Page 7 of Mavericky

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He slows his laughing down, and I look to each of the men standing with him. They are all smiling, except for Finan who is watching me with rapt attention, like he is trying to get a read on me.

“No disrespect, Sheriff, but we all know that we will do a better job of making sure this cunt gets the justice he deserves,” Lennox says as he approaches us.

He stands with his brothers, and they all look to me.

“Leave this with us, Sheriff. You can just say that you couldn’t find him. We’ve got this,” Maverick calls, walking away.

“Do not fucking walk away from me, Maverick.” I go to step forward, but Calder and Travis step in front of me.

I eye them both and see determination looking back at me.

Knowing that I am not going to get within an inch of this fucker, I step back.

“Leave him to this, Sheriff. He needs to do this. Maverick is the one who finds all the shit on the cunts we hunt. When cases like this pop up, it is his time to vent and get all of his feelings out that he pushes down for the sake of the club,” Travis tells me.

“Nothing will come back on you, Cal,” comes from Jack.

Fuck. My stomach tightens.

I have to keep in mind that Maverick is younger than me, but I do know what he does within the club. He is the one who sees all the evidence before he hands the orders over to the guys; they do not see everything like Maverick does.

His mental health is important, and if catching this punk and giving him a beating will help, then who am I to step in the way.

“Fuck.” My hands go to my hips, as the weight of my decision builds. “You have to see this from where I am coming from. It is hard for me to walk away from someone who has done what he has done. I have people looking to me to find him,” I tell the three men.

The others have gone inside the building with Maverick.

“We know,” Jack replies, with his arms across his chest.

“We will plant something, putting him in a different state so the case gets passed on. That is all we can say, Sheriff,” Travis adds.

I nod and look to the building.

Without another word I leave, walking back to my patrol car. I slip inside, turn on the engine and leave with my chest tight and my stomach rolling from what the fuck I just did.

Never have I walked away from a case like this, but I have a deep-seated feeling that I can trust the club to do their job, whatever that fully entails because I do not think that they kill people.

Fuck, I need a drink.



My arms ache, and my fists hurt from throwing punch after punch at the punching bag that hangs from the ceiling of the home gym the guys and I made when we bought the warehouse and renovated it to make each of us an apartment. Except Jack, who bought a house for himself and Dom.

Now there is only me and Calder living here out of the men; the brothers who have found an Ol’ Lady have moved into their homes. Luna, Winnie, and Perri moved into the other apartments, along with Sebastian, who is Lee and Jules’s oldest boy.

The apartments will be kept in the family and passed onto generations, if and when needed.

Sweat drips down my back, soaking into the waistband of my shorts. My breathing is coming in heavy, harsh pants from the exercise, but I needed to hit something more than the fucking cunt from this afternoon.

He was not at the pub when we got there, and it took hours to find him, but we did, locked away in a motel drunk off his ass.

Even after we gave him the beating he deserved, I didn’t feel any better. The standoff I had with Cal has been replaying over and over in my head and it has put me in a shitty mood.

He knows what we can do, and the lengths we are willing to go to. When he left, Calder told me that I needed to set it up so that when the police look for a trail, it looks like the O’Malley fucker left Florida and was in New York, a location where it will be nearly impossible to find him.

We handed him over to the family members that were already here, and they will deal with him in a way that they see fit for the crime that he committed.
