Page 6 of Rider's Claim

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“See you later.” I said as I hopped on my bike to leave. I stopped by the gas station to pick up a couple of her favorite cold coffee drinks and some granola bars. Heading to the hospital, I hoped I would be back before her day off. Liberty Memorial was a smaller hospital, and they were good to their doctors. She worked three eighteen-hour shifts then got forty-eight hours off. This was the start of her second shift so hopefully I would be home in the next two days.

Pulling up to the hospital, I parked by her car. I saw a note on her windshield. I took a picture of it and then with my glove on I opened it up.



Fuck, I really didn’t like this at all and I damn sure didn’t want to leave with this threat hanging over her head. I dug out my phone and sent Fang a message with pictures of the note. I tucked it into my jacket and went inside to see my girl.

As I walked in, I didn’t see Katie anywhere, but her friend Kelly was taking someone’s blood, so I waited for her to finish. She looked up when she was finished and walked over.

“Hey Rider, sorry but Kat is in surgery now. She is assisting with her first procedure. Can I give her a message?” Kelly asked sweetly.

“That would be great. I have coffee and some snacks here for her. There are two of them if you could put them in the fridge for her. Please let her know I have to go out of town for a job. She can call me until about midnight.” I said glancing around. “If you see that Dr. Parks around, please alert security.”

“I will. Katherine told me what he did. The asshole.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust. “I’ll let her know you stopped by as soon as she is out of surgery.”

“Thanks, goodnight.” I said and left. I was not happy that I didn’t get to see her, but I was happy she was getting to learn. I knew Fang would be watching out for her. I also messaged Gator and asked him to come check out her car and keep an eye on it. I’m pretty sure Fang would insist on taking her back and forth to work until I got back.

Driving back to the compound I was wound up pretty tight. I pulled up at the clubhouse and Axle came outside.

“Hey, I just spoke with Fang. I’m going to have Blade go in your place. Nothing against you, but I need everyone’s head screwed on straight. You won’t be able to fully concentrate if you’re worried about Katherine. You can go on the next job after this mess with her stalker is resolved.” Axle said with his no arguments look.

“Thanks man. I hate to do this, but you’re right. I need to be here where I can be sure she is safe, and I would be a wreck not knowing what’s going on back here.” I said with a sigh of relief. Axle raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Damn, I really thought you would fight me on this. You really do care about her don’t you?” he stated as he looked over my shoulder and jerked his chin. Fang came up behind me.

“Don’t be pissed that I told him. If I let you go off with your head not in the game and you got hurt my sister would gut me and make it look like an accident.” He winked at me. Ah, there was my best friend. “Besides I’ll feel better if she has both of us watching out for her. I think you should stay at her place until this is resolved. I’d try to get her to stay at the house, but I don’t think that would fly.”

“I still have to tell her about this note, and I am trying to decide if I want to go to the cops or handle this myself.” I said, thinking of all the ways I wanted to hurt him.

“I’m thinking since the police are already involved you should report it along with the pictures you took. She will be safer if you don’t end up in jail.” Axle said with a smirk. I grunted and nodded.

“Fine, I’m going to head to the hospital and hang out in the lobby until the end of her shift.” Any other time I would be pissed about being sidelined but not this time. I knew where I needed to be, and this was it. I went to my room and packed a bag to take with me. I decided to take my truck since I knew she would be exhausted, and I planned to have her car towed to the shop and have it checked over top to bottom before she got back inside of it.

Driving back, I kept an eye out and drove around her car to make sure there were no more notes on her windshield. I parked in the closest spot I could and went inside. As I passed the nurse’s station, I saw her inputting information into a tablet. She looked up at me surprised.

“Hey honey, I thought you had to go out of town on a job.” She said, searching my face. I looked around and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

“Do you have a minute?” I asked her. “I need to tell you something and I don’t think it can wait.”

“Sure, I’m due for a short break. Let’s go to the cafeteria and I can grab a salad.” She said getting up and putting the tablet behind the desk. I followed her down to the cafeteria and waited for her to get her food. I grabbed a soda, and we sat down. “What’s wrong?”

“Baby, I found a note left on your windshield when I came by earlier. I opened it and took pictures. I’m going to show you the pictures because we don’t need anyone else’s prints on the note. I wore my riding gloves.” I pulled my phone out and showed her the pictures I had taken of the note. Her face paled and then she just looked angry. She took a deep breath and shook her head. I watched her mind work as she tried to eat more of her dinner.

“That unbelievable asshole. He has a lot of nerve doing some shit like this.” She was shaking as she took a drink of her soda. I picked her up and put her in my lap.

“Baby, you need to calm down. You still have to finish your shift. I’ll be here the whole time, when you get off come find me in the lobby and I’ll take you home. I want to stay with you until he is caught, and this is resolved.” I said as I rubbed her back.

“But what about your job and Fang?” Katherine was frowning when she looked up at me. “I don’t want to cause trouble between you two.”

“Don’t worry about it. Fang told Axle what was going on and he insisted we both stay behind. Fang was the one to suggest I stay with you at your place. I had planned to anyway, but we won’t have any issues since he thinks it was his idea.” I winked at her, and she giggled. “Now finish the rest of your food so you can go save lives.”

Instead of moving off my lap, she pulled her salad over and ate it there. I enjoyed holding her and being able to comfort her. When she finished, she refilled her drink while I dumped the tray.

“I’ll be in the lobby waiting area, just come find me when you get off. Gator will tow your car to the garage tomorrow to have it checked out.” I told her as I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

She smiled at me and went back to work. I knew she was safe as long as she was in the hospital, so I decided to catch a catnap. Just a light one so that I would hear any commotion and would wake easily. She had another ten hours on her shift.

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