Page 66 of Ensnared Desire

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A commotion arose outside his office, and Colton shifted his attention as the employees' chatter grew louder. He glanced at Jaxon, whose eyes flickered with a shared curiosity. They rarely heard such a stir within the walls of Sterling Enterprises, where professionalism usually reigned supreme.

They saw Lou breezing down the hallway flanked by admirers. As usual, she commanded attention without uttering a word, her stride exuding a confidence that belied her omega status—a fact only the Sterlings were privy to. Colton watched Lou gracefully nod and wave to the enraptured staff.

“Looks like we've got company,” Jaxon said, a grin spreading across his face.

Colton couldn't help but marvel at Lou's effortless grace. Her secret was safe in this sanctuary they called an office, her strength in navigating their world undeniable. As she approached them, he was reminded of the day they'd first laid eyes on her, a memory that lingered in sharp detail.

The sun had been high that afternoon when Grandfather Matt ushered them into the study with an air of solemnity. At fourteen, Colton and Jaxon understood the gravity of such summons.

“You boys have a sister,” Matt had announced without preamble.

Colton remembered how his heart had stalled, his gaze flicking to Jaxon's before settling on the small figure beside their grandfather. She was seven, her eyes wide and curious as they swept over her new brothers. Half-Chinese heritage painted her features with delicate strokes—a unique blend of their father's strong lines and Fiona Wu's gentle contours.

“Her name is Lou,” Matt continued, a hint of warmth breaking through his usually stoic demeanor.

They hadn't needed any encouragement, affection for Lou had come as naturally as breathing. They recognized a kindred spirit in her, the same Sterling blood ran through their veins.

Lou's voice snapped Colton back to the present.

“Afternoon, brothers.”

Colton studied his sister as she walked in through the door, noting the bounce in her step despite the towering stilettos that adorned her feet. Her smile was wide and genuine, touching her eyes in a way that made them sparkle.

Lou's gaze flickered between Colton and Jaxon as she leaned against the side of his desk, a playful smile curving her lips.

“You both look like you just lost your favorite toy. Bad day at the office, or is the empire crumbling?”

Jaxon shot her a mock glare. “Empires don't crumble, Lou. They just have off days.”

Jaxon didn't elaborate on the real source of their moods—the absence of a certain coffee shop barista who still occupied his thoughts more than he cared to admit.

“Still on the hunt for fresh talent,” Lou declared. “The stores could use a few new names on their racks.”

Colton thought of Delcy, her sketches filled with raw emotion that could turn fabric into whispers of art. Her talent was unrefined but brimming with potential, and he yearned to connect her with Lou, to open the doors of opportunity and give Delcy's artistry a chance to blossom.

He imagined her designs adorning Sterling's mannequins, turning heads and sparking conversations. Yet he held his tongue, knowing she wasn't ready for such exposure—her confidence still budding, fragile like early spring blossoms. She deserved the chance to hone her craft on her own terms before diving into the ruthless world of fashion.

Lou nudged him from his thoughts with an elbow to his side.

“Earth to Colton. You planning to share with the class?”

“Just thinking about work,” Colton said, his voice steady despite the storm of possibilities raging in his mind.

Lou turned to Jaxon. “And how are you doing, Jax?” she asked, her eyes glinting with mischief. “Any progress in wooing that mysterious omega that is Delcy? When do I get to meet this girl who's captured my brothers' attention?”

Jaxon chuckled, easing into the banter as if it were their favorite song.

“All in due time, little sister. These things can't be rushed. She's still... marinating.”

His nonchalant tone belied the truth, that he was just as enamored with Delcy as Colton was.

Lou made a show of checking her watch. “Well, at this rate, I'll be collecting social security by the time I get to meet her.”

Jaxon chuckled, unfazed by Lou's teasing. “Patience. I promise she's worth the wait.”

Their lighthearted banter continued as Lou hooked her arms through theirs and steered the brothers out of the office, just as the work hour ended.

“Come on, let's go get dinner,” she said. “I'm craving steak.”

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