Page 59 of Ensnared Desire

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Everything looked and smelled incredible. I cut into my chicken, savoring the tenderness of the meat. The seasoning was incredible, unlike anything I'd ever tasted.

“This is delicious,” I said after swallowing my first heavenly bite.

“I'm pleased you're enjoying it, Delcy,” Colton said, pleasure warming his voice. His stormy gaze lingered on my lips.

I took a sip of wine, savoring the dry, oaky flavor. The alcohol helped settle my nerves a bit. As we ate, Jaxon and Colton drew me into light, lively conversation, their charm and charisma on full display.

Though I still felt self-conscious about my inexperience in their world, their attention and interest soon put me at ease. But that didn't last long. I tried to steady my breathing when Jaxon leaned in close, his warm breath tickling my ear.

“Here, have a taste of this,” he murmured. Before I could respond, his fork was in front of my lips, offering a tender morsel of flaky white fish drizzled in lemon sauce.

My eyes fluttered closed as I accepted the bite, the citrus flavor bursting on my tongue. I was hyperaware of his proximity, his spicy alpha scent invading my senses. As I slowly chewed the tender fish, I could feel the heat radiating from his body next to mine.

Too soon, he pulled back, watching me intently as I swallowed. “Delicious, isn't it?”

I nodded, not trusting my voice. His casual intimacy had set my heart racing. I took a hasty sip of wine to steady my nerves.

On my other side, Colton's fingers grazed my cheek, tucking a lock of hair gently behind my ear. His light touch sent a spark through my entire body. I shivered involuntarily at the skin-to-skin contact, my omega pheromones responding to his alpha nearness whether I willed it or not.

I felt my body temperature rising as my nerves came alive. Their dual attentions were wreaking havoc on my senses, their alpha pheromones and light caresses making rational thought nearly impossible.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Maybe I should have taken an extra suppressant as a precaution before coming out tonight. I had assumed one would be sufficient to get through the evening, but I was quickly realizing that being in close proximity to these two powerful alphas was a test of my restraint.

I needed to get a grip on myself before my body's reactions became even more obvious. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself by having my omega pheromones go into overdrive.

Taking a deep breath, I reached for my water glass with a shaky hand, hoping the cool liquid would help settle me. I reminded myself that this upscale restaurant was hardly the place for my hormones to rage out of control.

As much as Colton and Jaxon's nearness affected me, I needed to maintain composure. I just had to make it through the rest of dinner without doing something I'd regret.

Over decadent chocolate cake, Jaxon and Colton regaled me with stories of their globe-trotting adventures. Part of me was acutely aware of my physical response to their proximity and scent, while another part was captivated by their stories of exotic locales like Paris, Tokyo, and Dubai—places I had only imagined visiting. Their cosmopolitan experiences only highlighted how small my world was in comparison.

With our meal done, I felt a sense of relief. Perhaps a change in setting, and seating arrangement, would ease my charged nerves.

As we left the dining room, I glimpsed a familiar flash of fiery-red hair out of the corner of my eye. I did a double take, my steps faltering. Was that... Amanda?

Sure enough, there was Amanda, arm in arm with a silver-haired gentleman in an impeccable suit. He looked to be in his late fifties or early sixties—easily three times her age. They were heading toward the elevator bank, deep in conversation.

Before I could process this surprising sight, I caught a glimpse of flowing auburn locks cascading over a bare shoulder. Nora! She was walking alongside a distinguished older man with salt-and-pepper hair. His hand rested proprietarily on her back.

They must have just finished dining here as well. Amanda and Nora—my so-called friends who never failed to make me feel small. Yet here they were, in the company of affluent older men who gazed at them like they were the most captivating creatures on earth.

Amanda's eyes met mine, and her painted lips parted in shock. Nora turned her head, following Amanda's gaze. Her heavily lined eyes widened at the sight of me with Colton and Jaxon. I saw a flash of something akin to rage cross her face before she schooled her features into cool indifference.

My mind spun with questions as we continued toward the lounge. Were these wealthy older men their… relatives? But the way the men held them in their arms told me a different story. Were they perhaps boyfriends? Amanda and Nora had never mentioned dating anyone.

I shook my head in disbelief. It seemed my alpha friends had hidden depths I knew nothing about.

I was still deep in thought when we arrived at the lounge. The lighting was low, the leather couches luxuriously soft. A jazz trio played unobtrusively in the corner, and an elaborate bar lined one side of the room.

Colton guided me to a couch, and I sank into the buttery leather, acutely aware of his thigh pressed against mine. On my other side, Jaxon's arm draped casually over my shoulders, his fingertips tracing delicate patterns that made my skin tingle. This sitting arrangement was even more intimate than before, and I took in a shuddering breath to calm my nerves.

Their combined alpha presence enveloped me in a haze of headiness I knew I should resist, yet couldn't summon the will to do so.

Colton's voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Can I get you a drink?” His stormy eyes regarded me intently.

I bit my lip. I probably shouldn't imbibe anything stronger than mineral water if I wanted to keep my wits about me. But the thought of another glass of crisp white wine was so tempting...

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