Page 22 of Ensnared Desire

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“It's excellent,” he said, relishing the complexity of flavors. The tenderloin melted on his tongue, paired with a velvety sauce that hinted at truffles and red wine, a dish Delcy would undoubtedly find exquisite.

After lunch, Lou decided they weren't done for the day and insisted on shopping at Sterling Galleria. As they entered the familiar grandeur of their family's namesake, he couldn't shake off thoughts of Delcy.

Lou darted from one luxury store to another, trying on outfits that showcased her impeccable taste and fashion sense. Colton offered his opinions when asked but found himself going through the motions, his sister's laughter a distant melody against the backdrop of his preoccupation.

Eventually, Lou declared herself spent from trying on countless ensembles and dragged him toward one of the galleria’s most luxurious cafés for a well-deserved break.

The café was an oasis of sophistication within the already opulent galleria—plush velvet seating, golden accents, and a dessert case that made even Colton take notice. They settled into their seats, Lou ordering coffee and pastries with gusto while Colton chose a simple espresso.

Lou's delight in her break was palpable. She sipped her coffee with a contented sigh while Colton merely stared into his own cup. It lacked Delcy's touch, the subtle notes she coaxed from beans that turned a mere drink into something memorable.

As he sat there, aware of the glances they attracted—not just for their status but for their looks—he felt strangely isolated. His sister excused herself momentarily, leaving him alone with his thoughts until his phone buzzed.

Jaxon's voice came through light and expectant. “So? How'd it go?”

“It was fine,” Colton replied, keeping his tone even as he glanced through the café’s window front.

And there she was—Delcy—a few feet away outside on the mall floor, her attention captured by a dress in a boutique window. The softness in her expression as she admired it tugged at something deep within him.

“I have to go,” he said abruptly before pocketing his phone and stepping outside without waiting for Jaxon’s response.

He stood there watching Delcy holding on to art supplies like treasures won from battles unknown to him. He saw her every nuance, the way her fingers traced over fabric she didn't dare touch directly, how she bit her lip in silent longing.

He wanted to bridge that distance between them, to tell her that she deserved every luxury this world could offer and more. But he hesitated. He couldn't approach without cause, without seeming like some predatory alpha, or worse, a stalker watching from the shadows.

So he stood rooted to his spot until Delcy turned away from the window display and disappeared into the throng of shoppers. A strange ache settled in his chest, one he hadn't known before.

“What's wrong?” Lou’s voice broke through his trancelike state as she touched his arm lightly.

He shook his head as if clearing fog from his mind. “Nothing,” he said quickly, offering no explanation for his abrupt exit or distracted demeanor. “Let's leave.”


Jaxon eased his car to a halt outside Brewed Dreams. His morning ritual had settled into a comfortable pattern over the past week, the daily stop at the café became a pulse point in his routine. On the days his schedule brimmed with meetings and demands, he'd order coffee delivered to Sterling Enterprises—one for himself and one for Colton, a silent message of brotherly solidarity.

Today, however, Jaxon had time to spare. He strolled into Brewed Dreams with an ease that belied his anticipation. His gaze swept across the space, hoping for a glimpse of Delcy. On the days she graced him with her presence, he felt a surge of satisfaction, a quiet contentment that softened the edges of his otherwise rigorous life.

On days like today, when Delcy was nowhere to be seen, a shadow would pass over his mood. The coffee cups from Brewed Dreams had accumulated in his penthouse, lined up like soldiers on a shelf in his bedroom, a tangible connection to those brief encounters that started his day on a brighter note.

As he waited for his order, Jaxon's fingers slipped into his pocket, finding the pen that had become his talisman. He'd toyed with it often, rolling it between his fingers in moments of contemplation or boredom but never allowing it to touch paper.

The week trudged on, unremarkable but for these small rituals, until Saturday arrived. In front of the full-length mirror in his penthouse, Jaxon adjusted the cuffs of his sleek suit. It clung to him like a second skin, cut to enhance every line and angle of his tall, athletic frame. He scrutinized himself critically, a formidable image reflected back at him, powerful and polished. He was ready for the Alpha Gold Club event.

Though these exclusive gatherings had lost their allure over the years, Jaxon knew appearances must be kept. He slid on an expensive watch to complete the look, then grabbed his keys and headed next door to his brother's penthouse.

He found Colton looking every bit as impeccable as himself—hair styled to casual perfection, suit tailored flawlessly—but wearing an expression that spoke volumes of his reluctance.

“You look like you're heading to a funeral,” he quipped as he leaned against the doorframe.

Colton grunted.

“Tell you what. If it's truly terrible, we'll ditch early,” he suggested casually. “We'll check out Café Serenity where Delcy works on Saturday night. Maybe we'll catch her at the end of her shift.” They had learned the café’s name where Delcy was employed on Fridays and Saturdays through Anna, Delcy's junior coworker at Brewed Dreams.

At the mention of Delcy's name, Colton's demeanor shifted almost imperceptibly, a hint of light in otherwise stormy eyes. Jaxon felt a little spark of excitement himself at the thought of seeing her again.

“Yeah,” Colton said after a moment. “We could do that.”

With an air of slightly lifted spirits, they left Colton's penthouse side by side. The city unfolded before them as they descended into its heartbeat, the streets pulsing with life and secrets waiting in shadowed corners.

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