their proposal and would be theirs for two weeks—time enough for Jaxon and himself to revel in her presence and fulfill desires left too long unchecked. Yet as much as the prospect thrilled him, there was a bitter tang to the sweetness. They were going about this in a roundabout way that danced dangerously close to deceit.

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