Page 33 of Love Letters Lost

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The tone of the seat belt sign coming on woke me from the sexiest dream I have ever had. My body was taut with need, and I found myself rubbing my legs together and sprawled against Brian as much as the seat belts would let me. Embarrassed at myself, I tried to extricate myself as slowly and quietly as possible.

“I’ll take care of that need soon, pet,” Brian’s husky voice whispered. He sat his seat upright, and we prepared for landing.

A blush heated the skin at the back of my neck, quickly rushing to the top of my head as I remembered what we had done on the plane. I felt like such a strumpet. Gran would have blanched if she knew what I had done twenty thousand feet in the air. My body didn’t mind, though; in fact, it craved his touch even more.

We disembarked to find an energetic auburn-haired beauty waiting for us next to a dark sedan. She rushed up and hugged Brian before stepping back and lowering her gaze. “I’m sorry, sir. I was just so excited to see you.”

“It’s fine, Fancy. It’s wonderful to see you, too. Where’s my brother?” Brian wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he spoke.

“He got called in last minute. Ian had an emergency and he needed Brody’s help.” Her smile was apologetic.

“Typical. Always workin’.” Brian squeezed my shoulder. “I want you to meet someone.” His voice was full of happiness. “Fancy, this is Genni. Genni, this is my brother’s wife and submissive, Fancy.”

Fancy squealed and wrapped me in a huge hug. “I am so excited to meet you. I have the spare room all set up for you.” She joined me on my other side and twined her arm through mine, glancing up at Brian as she continued speaking. “Ian apologizes, but dinner tonight will have to be postponed.”

“I understand,” Brian replied.

“But I have a roast in the crockpot that we can enjoy. I am sure you are tired from your travels, so a small meal at home might be best.” She leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Plus, a little one on one time is always nice, too. Don’t worry, the walls have been soundproofed.” She giggled and walked us to the car, where our bags had already been stowed by the driver.

My head spun as we traveled through town. It was the biggest city I had been in, and the lights and buildings were beautiful in the sunset as the lights began to flicker on, preparing for a night full of life. Fancy ushered us into the house. The scent of fresh-baked sweets greeted my senses as we walked across the threshold, triggering a loud growl from my stomach. Her house felt warm and inviting. The décor was bright, cheery, and comfortable. I glanced into the living room as we strolled past and smiled at the few toys collected in a basket and a playpen set up, waiting to be occupied.

“Why don’t you take your things to the guest room, and I’ll get dinner on the table. Third door on the left is yours.” Fancy motioned down the hallway.

I followed Brian into a moderately sized bedroom. A queen bed covered in a colorful comforter took up the majority of the room. Two tall boy dressers flanked each side, and a woven rug covered most of the floor. Two doors joined the one we just walked through. One led into a small walk-in closet, and the other was slightly ajar, showing off a white tile counter and mirror, indicating we had our own adjoining bathroom.

A vision of showering with Brian popped into my head, sending need shooting straight to my lady bits. Holy hell, this man had me thinking about sex at every turn. I took a moment to watch Brian unpack our bags and appreciate the solid muscle of his physique moving beneath the fabric of his clothing.

He stowed our bags in the closet and stalked toward me. “See something you like, pet?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his nose against that one spot beneath my ear that revved my engines into high gear.

“Mmhmm” was the only sound I could make as my body screamed to jump the man holding me.

He nibbled my ear and lightly kissed his way to my mouth. I willingly opened for him and sagged against him as his masterful lips devoured mine. He took his time, slowly claiming me with only a kiss. My legs gave out, and if it weren’t for his arms banded around me, I would have wilted into a puddle on the floor.

A soft knock on the door interrupted us. “Dinner’s ready, sir, if you guys are hungry. I can keep it warm if you want to wait.”

Brian released my mouth, resting his forehead against mine as we caught our breath. “We should probably eat. We are going to need our energy tonight.” He kissed my closed lips once more and waited until my legs were steady again. “We’ll be right there, Fancy. It smells delicious.”

My stomach growled again as the scent of roasted meat strengthened when Brian moved to my side. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing pulse before leaving the room. I had never felt this level of excitement and need with any other man before. It was both exhilarating and scary as hell. I could easily let myself fall fast and hard for this man, and my heart wasn’t ready to be broken so soon after the loss of my gran.

Disengaging myself from his touch, I walked out ahead of Brian. I needed to put some space between us to give myself time to analyze the pulses of desire that were coursing through my body, and the emotions skimming across my senses. Brian pulled out a chair for me, but I rounded the table and chose one across from him instead of next to him. Space, I required space. A disapproving growl emanated from his throat, but he didn’t say anything, simply scooted the chair back under the table and sat in the seat across from me.

“This looks wonderful. Thank you, but you didn’t have to go through all the trouble.” I directed my gaze and attention to Fancy as she sat at one end of the table.

“It’s no trouble. I love cooking. I really love baking, but anything to do with the kitchen makes me happy.” She passed the platters of roast, potatoes, and roasted carrots around so we could fill our plates.

I felt Brian’s foot brush mine under the table but still refused to look at him. My head was still foggy. Having him even this close short-circuited my neurons. I jerked my feet away and hooked them beneath my chair. Reality was settling in. I had flown in a private jet thousands of miles from home with a man I had only met a few days ago.

“I hear it’s been a crazy week for you.” Fancy’s voice permeated my inner musings. “I know what that’s like. If you need or want to talk, Genni…I just want you to know I am here and have been told I am a wonderful listener.”

“Thank you.” I smiled at her. “I’m fine.”

Brian harrumphed as he dug into his food. I finally glanced at him and immediately wished I hadn’t. His glare wasn’t a happy one. Frustration and concern filled his eyes, along with a promise of punishment later. How I knew that, I couldn’t explain. My body heated. This man cared enough to both worship and reprimand me. Something must be wrong with me to relish the idea of him inflicting any type of pain.

“Where is Zane tonight?” Brian directed his attention to Fancy.

“He went with his daddy to the compound. Brody and I are going to stay at the compound so you two could get a good night’s sleep.” She smiled at me. “He’s not been sleeping well, and even with soundproofing, his screams penetrate every corner of the house. I think his first tooth is trying to break through. He’s been a rather cranky boy.”

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