Page 5 of Rider's Claim

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“Thank you so much for staying with him. He seems to really like you.” Mrs. Camden said as she started to drift off.

“He is a sweetheart. You get some rest. I’ll check on you when I get back for my shift tonight.” I told her and pulled the door closed. I headed to the locker room to grab my purse and things to head home. I started to leave and remembered I needed to go to HR and file a complaint. I turned the corner to head to the elevator when I ran into Doc.

“What are you still doing here Kat, you need to get some sleep before your shift tonight?” he admonished he reached for my arm, and I gasped. Frowning he pushed the sleeve up and saw the fingerprints on my arm. “What the hell is this?”

“This is one of the reasons I haven’t left. I just got my stuff and I’m heading to HR to file a complaint against Dr. Parks. I was having breakfast with Adam while you spoke with his mother, when he sat down at our table and made very rude comments then grabbed my wrist and threatened me in front of the child.” I said between yawns. “I want her to be able to take pictures and document this.”

“Rider will beat his ass. Damn, I’m going with you. I’ve seen the way he acts around you, and I was going to file my own report at the end of my shift.” He gently put his hand on my back and let me to the office. We both filled out statements, they took pictures of my wrist and said that he would be suspended and forced to undergo counseling. If his behavior did not improve, he would be kicked out of the program. Doc walked me to my car and waited for me to start it and lock the door. I drove home thankful it was only a few blocks away. I was exhausted. I had a good breakfast so I could set my alarm and fall asleep. I sent a text to Rider letting him know I made it home and was about to crash for a few hours. I knew he would show up at my place with a late lunch about 30 minutes before I headed to work. I let myself in my apartment, locked the door, kicked off my shoes and laid across the bed.

I woke to pounding on my door. I sat up blinking, looked at the clock and realized it was half past twelve. SHIT. I jumped up and went to let Rider in. I gave him a quick kiss.

“I overslept I need to take a fast shower. Give me five minutes and I’ll be out.” I said as I ran to the bathroom stripped off my clothes and took the fastest shower ever. I pulled my damp hair up into a ponytail and threw on fresh scrubs and went to eat. I walked in and he had fixed my plate and put it on the table along with some ice water.

“Baby, how much sleep did you get?” he asked me, looking worried. I took a drink of water and started to wolf down my food. He looked down at my arm and I could see the rage on his face. “What the fuck happened to your arm?”

I took a drink and swallowed my bite. Looking at him, I knew I had to tell him the truth.

“Before I tell you, I need you not to take off and do something stupid. I reported him and Doc also filed a statement. Dr. Parks, one of the other interns, seems to be fixated on me. I have been turning down his advances for weeks. He got into my space after you left the hospital last night and made some inappropriate comments. I immediately told Doc, but we got busy and then when I took little Adam down to the cafeteria to get breakfast, he sat down uninvited, got really rude, grabbed my wrist and threatened me. As soon as I got off my shift I went to HR with Doc. We reported him, gave statements and let them take pictures.” I pushed my plate away and got up to put on my shoes. “I’m going to have to find an on-call room to take a nap in later if I have time.”

Rider walked over to me and put his hands on either side of my face. Lowering his lips to mine, he kissed me. It was a possessive kiss and it stopped me in my tracks. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. When he pulled back, I was panting.

“Damn, now I’m going to work all turned on with damp underwear.” I moaned into his neck. He chuckled and held me tight. “I have to go; I’m supposed to start my shift at one.”

“Make sure you eat and take small breaks baby. I’m looking forward to your next twenty-four hours off.” He said as he walked me out. “I’ll rinse off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher and lock the door on my way out. Have a good night.”

I tiptoed and kissed him again, then ran and got in my car. It was going to be a long night. We have been waiting to have sex, or rather he has until he thought I was ready. My next day off, I’m going to make my move. I’m tired of waiting. I have wanted him since last year and more every time we are together. It’s time and I’m done waiting.



I went back inside and cleaned up the kitchen. After running the dishwasher, I locked up and headed for the shop. I had plenty of work to do this afternoon. This is my regular lunch routine now. When I pulled up, I noticed Doc’s bike was out front. I walked in and he was waiting for me. Seeing him made me think about Katie’s arm and I was enraged all over again.

“Who is the little prick that had the nerve to put his hands on my girl?” I demanded as I went right up to him. “I want a name and I want to know where to find him. He needs a proper warning.”

“I know you’re pissed. I was too. He has been suspended and forced to undergo counseling before he can return. Personally, I’d rather he not come back but it’s not my decision to make. That being said, if he does anything else he will be kicked out of the program. I suggested that Kat file assault charges. I believe an officer will be by the hospital later to take her statement and get copies of the pictures of her wrist. I knew she needed sleep before her shift, so I didn’t want to delay her getting home.” Doc ran his hand through his hair. He was clearly exhausted. “Now that I have talked to you, I need to get some sleep. I’m back on at seven tonight.”

He clapped me on the shoulder and left. I watched him leave then I kicked the metal trash can hard. I was so frustrated I wanted to hit something. I was about to when Fury came over and handed me a mallet.

“See that old Ford monstrosity, it has some dents that need to be banged out. Have at it.” He said as he went back to working on a bike. I went to work on the dents. I had an alarm set on my phone for five to remind Katie to eat something. She laughed but I knew she liked that I cared enough to do it.

I worked on getting the dents out of the Ford for a while until my arms were getting tired then switched to something more detailed. I got lost in my work and was surprised to hear my phone go off. I cracked my neck and sent a text to my girl to eat. I knew she was busy, so I didn’t wait for a response. I figured I’d take her some coffee and a granola bar as a pick me up around seven. One thing about dating a doctor is having to be patient and to understand that they worked long hours, and they were very dedicated. I knew from Doc’s crazy schedule and hours what to expect. He also pulled me aside when he realized that I was seeing Katie to explain things to me. I was finishing up when Fury walked over.

“Axle needs to see us at the clubhouse in half an hour.” He said as he went to close out the register and make sure everything was turned off. I went to wash up and take off my coveralls. We headed to the clubhouse. I knew what these meetings meant. Pulling up alongside everyone else, I got off my bike. As I started to go in, I saw Doc heading up the driveway as well. If Doc was late for his shift Katie would know something was up.

“Hey Doc, guess you got the call too.” I said as we walked in together. All the guys were at the table. Although we would never take everyone and leave the women unprotected, we still debriefed everyone.

“Good, everyone is here let’s get started.” Axle said. “So apparently Mayor Keller from Bennington Montana has pissed off someone and they have taken his wife and daughter. Normally I would not involve us in this, but he has been taking a hard stance against drug dealers and traffickers in his area. I respect the hell out of that and so I agreed to help retrieve his family. He has given me a rundown of the area and where they are holed up. Local police have too many rules and not enough manpower to get into the estate and safely remove the wife and daughter. We, however, don’t have the same restrictions and have the resources to do this job. I have a layout of the estate as well as some infrared cameras to figure out where people are in the building. This needs to happen in the wee hours of the morning. I want Rider, Axle, Doc and Hawk to go. I think four will be plenty to get this done. We will leave in a few hours so that we can get there and map out the area before we strike. Go do what you need to and be back here by nine.” Axle said and then got up to leave the room.

I got up and followed Fang out of the room. I knew he was still irritated with me, and I had been trying to give him a wide berth.

“Hey man, I need to talk with you before I head out later. It’s about Kat.” I said as I pointed to the porch. Fang followed me outside and leaned against the railing with his arms crossed. “Look she had an incident at work. It was ‘handled’ through their human resources department, but I had planned to do regular checks during her shifts. I won’t be here to do that, so I need you to.”

“What kind of incident?” he asked frowning. “Is she okay?”

“She is fine, but one of her fellow interns is having stalker like tendencies and manhandled her this morning. I was planning on hunting him down and giving him a real Rippers’ warning about touching one of our women. She has bruises on her right wrist where he grabbed her.” I said clinching my fists. “I’d like to handle this myself, but I know you will take care of it while I’m gone. I’m going to swing by the hospital and see her before I go. I usually take her some coffee and snacks since I know she is not good about stopping to eat.”

“Fucker, you bet I’ll find that prick. Thanks for letting me know.” Fang said as he slapped me on the shoulder. “Go see her and I’ll circle by around midnight.”

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