Page 14 of Rider's Claim

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“Hey Doc, what are you doing here so late?” I asked him, suddenly worried. I sat up and watched him take a seat in the recliner. Rider sat down next to me.

“I want to change up your schedule to throw Parks off if he is watching. I’d like to have you come in at eight am and work until one the next day. It’s still an eighteen-hour shift but you would arrive and leave at a different time.” Doc looked at both of us for a response. “That’s why I am here now, so that you can get some sleep before your shift.”

“That’s a great idea and I had a nap earlier so I can definitely go to bed soon and be plenty rested for tomorrow.” I smiled thinking that I would at least get to sleep with Rider every other night of my work week.

“I’ll be there the same time tomorrow so you can ride in with me and then Rider can pick you up after your shift.” Doc suggested glancing at my guy. It seemed like they were communicating without saying anything and I wasn’t sure I liked it. “I’m going to head home and get some sleep; I’ll pick you up at seven thirty tomorrow morning.”

We walked him to the door and then locked up. I studied Riders’ body language and knew something was in the works.

“Okay, while I can appreciate the change in schedule, I know you too well. What have you got planned and is my knucklehead brother in on it with you?” I leveled the question at him. He looked kind of sheepish and sighed.

“Look, we are not going to keep waiting around for this asshole to strike. We want to find him and deal with it ourselves. I want a future with you, and I don’t want to start it with this cloud hanging over our heads. I want you to have some peace and be able to concentrate on your job without the added stress of a crazed stalker. I love you.” Rider took my hands in his and went down on both knees in front of me. “I don’t have a ring yet and I wasn’t going to do it like this, but I want you to be mine.”

“I am yours; I have been yours for a long time.” I told him as I knelt in front of him and hugged him.

“I want you to be my wife and my old lady. I want to claim you in front of all of our friends and family. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” he asked me, looking into my eyes. “We made this work long distance and we have proved compatible living under the same roof. I want to make it permanent. I want everyone to know that you are mine and I am yours.”

“Are you sure?” I asked him, I wanted to pinch myself. I couldn’t believe this strong, virile, sweet man wanted me. “I mean yes, hell yes I’ll marry you.”

“I promise I’ll be a good husband and partner; I won’t make you regret your decision. If you marry me, I’ll do my best to make you the happiest woman alive.” He kept rambling then suddenly his eyes widened and he realized that I said yes. “Yes, you said yes?”

I giggled at his expression. I nodded my head, tears streaming down my face. “Yes, I want to be Dr. Katherine Griggs, Rider’s old lady.” He stood up and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me to the bedroom.

“I gotta get my girl in bed, she needs her rest. We are going to go ring shopping when you get off the day after tomorrow. Then I’ll take you home to sleep with my ring on your finger.” He said as he put me down in front of the bed. He started to peel off my shirt and shorts. I reached between us to help pull his pants down. I wanted him to make love to me before we went to sleep. He pushed me down on the bed and spread my legs open.

“I want you to put your hands on the rails above your head and keep them there.” He told me in a firm voice. Then he kissed my thigh leading to my core before pulling back and doing the same to the other side. He put both of my legs over his shoulders and with his eyes on mine he slid his tongue up and down my slit spreading my juices up and onto my clit as he flicked his tongue over it making my legs shake. He went at me like a starving man. I could feel myself getting close, my legs were trembling, and he took a finger and ran it along my core coating it in my juices before slipping it inside me working it inside and out all while flicking the tip of his tongue around my clit and over it. He added a second finger and crooked them until he found my g-spot as he tapped that, he sucked my clit into his mouth, and I screamed as my orgasm crashed over me. He slipped a condom on and entered me in one thrust. I knew he could feel me squeezing him as the walls of my vagina were still spasming. He held still for a minute then started to push in and out, finding his rhythm. He pulled me up to rest on his thighs as he pushed as deep into me as he could get and then pounded me hard until he reached down and played with my clit.

“I want you to come again before I do.” He demanded. “Can you give me one more baby?”

“I don’t know if I can….” And then I did. He groaned out my name and came with me. I knew I needed a shower. I was coated in sweat from our activities. He slowly slid out of me and went to dispose of the condom, then turned on the shower. I followed him to the bathroom and pulled my hair up out of the way. We got into the shower and washed each other before drying off and climbing into bed to sleep. He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.

“I love you so much Katie mine.” He whispered and tucked my head under his spooning me from behind. “Get some sleep.”



The next day passed uneventful. Doc picked her up on his way to the hospital and I went to the garage to work. We decided we would look for him that afternoon. We checked out where he had been living but it was empty. We could not find any sign of him anywhere. We were sure he was somewhere lying low planning his next move. I had a couple of better prospects keeping an eye out around the hospital and anywhere he had been known to frequent. I didn’t want him to have a chance to grab her.

The next afternoon, I went to pick her up after her shift. I had called the jeweler and told him to expect us. We walked in and he had a couple of trays out. I had told him that she was a surgeon and would likely want something simple. I took her hand and we walked into the store.

“Mr. Griggs, Ms. Watson it’s a pleasure to see you. I have a selection set out for you to look at and if you see anything in the case that catches your eye be sure to tell me.” The older gentleman said as he sat down behind the counter, and we took a seat in front of him. Katie looked at the two trays and her eyes settled onto one ring immediately. It was a rose-gold band with inset diamonds. It was simple but classy. I picked it up and put it on her hand. It fit perfectly.

“Do you have solid matching bands for this? She will need a thin band for the wedding, and I’d like a thick one to match hers.” I told him as she started to pull the ring off. I put my hand over hers. “Baby is this the one you want?” she looked up at me and swallowed nodding. I think she was afraid that she would cry if she tried to speak. The jeweler turned her hand over and snipped off the price tag then went to ring it up. He also added the bands I requested and put those in a box for us.

“It’s so beautiful and I love that it’s different. You don’t see many wedding rings in this gold. Are you sure you want yours to match?” she asked as she looked down at the delicate ring.

“Of course, it’s a matching set just like we are.” I told her as I kissed her. “Are you ready to go home, eat and take a nap?”

“Yes, but then we really need to tell my brother.” she said, biting her lip and looking at the band on her finger.

“We will, he knew it was coming. Let’s go home.” I said taking her arm and leading her back outside. I had picked her up in the truck knowing she was exhausted. We drove home and she fell asleep on the couch waiting for me to fix her a grilled cheese sandwich and some soup. I brought it to the couch on a tray and encouraged her to wake up long enough to eat. I also put a glass of milk in front of her. She ate what she could and then I carried her to our room, took off her shoes, socks and pants. She curled up on her side and was asleep before I even got her covered up. I loved seeing the little diamonds sparkling on her hand. I sat there and just smiled watching her sleep. I knew she would nap until about six and then get up for a while so she could sleep with me later. I cleaned up her lunch and then started the dishwasher. I also did some of our laundry so she could rest.

About five I sent a message to Fang to come by around six thirty. I knew he would have to go to work around eight and I wanted us to share our news with him. I had put on a roast before picking her up from work. I knew that it would be done by the time we were ready for dinner. I worked extra hours on her long days so that I could be with her in the afternoons of her short days. Katie came out of the bedroom at six-fifteen dressed in some stretchy jeans and one of my shirts.

“Hey baby, your brother will be here soon. I figured we could tell him our news and he could have dinner with us before he heads to work.” I told her as she tiptoed to kiss me. “I’m hoping maybe he has heard something from Sheriff Whittaker about Noah Parks.”

“It would be nice to know something. I hate not knowing where he is or what he could be planning. I want our life to get back to normal.” Katie sat down and Fang knocked then came inside. He knew we were expecting him. As he came in, he looked at us and then smiled. Katie was beaming and showing him her ring.

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