Page 21 of Ensnared Desire

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The sun cast a golden glow over the city, warming the streets and the hearts of those out to enjoy the day. Colton stood before his open wardrobe, selecting a suit with care. It wasn't his usual charcoal or black, the armor of his workdays, but something with a touch of vibrancy—a rich navy that caught the light just so. The fabric was fine, the cut impeccable. He dressed not for the boardroom, but for spectacle and style.

He surveyed himself in the full-length mirror, adjusting his tie with deft fingers. The suit hugged his broad shoulders and tapered to his waist in a way that was sure to draw attention, not that he craved it. But today wasn't about business; it was about familial bonds and Lou's whims.

Colton's arrival at Lou's apartment was met with her bright smile. Her chocolate-dark hair cascaded in waves over her shoulders, setting off the bright azure blue of her eyes. She spun once in her cocktail dress, a flurry of sapphire that matched her gaze, and Colton couldn't help but think how she embodied the Sterling traits—slender and undeniably attractive.

“Thanks for giving up your Sunday for me,” Lou said as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

“It's not entirely selfless,” Colton said with a half smile. “You're bribing me with lunch.”

The two left in his Rolls-Royce, luxury purring beneath them as they glided toward the fashion event. Upon arrival, heads turned—the vehicle itself a statement of opulence, its passengers subjects of admiration and envy.

Women's eyes lingered on Colton longer than necessary, their gazes tracing the lines of his suit as if trying to divine the man beneath. Colton found it exhausting. Their attention held no allure for him, not when his thoughts were occupied by another.

Inside, flutes of champagne circulated among guests who glittered almost as much as their drinks. Lou was in her element, charming and animated, while Colton found himself performing the social dance out of obligation rather than enjoyment.

As acquaintances flocked to Lou, many hinted or outright begged for an introduction to her elusive brother. Yet Lou held back, understanding Colton's aversion to such superficial exchanges. He could only muster so much patience for the facade of pleasantries.

Seated for the show, surrounded by a sea of couture and anticipation, Colton found himself disengaged from the spectacle. Instead, his mind wandered to Delcy. How would she look draped in these elegant creations? He could almost see her—ethereal and radiant—each dress enhancing her natural beauty.

Lou's excitement was palpable beside him as she noted down pieces that caught her eye for their boutiques.

“These will be perfect,” she said with a flourish of her pen. She leaned over during a particularly striking passage of gowns. “We should get some of these for our stores,” she whispered excitedly. “They'd sell out in minutes.”

Colton hummed in agreement, but his heart wasn't in it. He pictured Delcy again—perhaps in something simple yet exquisite—a dress that didn't shout its value but whispered it like a secret between lovers.

Lou caught his distant look and nudged him gently. “Earth to Colton,” she teased lightly. “Where'd you go just now?”

He offered a tight smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. “Just business,” he lied smoothly.

Lou seemed to accept this at face value but shot him a knowing glance before turning her attention back to the runway.

As models strutted and cameras flashed, Colton found himself ensnared by thoughts of Delcy again, the note she'd left him, her scent lingering like an echo he couldn't escape. He wanted those whispers meant only for him, wanted Delcy in ways he couldn't yet define.

The show continued its relentless march of color and form, each piece more daring than the last, a symphony of fabric that left many breathless with desire for possession. Yet amidst all this splendor designed to captivate and enthrall, Colton sat still as stone, untouched by their allure.

His gaze occasionally flicked to Lou, her joy genuine as she absorbed each detail, and he felt a twinge of something akin to envy at her ability to be present wholly and unreservedly.

When they finally rose from their seats amidst applause and chatter about favorite pieces and designers' geniuses, Lou looped her arm through Colton's and led him away from their prime vantage point.

“Let's go claim that lunch I owe you,” she said with an impish grin that had carried them through countless childhood adventures, and some adult ones, too.

As they wove through clusters of attendees still buzzing with post-show excitement, Colton followed Lou's lead out into daylight once more.

“I'm famished after all that,” Lou said.

Colton let Lou steer them down the street, trusting her intimate knowledge of the neighborhood's offerings. They soon arrived at a stately restaurant tucked discreetly between more garish establishments. Inside, it was an oasis of elegant calm.

The clinking of silverware against fine china and the murmur of conversation welcomed Colton as he and Lou sat down. The ambiance was refined, the patrons well dressed and cultured. He took a moment to appreciate the quiet sophistication of the place—its crisp linens, sparkling glassware, and artfully arranged floral centerpieces.

He studied the menu, selecting dishes with care, opting for the chef's recommendations, a fusion of flavors that promised a culinary journey.

“This is the perfect place to bring someone special,” Lou said, her eyes twinkling with mirth as she sipped her water. “Intimate but not stuffy.”

Colton made a noncommittal sound in response, though his thoughts immediately went to Delcy. Would she feel comfortable in a place like this? Her world seemed so far removed from the extravagance surrounding him. He pictured her across from him at the table, looking utterly out of place and unsure what utensils to use. The image pained him.

When the food arrived, it was as much a feast for the eyes as it was for the palate. The first bite confirmed what his eyes had suggested—this was an experience to be savored.

Lou watched him with a smirk. “You like it?”

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