Page 12 of Rider's Claim

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Rider was standing behind me as they came in. Jimmy gave me a hug and ruffled my hair. Doc walked straight to the coffee pot. He looked so tired, his wavy hair all rumpled and hanging in his handsome face.

“Sit down Doc, I’ll make you some coffee and y’all can tell me what brings you here when clearly, you should be sleeping.” I said as I grabbed some of my favorite ground coffee and got a pot going. I pulled down a few mugs and waiting for it to finish.

I poured us all a cup of coffee and we sat around the dining room table. Doc looked up at me and I knew it wasn’t good.

“First, I’m sorry this happened to you. They really should have vetted their interns a little better. I had Gears do some digging on Dr. Parks and it turns out he has had other complaints and charges were filed against him, but they were dropped. It seems he has obsessive behavior issues. There has been two other women he fixated on in the past. One of them disappeared and no one has seen or heard from her since. I really don’t like it. I have requested that he be dropped from the program. That being said, I still would feel better if you were very diligent until he is found. I feel like he isn’t finished with you yet.” Doc rubbed his face. Honestly, the man looked ready to drop.

“Thank you for telling me, not that I needed a reminder of how dangerous he is. It sucks that they don’t have anything to hold him on. I almost want him to try something just to be able to press more charges and get him put away.” I sipped my coffee as Rider rubbed his hand on my back.

“Babe, don’t say that. I’ll kill him if he touches you again.” Rider said in a low menacing voice. “Maybe we need to handle this MC style after all. Get a couple of guys together find him and make sure he isn’t a problem anymore.” My guy said as he cracked his knuckles, and my brother nodded his head.

“I’m down, whenever you are ready. We could take Fury along; he enjoys a little torture.” My brother was only blood thirsty if you hurt me or one of his brothers, other than that he was pretty laid back.

“Why don’t you give Doc a ride to his place so he can get some sleep and you boys can plot later.” I said rolling my eyes at them. “I’d like to enjoy the rest of my day off.”

“Ok, I can take a hint. Let’s head out and I’m going to run some errands and see what Axle has going.” Jimmy kissed me on the forehead, and they left. I looked at Rider and he was frowning.

“Don’t let this ruin our day. He doesn’t get to do that. Why don’t we go for a ride on your bike?” I suggested as I took the mugs to the sink to rinse out. “It’s a beautiful day and we could use it.”

“Sure baby, sounds like a great idea.” He said as he got up and went to grab our jackets. I pulled my hair back into a low ponytail and we headed out. I loved riding on his bike with him. It was very therapeutic, and it seemed to help him to relax as well. We drove all around town and through part of Freedom. We decided to stop and eat at The Grille, the local place that his brother Bear ran. Pulling up we parked and went inside. A young girl was about to come seat up when Bear spotted us from behind the bar.

“Hey Rider, does Fang know you have his baby sister on the back of your bike?” Bear teased. “Sue, they are going to sit at the bar with me.” The hostess just nodded and went back to rolling silverware. We grabbed a couple of stools at the end of the bar.

“Hey pumpkin, I haven’t seen you in years. How the hell are you doing?” Bear asked as he came around and gave me a huge hug. Rider growled under his breath, and I laughed. “Down boy, I’m married with three little ones. My girl is home with the kids.”

“It’s good to see you Bear, we miss you.” I told him, I barely remember his sister, but I know they were close like I am to my brother. “I’d love to meet Caroline sometime and see the kids.”

“I’m sure Caroline would like that too. Maybe we can have a big cookout at the compound soon and everyone can get together. I’m trying to make time to come around more. It’s just crazy busy running the bar and having three toddlers.”

“I can imagine. Can I get some ice water and a cobb salad?” I asked as Rider glanced at his menu.

“I’ll have a water and double cheeseburger with everything and fries.” Rider said as he put the menu aside. “I’ll talk to Axle about doing an Easter cookout since there are so many kids associated with the club now, we could organize and Easter egg hunt on the compound for them and make one of the prospects dress up as the Easter Bunny.”

I laughed at the thought of them telling the poor sucker who gets chosen. I hoped I wouldn’t have to work that day. Bear went to help another customer and we looked around while we waited on our food. It was a cute place and it seemed to do a lot of business. He brought our food over and stayed to chat with us while we ate.

“I’m glad we got to see you; I’ll be sure to let you know what we decide about the Easter cookout. I’m sure it won’t be a problem.” Rider said as he helped me off my stool. “Also, to answer your question yes, Fang knows that Katie and I are together.”

“Good, you make sure you take care of her or the whole club will stand in line to beat your ass.” Bear said with a smirk. Katie shook her head and punched him in the arm.

“You behave. He treats me like a queen.” I told him with Rider’s arm around my shoulders. “Be sure to come by, just let me know when because my schedule is insane at the hospital.”

“Will do pumpkin, y’all be safe.” Bear said as he went to help someone at the other end of the bar. We climbed back on the bike and took off toward home.

I love riding on the back of his bike, the feel of the wind in my hair and the rumble of the bike under me while I’m pressed against my guy just makes everything right in my world. Being with Rider makes me so happy. We may not have been physically together for long, but we built our relationship over the past year through letters, emails and phone calls. I think we have a stronger relationship because we got to know each other without sex getting in the way. Now we get to add that layer to our dynamic. I never expected to get involved with one of the guys from the club, never mind my brother’s best friend. It just happened that way and I would not trade it for anything.



There is nothing like having my woman riding on my bike with her body pressed tightly to mine. She is my everything and I’ll be damned if I let some whack job hurt her. I knew she needed a distraction, and I figured seeing Bear would be good for her. She has known him her whole life. I also knew that Bear missed being a bigger part of the MC. He has just recently started coming back around. We missed him a lot. I was passing her apartment complex when I saw a couple of cops parked outside of her building. She must have noticed it too because she nudged me to pull over.

We circled into the parking lot and parked by the patrol cars. As we got off the bike, we noticed they were at her door. She pulled her phone out of her bag and saw she had a couple of missed calls from her landlord. I walked her upstairs to see what was going on. One of the cops started to tell us to stay back when she pointed to her apartment.

“This is my place, what’s going on?” she demanded looking angry. I had a bad feeling about this. I glanced through the door and saw the place was trashed.

“Ma’am, I’m sorry. We got a call from the landlord saying that there had been a break-in, and the door was busted in, and the apartment was trashed. He was worried you might have been hurt or taken.” The cop looked at us with a sympathetic expression on his face. “Do you have any idea who would have done this?”

I could feel her shaking and I knew it was part anger and part shock. She blew out a breath and nodded her head. Looking up at the police officer she leaned against me.

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