Page 67 of Ensnared Desire

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The evening with Lou had been a welcome distraction, her energy infectious and her wit sharp enough to slice through any lingering unease. But now, as the door of the penthouse closed behind him with a soft thud, the weight of his thoughts returned like uninvited guests.

Jaxon made his way to the bedroom, tossed his jacket onto a chair, and loosened his tie with a flick of his wrist. Collapsing onto the bed, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through the messages until he found Delcy's text reply from Sunday—a simple string of words that had been looping in his mind ever since.

Jaxon's thumb hovered over the keypad, itching to craft a goodnight message that would somehow encapsulate everything he felt. Yet he hesitated, fear gripping him with an irrational strength. He didn't want to push her away, not when every moment with her felt like discovering something precious and rare.

He locked his phone and tossed it aside, lying back against the pillows as memories of their last date washed over him.

Delcy had been stunning that Saturday night, the fabric of her dress clinging to her curves in a way that made it difficult for him to focus on anything else. But it was her legs—those long, graceful limbs accentuated by a pair of elegant stilettos—that had truly captivated him. There was something about Delcy in stilettos that stirred a heat within him he hadn't anticipated.

As Jaxon closed his eyes, images danced behind his lids—Delcy's laughter filling the air between them, the subtle sway of her hips as she moved. It was more than physical attraction; it was an awakening of desire he couldn't shake.

But intertwined with those warm recollections was something darker—the shadow of Colton's presence that evening. Jaxon couldn't ignore how intense Colton had been around Delcy, how the brother's gaze seemed to drink her in with an insatiable thirst.

That darkness in Colton wasn't new to Jaxon; it was an undercurrent he'd felt before. It brought back memories from seven years ago—an incident that had left an indelible mark on their family fabric.

The details emerged from the depths of his mind unbidden—the clash of voices, Colton's fists clenched so tight they shook, Grandfather Matt's stern face etched with disappointment. It had been one of those rare moments when their perfect world showed its cracks.

And now here was Delcy—a spark in Colton's otherwise shadowed eyes—a potential kindling for something Jaxon wasn't sure they were ready to handle.

He rolled onto his side, willing sleep to come and wrap its forgetful arms around him. But it eluded him, chased away by thoughts too persistent to ignore.

Jaxon reached for his phone again and powered up the screen. Delcy's message sat there, unassuming yet powerful. He typed out a response before deleting it all—once, twice, three times—each iteration never quite capturing what he wanted to say without saying too much.

Finally, he set the phone down with resolve. He would give it time, let things unfold naturally. If there was one thing Jaxon knew about building relationships—or empires—it was that patience often yielded the greatest rewards.

* * *

Seven Years Ago

Twenty-five-year-old Jaxon Sterling strode through the halls of The Luminous Regency with the confidence of a man who had the world at his fingertips. Muscles flexed beneath the fine fabric of his tailored suit as he moved with purpose, his sharp eyes scanning the opulent surroundings. The hotel buzzed with the hum of diligent work and high expectations, a living entity under his keen watch.

Staff members trailed him, their faces etched with focus as they hung on his every word. He doled out orders with an easy authority that belied his age, every directive clear and concise. The day's schedule was tight, but Jaxon thrived on the challenge, weaving through tasks like a maestro conducting a symphony.

Returning to his office after making his rounds, Jaxon paused at the threshold. A sweet pheromone scent caressed his senses, unfamiliar yet strangely comforting. He inhaled deeply, the fragrance tickling a part of him that remained untouched by boardroom dealings and strategic maneuvers.

Later that evening, when he ascended to the penthouse he shared with Colton atop the hotel, that same intoxicating aroma greeted him again. He furrowed his brow in curiosity as he removed his jacket.

“Mrs. Smith,” he called out to their housekeeper, “do we have a new maid?”

The kindly woman smiled. “Not exactly, sir. One of our maids got sick, so I called one of the girls from downstairs for help. She's new. Her name’s Delcy. Sweet as an angel, that girl. She's diligent and hard-working. She didn't happen to misplace one of your items, I hope. I told her to be careful when cleaning yours and Master Colton's rooms.”

“No, nothing has been misplaced,” Jaxon said, rolling the name Delcy in his thoughts.

The following day unfolded like any other—appointments met, decisions made—until a waft of that sweet scent caught Jaxon's attention in the lobby. His head turned instinctively toward its source: Delcy.

There she was, a young woman of eighteen years, her figure petite yet poised as she cleaned the floor with diligence. When she lifted her gaze momentarily, Jaxon's breath hitched in his chest. Her eyes sparkled with an innocence and vitality that pierced straight through him—a beauty untarnished by the harshness of their world.

He felt an urge to approach her, to speak and know her name from her own lips rather than secondhand from Mrs. Smith. But he hesitated. His alpha presence could be overwhelming for an omega like her—especially one so young and seemingly delicate.

Days passed in a blur for Jaxon after that momentous encounter. Between meetings and managing operations, he found himself stealing moments to catch glimpses of Delcy going about her tasks. Each sighting brought an unbidden smile to his lips.

Colton noticed these shifts in mood during their shared meals or late-night conversations over whiskey glasses.

“Been catching yourself smiling quite a bit these days,” Colton said one evening, eyeing him with curiosity over the rim of his glass. “Anything intriguing you care to divulge?”

Jaxon merely shrugged it off with a nonchalant smile. “Just enjoying the fruits of our labor.”

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