Page 11 of Ensnared Desire

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“No worries, Mr. Sterling,” the housekeeper replied, a grin on her face.

As he headed for the door, he said to Colton, “See you at the office.”

Jaxon returned to the solitude of his penthouse, the quiet space a stark contrast to the hum of the gym. He could still feel the pleasant ache of his muscles from the morning's exertions.

In the bathroom, the water cascaded over him, sluicing away the last remnants of physical strain. He closed his eyes, trying to center himself. But Delcy invaded his thoughts once more. Her sweet scent, her delicate features, the way she moved with ethereal grace. He shook his head, forcing the thoughts away.

He turned off the shower and stepped out. With a towel wrapped around his waist, he stepped in front of the full-length mirror. His reflection showed a man renewed, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. With meticulous care, he dressed in one of his power suits—a sharp navy number that accentuated his broad shoulders and lean frame.

He inspected himself in the mirror, straightening his tie with precise movements. The man staring back was stunning—Jaxon knew this without arrogance; it was simply a fact, like knowing the sky was blue or that water was wet. Powerful. Confident. Dominant. This was the image he wanted to project today.

Once satisfied with his appearance, he grabbed his briefcase and headed for work. As he slid behind the wheel of his car, his thoughts involuntarily drifted to Delcy.

The coffee shop where she worked wasn't far out of his way, and before he knew it, Jaxon found himself pulling up outside the establishment. His heart thumped erratically as he peered through the windows, searching for that familiar figure that had haunted his dreams.

But Delcy wasn't there.

A frown creased Jaxon's brow as he fought off disappointment. He had no reason to see her—no excuse—and yet the desire to catch just a glimpse of her was overwhelming.

With a heavy sigh, he pulled away from the curb and continued on to Sterling Enterprises. As COO, there were deals to broker and meetings to lead—distractions aplenty from unwelcome obsessions.

The office was a hive of activity when Jaxon arrived. His assistant, Mike, greeted him with a stack of reports and a rundown of the day's schedule.

“You've got back-to-back meetings until lunch,” Mike said, adjusting his glasses.

“Let's get started, then,” Jaxon said with determined cheerfulness despite feeling anything but.

He walked through the corridors with Mike at his side. Heads turned as they passed; whispers followed them like shadows. The women in their sleek office attire appraised Jaxon with eyes full of admiration, some bold enough to offer him coy smiles which he returned with effortless charm.

When Colton joined them for a meeting later that morning, it caused quite a stir among their staff—two Sterling alphas in one room was more than most could handle. While Jaxon drew smiles and hopeful glances from their female staff members, Colton's presence elicited a different kind of attention—fear mingled with desire.

As they wrapped up another successful negotiation, Jaxon leaned back in his chair and regarded Colton.

“Lunch?” he asked casually once everyone else had left the room.

Colton shook his head without looking up from his papers. “Busy.”

Emma appeared then with lunch for Colton, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Jaxon. Before Colton could dismiss her too, she had set down a gourmet meal on his desk and retreated with practiced efficiency.

Jaxon rose from his seat and made for the elevator alone. The pull toward Delcy's coffee shop was too strong to resist. Maybe she'd be there now. Perhaps she'd been running late earlier.

Fifteen minutes later, Jaxon entered the coffee shop, the little bell above the door announcing his arrival with a cheerful jingle. He was used to the way heads turned when he walked into a room, the admiring and envious looks that followed him. But today he barely noticed them, his focus singular as he scanned the shop for any sign of Delcy.

Her scent—that sweet, intoxicating omega scent—lingered in the air, teasing him. His inner alpha stirred, responding to it even as his rational mind rebelled. She wasn't here. But the evidence of her remained, haunting him.

Jaxon moved up to the counter, his gaze sweeping over the chalkboard menu without really seeing it. “Just a black coffee. To go.”

He didn't plan on staying. Without Delcy here, there was nothing to hold his interest. Just her lingering scent, embedded in the worn floorboards and faded wallpaper, reminding him of her presence. His fingers gripped the counter edge as he fought the urge to demand her schedule, to find out when she'd be back. It was irrational, and the intensity of his need alarmed him.

“Of course, sir, coming right up.” The barista bustled around behind the counter, brewing the coffee with quick, efficient motions.

Jaxon tapped his fingers on the counter, torn between impatience and disappointment. His instincts urged him to stay, to wait for her, while logic reminded him he had no claim over this woman. No right to her time.

Yet the thought of leaving without seeing her felt unbearable.

“Here you are.” The barista slid a steaming paper cup across the counter along with a cardboard sleeve.

Jaxon dropped a twenty in the tip jar and grabbed the coffee without a word. He couldn't bring himself to leave, his feet refusing to carry him out the door. With a sigh, he took a seat at a corner table where he had a view of the entrance.

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