Page 9 of Rider's Claim

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“What were you about to say baby?” I asked her as she looked out the window. “You know you can tell me anything?” I reached over for her hand and brought it to my lips to kiss it.

“When am I getting my car back?” she asked quietly. I knew she was independent and that being taken back and forth was going to start to wear on her nerves. “I just feel like I can’t do anything on my own.”

“I know you hate this Katie, we do too.” I looked over at her as we pulled into her apartment complex. “We know you like your independence and that this is got to be making you crazy. We just need to know that you’re safe. He threatened your life.”

“I know, but I hate giving him this much power over me. It’s not fair, I never gave him any reason to think I was remotely interested in him. He is delusional and should not be allowed back in the program. What if he fixated on a patient like this?” She was getting angry. I knew she needed to blow off some steam. I backed out and headed to the clubhouse. “Where are we going?”

“We are going to go get my bike and go for a ride. I think you could use the fresh air and there is nothing like a long ride to clear your mind.” I knew that it was true for most of us. When we needed to clear our minds, we went for a ride. So, I was taking my girl for a ride.



We pulled up to the clubhouse and got out of his truck. Rider walked me inside and went looking for a leather jacket and some boots for me to wear. I looked around while we were there, Lillian was in the kitchen cooking with Fury sitting there at the bar with little Emma beside him. I watched them for a few minutes and then figured I should at least go say hi.

“Hey Katherine, what are you doing here today?” Lillian asked as she put a plate in front of Emma and Fury then put one beside him for herself. Rider chose that moment to come into the common area with some boots, a jacket and a helmet. He crossed over to me and put them down on a chair.

“Hey baby, try these one and see if they will work.” He got down on one knee and helped me put the boots on, then stood up and put the jacket around my shoulders as I slipped my arms in. Although it was early spring, it was still cold enough on a bike to need a jacket. I looked up and Lillian looked surprised, Fury however did not. He just smirked.

“Have fun, you better bring her back in one piece or Fang will hang you in the basement.” Fury chuckled. I heard little Emma asked about the basement and Lillian popped Fury and shook her head at him while telling the child that her Papi was just kidding.

“You ready?” Rider asked me as he took my hand. I smiled and nodded, following behind him. He climbed on the bike and offered me his hand. I placed my hand on his shoulder and my foot on the pedal and swung my leg over sliding on behind him and wrapping my arms around tight. He reached down with one of his hands holding mine to his abs.

“Hold on tight.” He said as he started the bike and took off. There was really nothing like the wind in my hair and the feel of the engine under me. My favorite was feeling him against my body and breathing him in. We rode all over town and along some back roads. He took me back to the spot where he first kissed me. He turned off the bike and then took off his helmet. I hopped off the bike and he pulled me back on the bike in front of him. Taking my face in his hands he kissed me gently at first then it got heated. I slid my hands up his shirt and played with his piercings and he groaned in my mouth and palmed my ass, pulling me tighter to him. I wanted him and I didn’t want to wait until we got home. I broke the kiss and then slid the jacket off, laying it on the handle, next went my top. Rider looked at me with heat in his eyes as he did the same.

“Hop off baby.” He demanded. I climbed off the bike and watched him while I pulled my boots off and shimmied out of my jeans. Standing there in nothing but my bra and thong. “Damn you’re sexy. “he said. I watched as he dismounted his bike and opened his jeans shucking them just below his ass. He pulled me close and started kissing me, his hand snaking down my body to rip off the thong. He tucked it in his pocket and then dipped his fingers in me to test my readiness.

“I want you Caleb, please.” I whimpered into his mouth while we kissed. He slid his hands down and gripped my ass picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he impaled me on his cock. I knew he was strong but damn. I wrapped my arms around his neck and used his shoulders to help me ride him. This was going to be quick. He held my ass as he helped me ride him. Dipping a finger in my wetness he slipped it in my ass, and I came all over him. He followed right after. He gently put me on my feet and looked in his satchel for some wipes. I realized that we didn’t use protection.

“I forgot the condom.” He said in a low voice. I cleaned up and dressed, not saying anything. It was my fault too so I could not really be mad at him, but damn I did not have time to be pregnant right now. I had a residency to complete. Thankfully I was on the pill to regulate my periods but that wasn’t one hundred percent effective. “Baby, you’re really quiet. Are you mad?”

I took a deep breath and looked up at him. He looked worried that I would be angry with him. I walked over and put my arms around his waist, laying my head against his chest.

“I’m not mad, it was my fault too. We got carried away. I’ve only ever been with one other person and that was years ago. I’m clean and I have been checked. I’m also on the pill.” I looked up at him. “I grew up around the club, I know what goes on at those parties so are you clean?”

He pulled back and looked me in the eye. I was a little scared that I had said the wrong thing and ruined what we have. Rider was still looking at me like he didn’t know what to say to that. Now I was getting pissed.

“You know what, never mind. Just take me home.” I put the jacket on and crossed my arms. I didn’t really think he had been doing anything, but I had to ask. I’m a doctor for crying out loud, it’s the responsible thing to do. He walked over and put his finger under my chin and lifted my face, so I was looking at him. I knew I had tears in my eyes, and I hated that.

“Baby, I have not looked at or touched another woman but you in over a year. Yes, I have had offers and plenty of opportunities, but I was not interested.” He climbed on his bike and jerked his head for me to get on. I feel like I ruined what was a perfect evening and now I feel sad. Climbing on his bike, I put on my helmet and then wrapped my arms around him. He drove us back to my place at a leisurely pace. I knew this discussion was not over but we both needed time to get our thoughts together. The thing is, I do want kids eventually. I just want to be out of my residency first if possible but definitely out of my intern year. It’s all I can do to take care of myself right now, a baby would be too much. He pulled up in front of my apartment complex and I got off the bike. I took off the helmet and he attached it to the bike with his. Taking my hand, we walked to my apartment in silence. Unlike our usual silences, this one was not comfortable. It felt rife with under currents and stress. Once inside I threw my bag on the side table and turned to look at him.

“Come on Katie, let’s sit down and we will talk about what is bothering you.” Rider sat on the couch and pulled me into his lap. “I know you are upset but I also think that by now you know me well enough to know I wasn’t whoring around while you were at school, so it has to be something else.”

“I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that and you’re right, I know better. It’s the possible pregnancy thing that scares me to death right now.” I bit my lip and looked up at him. “I’m on the pill but it could still happen. That’s not foolproof.”

“You don’t want kids?” he asked me, studying my reactions. I looked up at him in surprise.

“I do want kids, eventually. Just…” I hesitated just a moment.

“Just not with me.” He said harshly and started to move me off his lap. I turned so I was straddling his lap and put my hands on either side of his face.

“Andrew Caleb Griggs, that’s just not true. I would love to have your babies one day. I can’t imagine anyone else fathering my children. It’s not that at all.” I said as I gently pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’m a surgical intern. I am barely holding it together for me right now. Having a baby would probably kill my chances of finishing my intern year. I would prefer to wait until I am at least in my third year of residency.”

“Ok, I can understand that.” he said as he pulled me against his chest and buried his face in my hair. “We will make sure to use condoms from now on.”

“I didn’t mean to make you feel like I wouldn’t want your babies. I’d love to have a couple of kids with you. I just want to wait a while. You want babies with me?” I asked him when it dawned on me what he was saying. “You are still getting to know me.”

“I want everything with you Katie girl. We may not have spent a lot of time together, but we have been talking and writing for over a year. I know you inside and out, the same way you know me.” He looked at me and I leaned down to kiss him. I could kiss this man all day. I was ready to drag him to the bedroom when the doorbell rang. I eased off his lap and started to answer the door when he gently moved me behind him. “Let me, please.”

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