Page 10 of Ensnared Desire

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With a sigh, he turned and headed for the nearest bar for a few drinks first, to clear his head. He bellied up to the counter and ordered a whiskey, sipping it slowly, trying to tamp down the heat that Delcy had sparked within him.

A slender brunette caught his eye, her hair a tumble of dark waves so like Delcy's. Needing to chase those fantasies away, Jaxon bought her a drink. They danced, her body undulating against his, but it wasn't enough. With a charming grin, he led her back to his car, determined to slake this thirst Delcy had awakened within him. If only for tonight.

* * *

The morning light filtered through the sheer curtains of the luxurious hotel room, casting a warm glow over the soft, opulent fabrics and rich wood furnishings. Jaxon stirred awake in the king-sized bed, the sheets tangled around him, his body heavy with the remnants of last night's indulgence. As consciousness took hold, a dull throb settled at the base of his skull, a telltale sign of a hangover. He could feel the residue of last night's excesses sloshing around in his stomach.


He groaned and rolled onto his side to see a woman beside him, her features a blur against the white of the sheets.

He remembered then—the bar, the drinks, the way she had moved against him on the dance floor. A feeble attempt to douse the fire Delcy had ignited within him. But as he lay there, staring at the ceiling of the luxurious room, he knew it hadn't worked. His mind wandered back to Delcy, to the way her scent had made him feel. It was more than just attraction; it was an all-consuming need that this stranger beside him could never fulfill.

Just the thought of Delcy made his pulse race, and he could almost taste her sweet pheromones on his tongue again. Jaxon couldn't shake the feeling that last night had been a mistake, that this woman was nothing but a substitute for what he really wanted.

He disentangled himself from the sleeping woman, and with a soft groan, slipped out of bed and padded toward the bathroom for a quick shower, determined to wash away the traces of last night's sins, though the hot water did little to remove his regrets or soothe his pounding head.

Dressed again in last night's clothes, Jaxon exited the bathroom to find his companion still asleep. He scribbled a note thanking her for her company along with enough cash to cover any incidentals and placed it on the nightstand. With one last glance at her peaceful form, he quietly left the room. Stepping out into the crisp morning air, Jaxon made his way back to his penthouse.

“Good morning, Mr. Sterling,” Johnson greeted him as he entered. The butler's impeccable posture and measured tone offered a sense of normalcy after an evening that had been anything but.

“Morning,” Jaxon replied with a nod, not slowing down as he strode through the grand foyer.

Mrs. Hughes, the housekeeper, appeared from around a corner, concern evident in her eyes. “Would you like breakfast prepared, Mr. Sterling?”

“No need,” Jaxon said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I'll be joining Colton.”

She gave him an understanding smile and retreated back into the depths of the penthouse.

As he strode to his master suite, Jaxon caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. His normally pristine appearance was marred by dark circles under his eyes and disheveled hair. He winced at the sight, feeling like a shadow of his usual self.

He quickly dressed in workout gear, and in the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of water and headed out the door. As he stepped into the elevator, his mind drifted toward Delcy again, remembering her scent, her delicate movement, and the way her dark hair cascaded down her back, and he cursed under his breath. He needed to stop thinking about her. It only brought forward unwanted desires, and he didn't need that right now.

The gym was already buzzing with activity when Jaxon entered. He scanned the room and found Colton at one end, pounding away on the treadmill with a grim determination that bordered on obsession. Jaxon knew better than to interrupt his brother when he was like this; Colton needed to work off whatever demons were plaguing him. So instead, Jaxon took a moment to stretch before joining him on the treadmill.

“Morning,” he greeted as he approached.

Colton grunted in acknowledgment. Jaxon resisted asking about last night, about Delcy at the coffee shop, and though curiosity gnawed at him—he knew Colton was equally affected by her omega pheromones. Instead, he climbed onto a treadmill and began running at a steady pace.

As they ran side by side, Jaxon couldn't help but admire his brother's physique. They were both fit and muscular, but there was a raw power in Colton's movements that Jaxon couldn't match. Their muscles rippled beneath their skin, catching the attention of everyone in the gym. Jaxon could feel the heat of their gazes, but he ignored them, focusing on the rhythmic pounding of his feet upon the treadmill.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he increased the speed, his muscles working in harmony with each stride. He glanced at Colton who seemed lost in thought even as he kept pace.

Afterward, they moved to the weight section, where Jaxon pushed himself to the limit, lifting heavy weights and working his muscles until they burned. The exertion helped to clear his head, but the thoughts of Delcy lingered, refusing to be banished. Finally, they were both spent, and Jaxon collapsed onto a bench, gulping down water to quench his thirst. Colton joined him, a towel draped around his neck.

At Colton's penthouse, Hawkins greeted them at the door with an air of professionalism that never wavered despite their sweaty states.

“Breakfast is ready in the dining room,” he informed them promptly.

“Thanks,” Colton said as they made their way to eat.

They settled into comfortable chairs around Colton's dining table that overlooked the cityscape. Mrs. Danvers served them an elaborate spread—eggs cooked just right, crisp bacon alongside French toast, fresh fruit, and steaming coffee.

Jaxon dug in with gusto, ravenous after last night's indulgences and this morning's workout. Colton ate more slowly, his appetite less voracious than Jaxon's but no less appreciative of the meal before them.

Colton caught his eye across the table; for a moment there was silence—a silent understanding passing between them about unspoken desires and complicated emotions tied to an omega who was upending their world without even trying.

Jaxon cleared his throat and said, “I'm done. Thanks for the breakfast, Mrs. Danvers,” as he pushed back the chair.

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