Page 13 of Rider's Claim

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“I have a stalker. It was one of the doctor’s in my intern program. He has shown an unhealthy interest in me. I had to report him for assault and harassment at work, which caused him to be suspended. Then he left threatening messages on my car during one of my shifts. My boyfriend and brother insisted I stay with them until this is resolved.” She tried to see what the inside looked like. “Can I go in and see if anything is salvageable?”

“Sure, just don’t touch anything. It’s bad and it will be disturbing.” The officer warned us as he led us through the apartment. Luckily, she had already taken anything of value to her along with most of her clothes. There were still some clothes left but it sounded like they would need to be replaced. We walked through and saw dishes broken all over the kitchen, the couch had gouges in it from a knife, tv was broken and on the floor. It looked like an angry rampage. We neared her bedroom door, and she gasped as she saw the state of her bedroom. Her clothes were in shreds on the bed and there was ejaculate all over them. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. I held her hair back and found a washcloth to wet and put on her neck. Rubbing her back I waited until she was sure she was done. I hated she had to see this. Fang would lose his mind when he heard about it. Katie sat back on her knees and closed her eyes for a minute.

“Wow, what a fucking sicko.” she said angrily. “I’m glad I don’t have anything left here of value. I’m going to have to close out my lease. I can’t stand the thought of ever sleeping in this apartment again.”

“I’m glad to hear that. You will be safer on the Rippers’ property.” I told her, helping her off the floor. We walked back into the living room and the cop took her statement. We had no proof it was him, but they were going to try and pull prints.

I went with her to turn in her notice and return her key. The landlord looked like he wanted to argue for a minute and then noticed my cut and decided that not only would he let her out of her lease, but he would return her deposit. It’s not her fault that the locks on the place were crappy. With a smile on my face, we got on my bike, and I took my girl home.

We had barely pulled up when Fang came out of the house. I wasn’t surprised, he had gone to school with the Sheriff, so they were friends. He pulled Katie into a big hug and held her for a few minutes.

“You are not going back to that apartment. I won’t stand for it. Do you understand me?” he demanded. Katie just cocked her eyebrow and crossed her arms. I was gesturing at him to stop but he kept going. Finally, Katie put her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly. Fang stopped and looked at her.

“Ok, first Jimmy Lee Watson, I am a grown ass woman. I will live where the hell I want to. Second, I had already decided to stay here. Rider and I turned in my key and notice to the landlord. So how about you calm the hell down with the ‘I won’t stand for it’ speech.” With that Katie turned and went into the house. I started to follow her, but Fang grabbed my arm and shook his head.

“Don’t follow her yet. Give her about fifteen minutes to cool down or she will find a reason to be pissed at you as well. I wanted to talk to you privately anyway.” Fang sat down on the porch steps, so I did as well. “How serious are you about my sister?”

“Serious enough that I was going to talk to Axle and Undertaker about having a house built on the property.” I looked him in the eye while he digested that. “Katie is it for me Jimmy, you have known me most of my life. Have I ever been in a serious relationship?”

“No, and I guess that’s one of the things that bothered me at first. I got to thinking that I had not seen you participate in the parties or hang around anyone at the bar when we go out. I didn’t realize at the time that you were talking to my sister. I have had a little time to get used to the idea and I know that you would protect her with your life.” Fang scratched his chin and looked at me again. “I want you both to stay here. She has decorated this house the way she wants it. I’m still single, it’s no big deal for me to live at the clubhouse. If I settle down, then I’ll have a place built here but this house is really Katherine’s. I always meant for it to be hers.”

We heard the screen door open, and Katie looked at us both in shock. I knew she had heard at least the last part of our conversation. She looked at her brother and then back at me.

“You want me to have the house?” she whispered still looking surprised. “What about you?”

“Hell sis, if we had not grown up here and I had just been a random prospect I’d be living in one of the rooms above the clubhouse. I’m not in a relationship right now, you are. Not only that but you decorated the house the way you wanted it. It’s yours.” Fang got up and put his finger under her chin and looked her in the eyes. “I love you and want you to stay here. I’m telling you that I am giving the two of you, my blessing.” With that she threw her arms around her brother’s waist and hugged him as hard as she could crying.

“I love you too Jimmy. Thank you so much for your blessing and the house. I hope you find someone soon to settle down with. You deserve to be happy.” She said as she sniffed and wiped her eyes. “I think I’m going to go take a nap. I have to work tomorrow so I want to stay up later and get back on my work schedule.” I watched her turn and go back into the house.

“When are you going to ask her to marry you?” Fang asked me after she was inside. “I know you have claimed her, but you need to make it official. She is a respected member of the community and a busy doctor.”

“I know that, and I will. I just want to wait until all this mess is settle so I can plan something special.” I told him as I thought about the woman in the house. I smiled thinking of her as Dr. Katherine Griggs. Yeah, I needed to ask sooner rather than later. “I’ll get on it.”

“Good, I have to get to work. I have a lot of paperwork at the club to finish before it gets busy.” Fang smacked me on the back and then headed back to his room to get ready for work and I went inside to nap with my girl.

As I walked into the bedroom, I saw Katie curled up on her side with a throw blanket over her. She looked adorable with her fist tucked under her chin. I knew she was emotionally exhausted after seeing her apartment trashed and realizing that if she had been there, she could have been hurt or worse. It made me sick to think about it too. I think I’m going to have to see if Hawk would help keep a watch over her during her shift so that Fang and I could go hunting tomorrow night. I’m not letting that asshole roam around free to terrorize her or to take a chance of him getting his hands on her. I laid down beside her and put an arm around her waist. She absently took my hand in hers and pulled it to her chest. She was so precious to me. I was not going to lose her.



I woke up with a start. My chest was pounding, and I had broken out in a sweat. I didn’t remember what I was dreaming about, only that I was scared. I realized I was alone in the bed. I remembered Rider coming to bed as I was falling asleep. I looked at the clock and it was seven in the evening. I stretched and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I gathered my dirty clothes and went to put them into the washer. After starting the load, I headed to the kitchen to find my man cooking some stir fry. It smelled delicious. I walked up behind him and put my arms around his waist laying my head against the curve of his back. He put one hand over both of mine and squeezed.

“Hey baby, did you have a good nap?” he asked me as he continued to stir the meat and veggies in the pan. There was rice in the little rice cooker that I had bought one summer I was home.

“Yeah, it was okay.” I said as I pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and cracked it open. Taking a drink, I sat down at the counter on one of the stools. He looked so sexy standing in the kitchen in his jeans unbuttoned and no shirt. I was enjoying the view when he dished up the food into a couple of bowls and turned to put mine in front of me. When he realized I had been ogling him, he smiled and chuckled. Sitting down beside me he popped open a beer. We ate in silence giving me a chance to wake up. He knows I’m not very talkative when I first wake up. The food helped to settle my stomach. I guess I was hungry since I lost my lunch earlier. I sat back and sipped my water.

“Thanks for fixing dinner, I was hungry. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” I told him as I ran my hand up and down his back. “I know you need to work. Why don’t you do that tomorrow after you drop me off? I’ll be at the hospital, and there are cameras. I won’t leave without you.”

He looked thoughtful as he finished his beer. I knew he hated not being able to check in with me regularly with everything going on, but I also knew he had a job to do, and it wasn’t getting done with him babysitting me.

“Ok, as long as you message me every hour or as close to that as you can. If you have to go into surgery, then just say text surgery. I will still try to come see you on your break.” he got up and threw away the bottle and rinsed our plates putting them in the dishwasher.

“You know I don’t always get to take a break at the same time. Emergencies pop up all the time. I will message you periodically through my shift. If you don’t hear from me, you can call the nurses station and check to see if I’m in surgery.” I said as I walked over to the couch with him. He sat down and pulled me into his lap.

“I can accept that. I know that you have an important job and that you are learning right now. I also know there will be times where I have to go out of town and can’t give you details so we have to know how to compromise. I will do my best to send you texts when I can to check in so that you know I’m okay.” He held me close, and I snuggled in his lap. “Let’s watch a movie and relax.”

I was enjoying the movie when we heard a knock on the door. I frowned because we were not expecting anyone, and I knew my brother was at work. I slid off of Rider’s lap and let him go answer the door. He stepped back to let Doc in.

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