Page 30 of Love Letters Lost

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Iclosed the door after ensuring that Carter’s men would escort Kendra home and made a mental note to ask Brody to have Trident’s therapist get in contact with her. I spun at the sound of the bathroom door opening. My heart seized at the sight before me. The light from the bathroom illuminated a mostly naked Genni. Her hair was damp and hung in wet waves, falling to her bare shoulders. The skimpy hotel towel barely covered her, ending just past her hips. She was glorious and mine. The shadows beneath her eyes halted my libido. She was exhausted and in no shape for anything except sleep.

“Come here, pet.” I opened my arms. She slipped into them, fitting perfectly against me. Her head rested against my shoulder; her breasts pressed against my chest through the thin fabric of the towel. I couldn’t hide the evidence of my attraction, and she rubbed against me as she hummed. “Not tonight, pet, you need sleep.” I grabbed one of my t-shirts and gently dressed her in it. “I’m sorry I didn’t have time to grab any of your things.” I honestly wasn’t, seeing her in my clothes, wrapped in my scent pleased me.

She leaned back and glanced up at me, her mouth angled down in a pout. As much as I wanted to take her right then and there, I wouldn’t. When I took her, I wanted her alert and aware of everything I planned to do.

“Let’s go to bed.” I yanked the sheets back on the bed and helped her in. I grabbed her towel and tucked her in, leaving her only long enough to hang up the damn towel in the bathroom. She watched me as I returned and stripped down to my boxers, her eyes focusing on the bulge below my hips, and licked her lips. “Pet, you’ll kill me if you keep staring at me that way.”

Walking around the bed, I dragged back the coverings from the other side. I lay on my back next to her and pulled her to me, needing her close, safe in my arms. That comfort would be enough for tonight.

“Why do you call me that?” Her soft voice sounded on the edge of sleep.

“Call you what?” I ran my fingers lightly up and down the arm she had draped across my chest.

“Pet,” she mumbled.

“It’s a term of endearment. One regularly used in the BDSM lifestyle.” I kissed the top of her head, the light scent of hotel shampoo and the deeper scent of woman beneath it mingling together. The soap didn’t hide the unique scent that was Genevieve.

“Mmm, I like it.” Her breath fanned across my chest as sleep took her under. I tugged the covers further over us and joined her in slumber.

I awoke to empty arms and the aroma of fresh-brewed coffee. Genevieve stood in the little kitchenette area, cradling a mug in her hands and dressed in one of my T-shirts. The hem reached the middle of her thighs.

“Morning, sleepyhead.” She smiled and picked up another mug I hadn’t notice and brought it to me. “I didn’t have a change of clothes, so I stole one of your shirts.”

“I like you in my shirt.” I took the mug and sat up against the headboard. I knew at that moment I would never tire of looking at her. “Come away with me,” I blurted.

“Where?” she asked as she settled on the bed facing me.

“Florida,” my mouth spoke before my brain engaged.

“Why Florida?”

“My brother lives in Tampa; we can visit him and his wife. He is also part owner in a private club there that I want to take you to.” My brain was screaming at me to stop, but my mouth ignored it.

“A club, huh? Is this the same club on the papers you left me?” Her eyes glinted with mischief.

“Yes.” I finally shut my mouth. Fuck, if she says no, I didn’t know what I would do.

“Okay, when do you want to go?” She nonchalantly sipped her coffee.

“Today. We can go back to your place and pack you a bag.”

“Tickets will be crazy expensive if we go today. How about in a couple weeks? That should be enough time to get a good deal.” I could envision the wheels spinning in her practical mind.

I reached across the nightstand and grabbed my phone, hit speed dial, and waited for it to ring. Brody picked up on the second one. “Hey, it’s me.”

“Hey, bro. How’s Genevieve doing?” Brody yawned.

“She’s good. I need a favor.”

“What’s that?”

“We want to come visit, but we need a ride.”

“Visit here? Really? Hang on, let me locate the plane.” There was a whisper of movement and then a few clacks of a keyboard. “Looks like she’s in the hanger. Let me give the boss a call and let you know.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it. Talk soon.” I hung up and drained the coffee from my cup.

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