Page 36 of Ensnared Desire

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Lou's eyes widened like saucers as she clasped her hands together excitedly.

“Oh my gosh! Tell me everything!”

Jaxon moved to sit beside Lou on one of the plush sofas dotting the living room area.

“Her name is Delcy,” he began as Colton watched on silently.

“Delcy?” Lou repeated the name as if tasting it for the first time. Her gaze flitted between the brothers expectantly.

“She works at Brewed Dreams,” Jaxon continued while Colton found himself studying his wineglass intently, anything to avoid spilling more than necessary about Delcy and how she had infiltrated his every waking thought.

“An omega,” Jaxon added after a pause for effect, glancing at Colton who nodded almost imperceptibly in confirmation.

Lou leaned forward, intrigued by this piece of information.

“And what's she like?”

“She's...” Colton searched for words that would do Delcy justice without revealing too much of his inner turmoil. “Different,” he settled on saying finally.

“Different good or different bad?” Lou probed further while twirling a lock of hair around her finger.

“Different exceptional,” Jaxon supplied smoothly when Colton hesitated.

The room hummed with questions left unasked and answers not yet given. It seemed as though every detail about Delcy was being dissected under an invisible microscope by his sister's keen senses, and all without having met the woman who'd caused such an upheaval in their lives.

Lou settled back into the cushions with a satisfied hum as if filing away this new information for future use. Her curiosity never waned but instead took root deep within her, ready to spring forth at any given opportunity, and Colton knew there would be many more opportunities now that Lou had caught wind of Delcy.

Colton savored the last sip of his wine when the doorbell chimed again, its tone slicing through the banter between Jaxon and Lou. Hawkins moved to answer it, his steps silent and sure.

Moments later, Landon and Aston, their cousins, entered the room. Landon, with his hair stylishly disheveled, sported a mischievous grin that reached his steely blue eyes. He was dressed casually yet elegantly in a crisp white shirt paired with dark jeans that did nothing to hide his lean, athletic build.

Aston trailed just behind him, exuding an air of composed sophistication. His hair bore hints of auburn that gleamed under the ambient lighting, complementing his sharp jawline and crisp suit that he wore with an effortless grace. His ocean-blue eyes held a seriousness that contrasted starkly with his younger twin Landon's playful demeanor.

“Louise!” Landon called out with cheerful familiarity as he spotted his cousin. His approach was confident but relaxed, a stark contrast to Lou's sudden intensity.

Lou's expression morphed into one of indignation as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Landon Sterling! You ditched me!”

Landon chuckled, undeterred by Lou's glare.

“Guilty as charged,” he said with a shrug. “But I promise I'll make it up to you.”

“You better,” Lou retorted, though her tone had softened at his easygoing charm.

Colton watched the exchange with a small smile before turning to Aston who had greeted Jaxon with a hug and a back slap.

“Care for some wine?” Colton offered, gesturing toward the assortment of bottles that graced the sideboard.

“Wouldn't miss it,” Aston replied as he accepted a glass from Colton.

With everyone settled and glasses in hand, conversation blossomed anew amidst laughter and clinking crystal. Lou's voice cut through the most, a lively melody against the deeper tones of their male counterparts.

“So,” Lou began after recounting an amusing encounter from her day at the boutique. “I'm on the hunt for something fresh for Opus Chic, something sophisticated and unique that fits our slogan and brand.”

Aston nodded thoughtfully as he took a sip from his glass.

“Each Stitch a Masterstroke,” he recited the tagline with appreciation.

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