Page 35 of Ensnared Desire

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“You're right,” he said after a moment. “But I'm telling you now, by the third date, she has to come here.” His eyes held a gleam that spoke of more than just desire; it was near reverence for the omega who had unwittingly captured their attention.

Colton raised an eyebrow but said nothing as he considered his brother's words. The idea of Delcy in their home—her laughter echoing off these walls, her scent mingling with theirs—was tempting and terrifying all at once.

“I want her scent to permeate my home,” Jaxon continued, almost dreamily. “So I can bask in it.” His gaze drifted toward the kitchen where aromas promised an imminent feast.

Colton watched Jaxon's expression soften at the thought and knew he felt much the same way. But Delcy was not just any omega; she was resilient and fiercely independent. They couldn't rush this, couldn't afford to scare her away with their intensity.

“We'll see how it goes,” Colton said, taking another sip of wine as he turned back to look at his brother.

Jaxon met his gaze with a nod, understanding passing between them without the need for further words.

The chime of the doorbell resonated through the penthouse, pulling Colton from his musings. He watched Hawkins stride with purpose toward the entrance, his steps measured and discreet. The door swung open and in burst a whirlwind of energy and exuberance.

Louise didn't just enter a room, she owned it. Her rich chocolate hair cascaded in waves over her shoulders, a stark contrast to the bright lemon-yellow dress that clung to her frame and ended just above her knees. The fabric accentuated her slender waist and flowed with every movement, as if it were part of her vibrant persona.

She approached Colton with a smile that could outshine the most lavish chandelier.

“Evening, big bro!” she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him in an affectionate hug.

Colton returned the embrace, a soft smile gracing his features as he felt her warmth. She planted a kiss on his cheek, a routine gesture filled with sisterly love.

“Good evening, Lou,” he replied, releasing her to take in the full view of her outfit.

The dress was a daring choice, bold in color and cut, much like Lou herself. It paired perfectly with the delicate gold chain that draped around her neck and the matching earrings that danced at her lobes with each tilt of her head. Her eyes, bright blue like his own, sparkled with mischief and curiosity.

Jaxon rose from his chair, abandoning his phone entirely as he approached Lou with open arms.

“You look like summer come early,” he teased as he embraced her.

Lou giggled at the compliment before pulling back to meet Jaxon's gaze.

“That fashion gala was awesome. Too bad you were too busy to escort me,” she said animatedly. “As for our dear Colt here, he might as well have been a handsome statue. I can't fathom where his thoughts wandered. Maybe Mars? Venus? Perhaps even Jupiter. Or potentially to a distant star system altogether.”

Jaxon's laughter filled the room, rich and genuine.

“Really? That's unlike you, Colt.” He shot Colton a knowing look, one that spoke volumes of their shared secret without uttering a single word about Delcy.

Colton shifted uncomfortably at the memory of how distracted he had been at the event. It wasn't like him to be so caught up in his own headspace, especially not in public.

“And what about at Sterling Galleria?” Lou prodded, tapping a manicured nail against her lips thoughtfully. “You were miles away there, too. You were standing there staring at one of our boutiques across the café as if you'd seen a ghost.”

Colton felt Jaxon's interest spike without even looking at him.

“Here I thought we share everything,” Jaxon said with feigned hurt.

“Grunt all you want,” Lou said playfully, nudging Colton's shoulder. “I know something, or someone, has been occupying your thoughts.”

The conversation flowed around Colton as if he were caught in its current. He tried to deflect their probing with noncommittal sounds and half-hearted shrugs but knew it was futile against their combined force of nature.

“So who is she?” Lou pressed on with relentless cheerfulness.

Colton's silence was met with an exaggerated gasp from Lou as she turned to Jaxon for answers.

“You're holding out on me too? Betrayal!” she mock-accused, placing a hand over her heart dramatically.

Jaxon grinned broadly at their sister's antics before glancing back at Colton with an expectant raise of his eyebrows.

“We've met someone,” Colton said finally, knowing full well that once Lou got wind of something intriguing, there was no stopping her until she unearthed every last detail.

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