Page 31 of Love Letters Lost

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“Did you just call your brother for a ride? Like a car ride or a plane ride?” Her eyes were rounded in surprise.

“Yup. What’s the point of havin’ family with fancy toys if you don’t ask to use them now and again?” I chuckled at her slack jaw. I chucked her under the chin, then hopped out of bed and threw on the clothes I had planned to wear yesterday, packing when I was done.

“You’re confident he’ll come through.” She moved to watch me.

“He always does.” My phone rang at that moment, and I answered without saying hello.

“Ian’s having it fueled as we speak. His only caveat is dinner before the club. He wants to meet the woman who captured my little brother’s interest. Oh, and Fancy is already preparin’ the room for you guys. The plane should be landing at Trigger Regional in about two hours or so.”

“Thanks, Brody, we’ll be there.”

“See you this evening and bring an appetite.”

“Will do. See you then.” I hung up and grinned. “We have two hours to pack and get to Trigger Regional Airport. I suggest you hustle and get dressed.” I tossed a pair of black sweats at her.

It only took about an hour to get packed, eat some breakfast, and lockdown her gran’s house. We stopped at Kendra’s on the way out to check on her, and I was pleased to hear she had already talked to Trident’s therapist and set up a series of Telehealth sessions. She was more concerned about Jason than herself, and I made a mental note to discuss that with the therapist while we were in Tampa.

* * *

We settledinto the plush leather seats of the plane as it prepared for takeoff. Money had never been an issue for us as we grew up. Me, my brothers, and my sisters always had everything we needed and most things we wanted, though a plane was never one of them. I didn’t take these things for granted and would make sure to thank Ian at dinner.

“Do you travel this way often?” Genevieve asked as she tucked a blanket around her legs next to me.

“No, this is the first time.” I adjusted the airflow above us, so it wasn’t blasting her. “Brody is the one with all the toys, and now, I suppose, Brett has access to them, too, since he moved to Tampa and joined the ATF. He’s closer to Brody and his team than anyone else in the family.”

“Tell me about them. Your family.” Genevieve relaxed next to me and linked her arm with mine, gazing up at me with open interest on her face.

As we taxied onto the runway, I began to tell her about growing up in Texas on the ranch with three sisters and two brothers. I smiled as I told her about our yearly family get-togethers, about the generations that bloomed and filled the ranch house to the brim.

“You have name tags?” Her eyes were round.

“Yup, in the beginning, it was the only way new members of the family could keep track of who belonged with whom, and now, with so many faces many of us only see once a year, it helps.” I chuckled.

“I remember when I wished I had a big family.” She gazed out the small oval window to her right, a wistful expression on her face.

“Do you still wish for that?” Images of her, belly round with our third or fourth child, dressed in a flowing summer dress, name tag on her breast, laughing at the games the kids played at the ranch rolled through my mind. I held my breath waiting for her answer.

“I have gotten so used to being on my own and alone…” She paused. “I haven’t worried about anyone besides Gran for years that I guess I’d given up hope and accepted it a long time ago that it was just going to be me.” Her head turned to me, her eyes open, and dared I say, slightly hopeful. “But, yes, I do still want that.”

I exhaled my breath and wrapped an arm around her, snuggling her into my side as best I could with our seatbelts on. “That’s good.” I kissed the top of her head. “Try to get some sleep, pet.”

She lay her head against my shoulder, resting her hand on my chest as she closed her eyes. I shifted my hips, trying to relieve the pressure of my ever-stiff cock. She drifted to sleep, and her hand began to make small, almost petting motions, sending electricity through my body and straight to my loins. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and allowed my imagination to run wild.

Visions of a naked Genevieve kneeling before me, gazing up with those ocean-deep eyes, her dusk pink nipples stiff and begging to be suckled as she waited for instruction. A naked Genevieve tied spread eagle on a bed, nipple clamps in place while blindfolded, her slit weeping with anticipation and need. Another flash and she was shackled to a St. Andrews cross, her back and luscious ass red from my hand, my crop, and my flogger.

My left hand began to rub my straining cock, my heartbeat revving higher than the engines propelling us toward Tampa. Genevieve stirred next to me, and I froze with my eyes still closed, pretending to sleep.

“I know you’re awake,” her husky sleep voice whispered as her hand trailed down my stomach and settled next to mine. That slight touch had me almost exploding in my jeans right then and there. I opened my eyes and stared down at her, unsure what to say but not embarrassed about my body’s reaction. The top of her head greeted me as she watched her own hand slowly rub up and down my erection through my jeans. “This looks painful.”

I moved my hand, allowing her to explore at her own pace, biting my lip to hold off my impending explosion as long as possible. She brought her gaze back up to mine as she released the button, lowered the zipper, and freed my erection. My hips surged forward into her supple hand. “Yes, pet, it’s weepin’ for you.” I freed her hair from its low ponytail, wrapping the strands around my hand. I gently tugged on her hair to tilt her head until her eyes met mine. “Are you sure, pet? I don’t care for women who tease.”

She licked her lips, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “What happens to those who tease?”

“They get punished.” Her eyelids lowered, and excitement flared her nostrils. Desire pooled at my spine with every stroke of her hand. I wouldn’t last long if I allowed her to continue much longer. I grasped her chin with my other hand and leaned into her. “Is that what you want, pet, to be punished?”

Her hand stilled, uncertainty warring with desire in her eyes. “I don’t know, maybe,” she whispered.

I had to go slow. She may have agreed to go with me to try and learn about my lifestyle, but she was still scared. I unbuckled my seatbelt, then hers, and moved her onto my lap, settling her still covered luscious ass over my rock-hard cock. I leaned the seat back a bit and traced her lips with my fingers. “I am not in a mood to punish you right now, pet.” I was also done with words.

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