Page 10 of Rider's Claim

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I stood behind him as he answered the door. There was a delivery guy standing there holding a box.

“I have a delivery for Katherine Watson. Is she here?” the delivery guy asked. Rider took the box and signed for it closing the door. He put the box on the counter and pulled out his pocketknife to open it.

“Did you order something?” he asked me as he looked at the box. There was no return address on the box. I shook my head and stared at the box. “Do you mind if I open it?”

“I don’t care if you open it or trash it. I didn’t order anything, and Jimmy wouldn’t ship me anything he would just bring it over.” I told him, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I got the tape undone, how about you stand back, and I’ll open it.” He went to open the box and just as he got the corner off, we heard a rattle. I screamed and he dropped the lid back down. Taking a heavy pan, he laid it on top of the box and called animal control, then the police.

“This has to stop. I hope they can find some evidence in this damn box.” I said as we waited for everyone to arrive. I texted my brother and he was headed over as well. The police arrived just before animal control. They waited for them to remove the snake before taking the box and its other contents into evidence. Jimmy came in the door as they were taking the snake out and I heard a string of curses from him. Neither of us liked snakes. I have always had a deathly fear of them. He came over to me and pulled me into a hug.

“Damn little bit, I’m so glad Rider was here with you. If that thing had bitten you. Just Damn.” He held me tight, and I thought about all the times Jimmy had taken care of me over the years. He really was the best brother a girl could have.

“I’m okay Jimmy, I promise. We didn’t even open the box all the way. I didn’t touch it. Caleb wouldn’t let me.” Jimmy looked at me and over at his friend.

“So, she calls you Caleb now?” he directed at his friend. “Well, I guess it is serious.” Jimmy released me and slapped Caleb on the back. “Thank you for taking care of her. I would feel a lot better if you both came and stayed at the house with me until this asshole is caught. I’ll stay in your room at the clubhouse if it makes you more comfortable.”

“Katie, it’s a good idea and it’s much safer for you. Nobody gets past the gate without approval and packages are checked right there.” He was giving me the choice, but really, what choice did I have. I would not be able to sleep here until he was caught. I didn’t feel safe in my own home anymore. My skin was crawling just thinking about the snake that could have been slithering around or worse bitten me had I opened that box. I looked around the place and nodded.

“I’ll pack a bag and then be out in a few minutes.” I told them as I headed to my bedroom.



“I fucking hate this. I want this bastard stopped.” I kicked a chair and walked outside. Fang followed me out. “I’m on my bike so we will have to come back for the rest later.”

“Why don’t I stay here while you go get your truck. Make this one trip. When we get back, I’ll throw a bag together to take over to the clubhouse.” I started to argue that he didn’t have to do that, but he shook his head. “No way I want to be in the next room while you do my sister.”

I chuckled as he made gagging noises. “Okay, let me grab my keys and tell my girl that I will be right back.”

I went back inside and headed to the bedroom. Katie was sitting at the end of the bed staring at nothing. Her bag was packed beside her, but she just looked defeated.

“Hey baby, it will be alright. They will catch this jerk and then things will go back to normal.” I sat beside her and put my arm across her shoulders. She laid her head on my chest and took a deep breath. “I have to go get my truck. Fang is going to stick around until I get back. I want you to decide what you want to take with you.”

“I don’t really have much since I just moved in a couple months ago. Just my clothes and shoes. All of my sentimental stuff is still at Jimmy’s in my old room.” she said quietly. “I’ll be okay until you get back.”

“Why don’t you go put whatever stuff in the fridge that will spoil in a box to take with us, and I’ll be back in twenty minutes.” I told her as I kissed her and then got up to leave.

Katherine followed me into the living area and Jimmy already had a box putting the cold stuff in it to take with us. He was looking very frustrated while he did it. I knew she was in good hands, so I left.

I dropped off my bike and got my truck to head back out. I saw the guys were back from their mission, so I pulled over at Hawks place for a second. He must have heard me because he came outside.

“Hey, glad ya’ll made it back. Is everyone okay?” I asked him. He nodded as he walked over to my truck.

“We are all back, we recovered both of them, but the girl is going to need counseling. She was raped repeatedly while the mother was forced to watch. They videoed the shit and sent it to the mayor.” Hawk looked disgusted. “That whole damn family is going to need therapy.”

“Jesus, that is awful. Thankfully they are both alive to get the therapy. I gotta go pick up Katie and her stuff. I’ll fill you in later.” I jerked my head and left. Driving back, I kept thinking about our relationship and how it has progressed. Of course, a lot of our courtship happened long distance, so we didn’t get distracted with the physical and actually got to know each other.

I pulled up beside Fang’s bike and parked. I looked around the parking lot to see if anything seemed wrong. When I didn’t see anything, I got out and went to her door. I knocked knowing it would be locked. Fang answered and let me in.

“Everything is ready to go. She really doesn’t have a lot here.” Fang said gruffly. “Should have just come home when she got back.” He grumbled under his breath. I looked at my girl who shrugged and picked up her bag. Fang grabbed the box of perishables.

“I got that, baby, you just get your purse, and we can go.” I told her as I kissed her forehead. I threw the duffle bag over my shoulder and picked up the suitcase and headed out the door. She walked in the middle of us. We got everything loaded into the back seat of the truck and headed for the compound. I kept an eye out for any tailers and I’m sure Fang did as well. It’s not like they could get to her at the compound, but we still liked to be aware. As we pulled up Gator, Fury’s half-brother let us in and then closed the gate. He waved as we passed the guard shack. We would eventually give that job to a prospect but for now it was his job. I parked in front of Fang and Katie’s old house. Getting out I went around and opened her door then grabbed her bags, Fang took the box of food, and we went inside.

“Looks the same.” Katie said as she walked around. I guess it had been over a year since she had been here.

“Everything works, see no need to change it.” Fang said gruffly as he took the food and put it away. “I’ll need to do a grocery order so make a list of what you both want. I’ll order it and go pick it up in a few hours.”

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