Page 9 of Ensnared Desire

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As he lathered soap over his body, he couldn't help but remember Delcy and her intoxicating scent that now clung to him like a second skin. It haunted him, teasing him and stirring an instinctual reaction deep within. His mind drifted back to her, to the way she moved, the softness of her skin, and that elusive fragrance that seemed to call to him on a primal level. He groaned softly as his hand found its way between his legs, mindlessly stroking himself as memories of her flooded his mind.

But then something clicked in his head—he was going into a rut. The sudden realization jolted him out of his trance, and he quickly worked on cooling the heat within him.

He switched the dial, turning it to cold. The icy water was a shock to his system, but it helped clear the haze of desire, at least a little. He braced his hands against the marble tiles, letting the spray sluice down his back as he wrestled with himself.

Ah, fuck! Colton refused to even think it. He had sworn off omegas years ago, for good reason. He would never again allow himself to lose control. The consequences had been too grave.

He rinsed off quickly, wanting to rid himself of her scent but finding it only embedded deeper into his memory with each attempt to wash it away.

After the shower, he toweled off and pulled on black silk pajama bottoms. The cold water had tamped down his arousal, but remnants persisted, keeping him on edge. Grimacing in frustration, he went through his nightly routine. But as he applied moisturizer, he caught a whiff of something sweet clinging to his skin. Her scent, he was sure of it. Delcy's scent seemed to have permeated him, despite his efforts to wash it away.

Clenching his jaw, Colton stalked into the bedroom and flung back the covers on his massive bed, the sheets cool and smooth against his heated skin. He stared up at the ceiling, willing his mind to quiet, but it refused to cooperate.

Unbidden images arose—Delcy's graceful neck as she prepared the coffee and the tempting curve of her body under the shapeless uniform. An unwelcome heat began pooling in his groin, again.

“Fuck!” he snarled, sitting up abruptly. This wouldn't do. He needed to take stronger measures before things got out of hand.

Crossing the room, he unlocked the top drawer of his dresser to retrieve an unmarked pill bottle. It contained suppressants, specially formulated to counteract the rut triggered when an alpha encountered the pheromones of an omega. He hadn't needed them in years. Until now.

Colton shook out one of the pills and swallowed it dry, grimacing at the bitter taste. He stood there, waiting for the suppressant to take effect, for the feverish need to abate. For Delcy's scent to fade, along with the dangerous thoughts it provoked.

After several minutes, he began to feel calmer, more in control of himself. The suppressant was working. With a sigh of relief, Colton climbed back into bed, stretching out atop the luxurious Egyptian cotton sheets. He focused on taking deep, even breaths, willing his body to relax.

As he stared out the wall of windows overlooking the twinkling cityscape, his thoughts drifted involuntarily back to Delcy—her gentle movements as she served coffee, her scent... God, her scent was something else entirely.

Despite himself, Colton imagined what it would be like to have her close—so close he could feel her breath against his skin, so close he could explore every inch of her with hands and mouth, so close he could lose himself in her completely.

It was a dangerous line of thought, one that Colton rarely allowed himself to entertain. Yet tonight, fueled by lingering pheromones and suppressed desires held at bay for too long, he found himself indulging in fantasies about an omega who had somehow managed to slip past his defenses.

His heartbeat thrummed in his ears as he envisioned Delcy beneath him, her eyes wide with desire as they locked on to his own gaze, her soft moans filling the room as they moved together in perfect rhythm, her fingers clutching at him as if she never wanted to let go.

He imagined tracing his fingers over her delicate collarbone, tangling them in her silky dark hair. What would she look like with that ponytail undone, locks spilling wildly across his pillows?

Sense came to him once again, and Colton gritted his teeth, forcing those thoughts away. She was an omega; her scent made that clear. And he had no place in his life for an omega. With effort, he redirected his thoughts to the mundane—upcoming meetings, quarterly financial reports, employee issues requiring his attention.

Gradually, Colton felt his eyelids growing heavy as the suppressant worked its magic, subduing his alpha instincts, dulling the edge of urgency that had gripped him since leaving the café. Delcy's scent and the desire it provoked were fading away, much to his relief. He needed to forget her. She was nobody. Just a server in a random café, meaningless to him and his world.

As Colton finally drifted off to sleep, visions of Delcy still danced in his head. He murmured her name as he slipped into slumber, unable to fully banish her from his dreams. Though he fought to deny it, she had sparked something within him, dangerous yet irresistible.


Jaxon Sterling watched as Colton drove away, the rear lights of his polished ebony Rolls-Royce La Rose Noire disappearing into the night. Rather than returning to his residence, Jaxon conceived an alternate plan. He ignited the engine of his identical vehicle, in a vibrant red hue, and maneuvered it just around the block, positioning it opposite the café they had visited before.

Nights in the city were always bustling with activity—people laughing, music blaring, drinks flowing—but none of that chaos could distract him now. Leaning against the side of his car, Jaxon's eyes were drawn to the figure, an angel, inside the café, one who had managed to captivate both Sterling twins.

Delcy. Her name felt like a prayer on his lips, one he wanted to whisper over and over.

He watched her move with delicate grace as she wiped down tables, the mundane task somehow mesmerizing when performed by her slender hands. Jaxon could almost smell that sweet scent from here, the one that had risen unbidden, one that had ignited a fervent heat within him, just as she had in Colton. However, unlike Colton, who endeavored to suppress it, Jaxon welcomed the sensation. He savored it, allowing it to engulf him. Her scent haunted him now, making his body thrum with a longing desire.

She halted to remove the mask from her face, and Jaxon's breath hitched. She was even more beautiful than he had remembered, with delicate features and full lips. Her allure intensified when her lips formed the faintest of grins.

He watched, transfixed, while she released her lengthy ebony tresses from the confines of the ponytail, allowing the glossy locks to tumble down her back. Jaxon had to grip the car just to steady himself. He felt like his knees might give out, overwhelmed by her scent, still lingering in his mind.

He could almost taste those sweet pheromones on his tongue again, thanks to the coffee. It took all his willpower not to go over there, to get closer to her. But he stayed put, watching from a distance as she finished closing up shop.

He saw her pop a small pill into her mouth. A suppressant. Which meant his instincts were right—she was also affected by his and Colton's presence. Jaxon's inner alpha howled with triumph at that confirmation.

At last, she emerged, bidding a coworker farewell before making her way to her clunker of a vehicle. Jaxon's fingers itched to grab his keys. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to follow her, but he managed to rein in the urge, letting her car carry her away into the night.

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