Page 46 of Wild Prince

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Stasi scoffs. “Someone will recognize you. If you’re serious about it, I can go to the store.”


She blinks up at me. “No?”

“I don’t want you out alone by yourself.”

“Sigurd, I can do things independently without falling into the lake.”

“It’s not that. I just…I don’t want to share you with the world yet.”



Well, that got awkward really fast.

What does he mean, he doesn’t want to share me with the world?

I swallow hard. “You mean you’d like me to be your dirty little secret?”

His face turns ashen. “No. Why would anyone want to keep you a secret?”

“You’d be surprised about your fellow men.”

“Stasi. I can’t explain why I don’t want you to go. I just feel funny at the idea.”

I don’t know what this is, so I must make a judgment call here. He wants me to stay here with him. But he’s not shown me any actual red flags yet. Maybe this is it. Or maybe, based on his behavior, I should give him the benefit of the doubt.

I blink up at him. “You can’t explain it, but you feel…”

It’s hard to identify feelings for someone who has never been allowed to express them. This is hard work for some people.

“I feel…” Sigurd clears his throat, then sits down on the edge of the tub. “Protective, to an irrational degree. Instinct.”

His expression tells me he feels surprised to have pinpointed this.

A warm flicker forms in my belly and spreads into my chest and limbs. “Then we should trust your instincts. Stay inside and order groceries.”

“Hmm.” Sigurd rubs his beard. “As long as that delivery man doesn’t show up here again to ogle you.”

Sigurd sweeps away the damp strands that have escaped my topknot and have been clinging to my neck. The feel of his palm cupping my neck, his thumb stroking my jaw, turns the warm flicker inside to a burning ember. “You were jealous? That’s kinda hot.”

His hand travels lower until the pad of his thumb traces across my collarbone, but he makes no response other than a low rumble in his chest.

“I wonder what swimsuit I’ll wear this time,” I say to the ceiling, feigning deep thought.

The joke is over a second later when the prince’s hand reaches under the surface of the bath water. His grip on my spread pussy has me gasping in shock.

“What-what are you doing, Sigurd?” I breathe.

“Being jealous.”

His wicked strokes to my sensitive flesh scramble my brain so thoroughly that I almost forget why he’s jealous.

“Are you serious—oh…my gods…” He has one finger sinking into my cunt and a thumb on my clit. I’m going to come apart.

“Open your eyes.”

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