Page 47 of Ensnared Desire

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Our dishes arrived, presented like edible works of art. Every bite was a revelation, a symphony of flavors I'd never experienced before. For a little while, I forgot my worries and simply enjoyed the decadent meal.

“So, Delcy, what's your big dream for the future?” Jaxon asked.

I hesitated, the fork hovering in midair. Dreams were something I'd pushed to the corners of my mind, labeling them as frivolous in the face of my day-to-day struggles. Yet sitting here, surrounded by the warmth of their company and the soft hum of conversations around us, it felt safe to share.

“I love fashion design,” I said. “I've always dreamed of having my own clothing line.”

Their encouraging nods prompted me to continue.

“But that's all it's been—a dream,” I said with a hint of resignation. “My financial situation makes it feel out of reach, like a childhood fantasy that's not meant for the real world.”

Colton's gaze was steady on me, and there was something so affirming about his attention that it made me feel seen in a way I rarely did.

“You shouldn't let that stop you,” he said firmly.

The earnestness in his voice sent a warm flush through me. I laughed softly to ease the intensity building inside me.

Turning the conversation away from myself, I leaned back and looked at them both with playful curiosity.

“I bet you were wild when you were younger.”

Jaxon laughed. “Too right! We drove our nannies mad with our antics. Poor women couldn't keep up with us.”

I laughed along with him, picturing these two imposing men as mischievous boys running circles around their caretakers. It was an endearing image.

“Twins are adorable,” I said with a smile. “My boss, Blair, has twins, four years old, and they're just the cutest. They come into the café sometimes after daycare.”

The atmosphere shifted then, something in their demeanor changing so subtly that if I hadn’t been paying attention, I might have missed it.

“Is something wrong?” I asked gently.

They exchanged a glance before Jaxon reached out to pour more drink into our glasses, his hand accidentally brushing against mine. A spark ran through me at the contact, a jolt that seemed to linger far longer than it should have.

The room felt thick with tension now, their pheromones hanging heavy in the air like an intoxicating perfume. My own body was responding despite my best efforts to remain composed.

I contemplated excusing myself to take another suppressant—I had already taken one earlier when Lydia turned up—but would it be too much? My mind raced with indecision.

Eventually, dinner came to an end and we stood to leave. Colton settled the bill with an ease that spoke of his status.

Instead of returning to the car, Jaxon suggested a stroll to work off the big meal, which Colton nodded with agreement. I gladly followed them as they led the way.

The cool night air caressed my skin and raised goosebumps along my arms, partly from the chill and partly from their proximity. Jaxon noticed my shiver and draped his jacket over my shoulders. The warmth of his gesture enveloped me, and I murmured my thanks.

The time seemed to slip away until eventually we found ourselves back at their car and Colton drove us toward my apartment building.

When we arrived at my doorstep, they both stepped out with me, a gentlemanly act that had warmth spreading through my chest.

I turned to face them both under the dim glow of the porch light.

“Good night,” I said softly. “And thank you... for such a lovely evening.”

Jaxon's lips lingered near my ear, his warm breath sending tingles across my skin.

“We'd love to take you out again,” he said, his voice like rich velvet.

I drew in a shaky breath, acutely aware of his proximity, of the heat radiating from his body. My mind spun as I tried to form a coherent response.

The words came out before I could stop myself.

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