Page 46 of Ensnared Desire

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Their expressions softened with understanding, though I detected a glint of something else in their eyes. Opportunity? Anticipation? It sent a little shiver through me.

We settled into our seats as if nothing had disrupted our evening. Colton took charge of ordering our meal with an air of confidence that made me feel at ease. I trusted his taste implicitly.

The candlelight flickered across their faces, throwing shadows that made their expressions seem even more intense. Jaxon's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table.

“So, Delcy,” he began, his voice smooth like velvet. “Tell us about yourself. We're eager to know more than just the brilliant barista of Brewed Dreams.”

A blush warmed my cheeks at his words. I hesitated for a moment, taking a sip of water to gather my thoughts before diving into the story of my past.

“Well, I've always loved drawing and designing since I was little,” I said, feeling their gazes fixed on me. “My father bought me my first sketchbook when I was about five, and I would fill it with drawings of dresses.”

Jaxon smiled, his interest evident. “Do you still have those drawings?”

I nodded, a nostalgic smile tugging at my lips.

“I do. It's back at my apartment, tucked away safely.” Memories of that time fluttered in my mind like delicate butterflies. “My mother... she sewed one of the dresses for me for my seventh birthday. I wore it to every important event until I outgrew it.”

Colton's voice cut through the warm recollections, deep and gentle. “Does your mother still sew?”

The question stilled the butterflies abruptly, and a heavy silence fell over me before I could respond. My eyes dropped to my lap where my fingers fidgeted with the hem of my napkin.

“No,” I said quietly, feeling their concern even without looking up. “My parents... they passed away in a motor vehicle accident ten years ago when I was fifteen.”

Their apologies were immediate and sincere.

“I'm sorry for your loss,” Colton said softly.

Jaxon echoed his sentiment, his cheeky demeanor replaced by solemn respect.

“It hit me hard,” I said after a pause, meeting their eyes again. “They were my world.” A sigh escaped me as the weight of the past pressed down on my chest. “If it wasn't for Grandpa Sid being there for me... well, I don't know what would have happened.” I tried to offer them a smile but knew it didn't quite reach my eyes.

Their understanding filled the space between us as they both nodded in silent agreement about the harshness of our world toward omegas like me.

“We admire your resilience,” Colton said firmly. “Going through such a tough childhood and still standing strong... It's commendable.”

I appreciated their words but felt uncomfortable under such praise. It was simply life, and I had no choice but to endure and adapt.

Jaxon shifted the topic gently, sensing my discomfort.

“Grandpa Sid sounds like a wonderful man.”

“He is,” I said with more warmth this time. “But his heart condition...” My voice trailed off as worry creased my forehead. He was all I had left and thinking about losing him too... “We can't talk about such depressing things now,” I quickly added, forcing cheerfulness back into my tone as if it could chase away the dread clinging to the edges of our conversation.

“What's something you two can't live without?” I asked them both, eager to turn their attention away from my personal sorrows.

Colton didn't hesitate. “Good food,” he declared with a passion that matched his profession.

Jaxon grinned widely. “Good coffee. I'm a bit of a coffee snob.”

I chuckled at their answers but couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something deeper behind their words, something unspoken that lingered in the air between us like an invisible thread pulling us closer together.

Their intense gazes locked on to mine once more, and suddenly it was hard to breathe, hard to think about anything other than the magnetic pull drawing me into their orbit.

The way they looked at me, with a hunger that wasn't just for food or coffee, sent shivers down my spine and made every nerve-ending tingle with awareness. It was thrilling and terrifying all at once, the intensity of their attention embowering me made of whispers and unvoiced promises.

For a moment we simply sat there in silence, three souls caught in an intricate dance of attraction and uncertainty, and then Jaxon reached out to refill our glasses, breaking the spellbinding moment with a clink of crystal against crystal.

“Here's to new discoveries,” he toasted with a mischievous glint returning to his eyes.

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