Page 34 of Love Letters Lost

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“That was nice of you guys, but it wasn’t necessary. I was kinda hopin’ my little nephew would be here.”

“Oh, he’ll be at dinner tomorrow before we go to the club.” Fancy grinned.

We ate in awkward silence for the rest of the meal. Fancy glanced between us as we ate, and I felt bad about creating the dissent in conversation. I put my silverware on my empty plate and settled my hands on my full stomach. “That was wonderful. Thank you so much!” I tried to smile.

Brian stood. “Fancy, that was amazing, but I think Genevieve and I need to talk.” He walked around the table with purpose and stood behind my chair, hands prepared to help me rise.

“Talk about what? I’m curious about what she made for dessert.” I was stalling, and we both knew it.

“Dessert isn’t quite ready,” Fancy replied, “The cake is still cooling, and I need to make the frosting. There’s plenty of time to relax and talk.”

I frowned at her, trying to speak without words that I needed a reason to not talk with Brian.

“Let’s go, pet.” The command in his voice brooked no argument. My body rose from the chair before my brain could stop it. “Good girl,” he whispered as the hand he placed on my lower back directed me out of the kitchen and back down the hallway. He closed the door and sat in the chair facing the bed. “Now tell me what changed so drastically at that dinner table.”

I looked everywhere but at him, my hands wringing in front of me as my nerves hiked into high gear.

“Genni, come here.” Again, the command in his voice had my body moving. I stopped in front of him, between his spread legs, and still avoided his gaze. “Sit.” He threw a pillow at my feet. “On your knees, relax back onto your feet.”

My body relaxed into the submissive position, the one I imagined as I read about the lifestyle in my romance novels. Tension faded from my muscles, and I finally looked at him. His hands rested lightly on his knees as he watched me. There was no anger in his face, no hatred at my hot and cold actions. Deep concern and a commanding presence waited patiently.

“Now, tell me what spooked you.” I opened my mouth and closed it again. “Let me warn you, I will only ask once, and I expect the truth to be spoken.” This was a new side to the man I had met, but my body sagged even more at his tone. My mind stopped buzzing, and the words tumbled from my mouth.

“I’m scared.” Those two words, finally uttered, were a relief.

“I know, pet. What are you scared of?” He leaned forward, taking a piece of my hair in his hand, twirling it through his fingers as his eyes searched my face, patiently waiting for a reply.


“I need more than that. Be specific, pet.” He tugged lightly on my hair, a small reprimand and reminder that he expected truth, not evasions.

“I’m scared. It’s like my body is betraying me. You whisper one word, and it makes me…” I took a breath, reminding myself to speak the truth, “wet.” My voice quieted. “I throb in places I shouldn’t. My gran just died, my friend and I were kidnapped and rescued, a crazy high school friend tried to force his way back into my life, and yet, here I am with you, agreeing to a weekend away and my first venture into the BDSM world,” the words rushed out on a breath, I wanted to look away in shame and embarrassment, but Brian’s gaze wouldn’t allow me.

He picked me up and settled me on his lap. It felt right being there, in his arms. “It’s natural to be scared, pet, and it’s okay. Just always be honest with me. As your Dom, it’s my job to answer your questions and ensure that fear is nowhere near our relationship. I take my job seriously, but I need you to trust me in all aspects. Can you do that?”

My mind said no, I shouldn’t trust a man I barely knew, but my heart screamed yes. I chose to trust my heart rather than my head. “Yes.”

“Good. Now, it’s not just my job to give you pleasure but to give punishments when needed. Such as when you put yourself in danger any time that it is not necessary, when you refuse to be honest, or when you pull away from me for no reason.” He stood up, placed me on my feet, and then strode to the bed. He sat on the edge, legs slightly spread. “Now, remove your pants and shirt, then lie across my lap.”

He waited while his words filtered through my mind, and I made the decision. I took my pants and shirt off with shaking hands. I didn’t fear him, but the slight disappointment in his voice hurt. I knew then I never wanted to disappoint him ever. I shuffled over and lay across his lap. He repositioned me until my hands were resting lightly on the floor, and my ass was centered in his lap. My feet couldn’t touch the ground, so I was almost suspended in the air with Brian’s lap as my only support.

“These need to go.” He tugged my underwear, maneuvering me side to side until he had them down around my thighs. “I am going to give you ten swats. I want you to count them out loud. When we are done, all will be forgiven, and we move forward. This isn’t punishment because I take pleasure in it; it’s to correct you. In the future, I want you to come and ask me questions when you are overwhelmed, but don’t ever shut down on me.”


“I’ll let that slip as I haven’t given you the full rules as of yet. When we are in scene, as we are currently, you will answer with a yes or no, and you will call me sir or master. Do you understand?” His hand settled warmly on my bare cheeks.

“Yes, sir.” Electricity zinged through me, and wetness bloomed between my thighs. The simple command in his voice had excited me more than any other lover’s attempts before.

His hand came down in a sharp smack that made me squeak. The pain was quick and then melted into pleasure just as quickly.

“I told you to count, pet. If you don’t or lose your place, we start over.”

“Yes, sir. One”

He rained down each swat on a different spot, heating every inch of skin covering my ass. I made sure to keep count and didn’t realize my face was wet until he finished.

“Your ass is such a pretty shade of red.” His fingers delved between my cheeks and down my slit. “Mhmm. My little subbie enjoyed her punishment, as well.”

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