Page 35 of Love Letters Lost

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“Yes, sir.”

He flipped me over and settled me astride his lap. Wiping my tears, he kissed my nose. “Now, for being such a good girl and taking her punishment well, you deserve a little reward.” He dragged the cups of my bra down and began playing with my nipples, his eyes watching every reaction that showed on my face. He plucked and pinched until my nipples were so erect, they hurt. “Clamps would look so pretty on these. We will have to do a little shopping while we are here.” His hand moved swiftly down my stomach and stroked between my legs. My back arched at the touch, pushing my sore bottom into his jean-clad thighs. The friction of that only made my core weep more.

“So wet, so ready.” Brian nibbled my neck as his deft fingers played me like a master cellist, plucking and gliding along my engorged clit and plunging into my core and back. Tapping on my g-spot with every stroke. It took only moments before stars exploded behind my eyes, and my body went taut with the most intense orgasm of my life. I blacked out for a moment and came to beneath the covers with Brian, naked, behind me. I wiggled my still sore ass against his hardened member.

“Lay still, Genevieve. You need rest. There will be plenty of time later.” He wound an arm around me, resting his hand beneath my breast. I couldn’t stay still and wiggled again. “Move again, and I’ll drape that sore ass across my lap again and fire it up.”

I stilled. Even though I did enjoy the spanking, I didn’t want another one so soon.

“Good girl.” His breath feathered across my hair.

I let the contented bliss of my body and the heat of Brian’s drag me under into the best sleep of my life.

* * *

Brody and Fancyjoined us for breakfast the next morning explaining that Zane had been swept up by the ladies at Trident for the day. “I hope you kids slept well last night.” He hugged Brian. They gave each other a couple of slaps on the back before they separated, and Brody turned toward me. “Genni, it’s so good to finally meet you in person.” He yanked me into a hug and laughed when Brian’s gruff growl escaped. “Don’t worry, brother, she’s all yours. This Dom only needs one subbie, and she’s a handful all her own.” He dipped Fancy back and nipped her chin.

“Damn right.” She smacked his shoulder and laughed.

“That’s five, pet,” Brody warned. Fancy giggled and sashayed into the kitchen with a little extra swagger in her hips. I smiled at the interaction and the love that was so obvious between them.

Brody shook his head. “I’m going to need to find another form of punishment; she enjoys the spankings too much.” He led us to the living room, and we settled in as Fancy brought in a tray of coffee and slices of the cake she had made the night before.

“It’s coffee cake,” I said, a little surprised.

“I knew we wouldn’t be eating cake last night, so I made one that we could have for breakfast.” She settled on Brody’s lap and proceeded to feed herself and him.

“Okay, enough small talk. I can tell you have questions.” He focused on me. “Ask them, and I’ll answer what I can.”

I gazed up at Brian first, asking for permission with my eyes. He nodded at me as he took a sip of his coffee.

“What happened with Jason?” I felt Brian’s arm stiffen around me. I was certain he hadn’t expected that question to be my first.

“Well, I don’t know all the details, but the FBI has him in custody. From what Carter says, if he agrees to testify, he should get immunity. He had more info on the operations, which he gladly shared.”

“What happens then…when he’s released? He can’t be allowed to search for another girl to hurt.”

Brody glanced at Brian and then back at me. “Carter has offered to bring him to the club and retrain him personally. Teach him what it truly means to be a dominant and help him learn how to control and satisfy his urges with safe, consensual means and partners.” He accepted another bite from Fancy’s fork and continued, “Mistress Roxy has agreed to train him with the whip. She has conversed with Carter and they have agreed on a retraining program. If that goes well, Carter will train him in blood play methods and how to properly keep them safe, as Jason has shown interest there as well.”

I cringed at the word blood play. Brian leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry, pet, blood play is definitely on my hard limit list.”

The conversation turned to other happier and less heavy subjects. I shared about my gran, how close we were, and how I grew up. Brian and Brody shared stories from living on the ranch with so many siblings. Brody’s phone broke the conversation.

“Yes, sir,” he answered. His back straightened, and he moved Fancy from his lap. “Affirmative, give us fifteen.” He hung up and shot a glance at Brian. “Ian needs us at headquarters.” He stood, talking to Fancy as he grabbed his jacket and keys. “Why don’t you take Genevieve shopping for something to wear to the club tonight?”

“Ohhhh. I’ll get her all fixed up.” She smiled at me and winked.

Brian gave me a breath-stealing kiss before joining Brody. “Anything she wants, Fancy, she gets.” He winked and followed his brother out the door.

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